The real mirror of online games

35, King of the Red

After leaving the demon world, Song Fei and others were not in a hurry to return to the human world, but waited for the arrival of the wind in the three worlds.

"Big boss, do you really believe in the wind? He is the split man. Remind Song Fei.

"First, he certainly doesn't know that the king of hell is fake." Wang Lin stretched out an index finger in front of him, and then stretched out another one. Second, even if you know, you should be on our side. It's a task on our side, and it's a general trend. That split is not destined to be a climate.

"Third," Song Fei said, "Who asked you to tell him all about this task, just let him take us to see the king of the underlew!"

"Shameless!" Everyone cursed again.

It wasn't long before the wind came and took everyone to the underworld. The entrance of the underworld was guarded, but when he saw the secret envoy token of the king of Dizang in Lafeng's hand, he immediately gave way with a smile on his face and let everyone in. Lafeng doesn't have the strength of Minghong. He can't tear up the space, so he can only take people to teleport from various cities.

Seinfeld is better. Others came to the underworld for the first time and felt very novel when they looked at this red, white and black tricolor world. Especially for a few girls, when they saw the beautiful mandala flowers, they couldn't suppress the impulse to pinch the flowers and ruined a calm flower bush. However, to their surprise, the originally red and snow-white mandala quickly dried up and turned black as soon as it came to their hands, and finally turned into a pile of black powder.

"What's going on?" Hua asked puzzledly.

A mysterious smile, "Look at your experience!"

"Experience? What does it have to do with our experience? Our experience, damn it, why do we lack hundreds of experience?

"The energy carried by hell creatures is exactly the opposite of human creatures. Once they meet, they will be neutral. If you enter here because of your soul after death, it's nothing, but this time you came in with your body because of the mission, it's naturally different. Your body is positive energy, and the mandala flower is negative energy. Once you meet, it will be neutral, unless you have a token to protect yourself given by one of the three kings of the underworld, just like this. Lafeng said, took out the secret envoy token of the king of Tibet and shook it in front of everyone.

"What's going on?" Tian Tian raised a mandala in her hand and asked.

"I don't understand this yet. You have so much positive energy that a mandala flower can't be completely combined. Finally, you burn yourself to ashes. This energy is reflected in the player's experience. A flower can consume about 20 points of experience.

Following the wind to the Yanluo Hall in Youdu, with the introduction of the wind, everyone also easily met the king of the Yanluo.

King Yanluo, like the emperor, sat on the throne, looking like he ignored the world. He squinted at Song Fei and waited, and said, "What's the matter with me?"

"Please step back. You can only say this matter to you." Song Fei's attitude when he saw the demon before. Although the king of Dizang is not here at this time, he can't guarantee that there are no spies of the king of Dizang among these people around the king of Yanluo.

When he heard Song Fei's words, he was first surprised. He didn't expect that he couldn't even know what Song Fei was going to say. However, when he saw the king of Yan Luo wave his hand, he had no choice but to withdraw from the Yanluo Hall.

"Please take a look at this letter first." After withdrawing left and right, Song Fei handed over the letter of the king of Tibet before the king of Yan could speak.

When he saw the letter from the king of Dizang, the king of Yan Luo was also stunned, but when he saw the content of the letter, his face became more and more ugly. However, with the special emblem that the king of Dizang could not imitate, the king of Yan Luo did not doubt the authenticity of the letter, but felt incredible about what was said in the letter. He did not think that he had been deceived by his powerful generals for 30 years!

"It's no wonder that the military movements in hell have been so frequent over the years!" After reading the letter, the king of Yanluo sighed.

"Lord Yanluo, can I make a small request?" Song Fei asked cautiously.

What are the requirements? Say it!"

"The man who just brought us here is working under the king of Tibet, but I don't think he knows about this matter. I hope you can open up and show mercy to him and other adventurers."

"Don't worry about this. As long as they can abandon the dark at that time, they will not only be free, but also meritorious!"

"Thank you!" After bowing his hand, Song Fei stepped aside and stopped talking.

Seeing that Song Fei and others had not yet left, the king of hell asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Song Fei's heart sank. You are so unkind. After finishing the task, you don't even mention the reward! You learn from other demons, and you see how bold they are!

"This, Lord Yan, do you see the reward for this mission?"

King of Yan's black face turned red, "I'm really embarrassed to talk about this reward. As you know, the money in the underworld can't be used in your yang, so I don't know what I can give you.

Damn, you're bullying me. I don't know what you have! Song Fei smiled and said, "We want a privilege to freely enter and exit the underworld. I don't know if Lord Yan can agree?"

King of hell was embarrassed when he heard the words and sighed, "It's not too much for you to have the privilege of freely enter and out of hell, but this matter has always been under the control of the king of Tibet, so you have to wait until the end of this matter and rescue the queen of Tibet to get the privilege."

Damn it, this old man is too stingy! That's all, he can still find an excuse not to give rewards! However, the words have been said. It's too faceless to change the reward at this time. Anyway, Song Fei can't do such a thing! Although I have no choice but to do so, I have to do this first. I hope to save the Queen of Tibet. This old man will not accept it again!

After leaving hell, Song Fei and others went to practice. Everyone else has reached level 45, but the letter has lost 80% of its experience because of using the skill of "one foot high, one foot high magic". After so many days, it still failed to rise to level 45, but it has reached 95%. They want to raise the letter to level 45 as soon as possible, because in a few days, Daming's second defensive battle will begin.

A few days later, the alphabet finally rose to level 45, and Daming's second defense of the city is about to begin. Speaking of Daming's first failure to defend the city, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse. Because of the setting of the system, the house will not be forcibly demolished by the system after the failure to defend the city. In the first city battle, the buildings in the city were almost intact except for some damage to the wall. Therefore, when the city was built for the second time, Daming did not need to rebuild the city, saving a lot of money.

After the failure to defend the city for the first time, Daming has been thinking about building the city for the second time. Because there is no protection of the resident token, a large number of monsters will be refreshed in the city. In order to protect the buildings of Canyang City from monsters, Daming organized a gang of players to patrol and kill monsters in the city in turn. Originally, if the Canyang City failed to defend the city, this place should belong to the monsters, but the blood-stained Canyang still dominates this place, making the monsters in this area furious, so the monsters around this area will spontaneously attack Canyang City every day.

The blood-stained gangster felt helpless. The monsters around them spontaneously attacked the city of Canyang every day. There was no unified time and command. As long as it was refreshed, they rushed to the city of Canyang, almost 24 hours without interruption, which was more difficult to deal with than when defending the city. In desperation, Daming had to organize people to take turns to rest online to ensure that there is a group of people who can deal with the impact of monsters online at any time.

Although the uninterrupted impact of these monsters gave Daming a headache, in a month, the blood-stained gangs have not only improved their combat literacy a lot, but also raised their average level by 5 levels! This result was unexpected by no one, which made Daming sometimes wake up with a smile when he dreamed.

The ancients said that "the blessing lies with misfortune, and the misfortune lies with the blessing". It seems not bad at all. It's really "the Saiong lost his horse, how can he know whether it is a blessing"!

Sitting in the gang hall of Canyang City for the third time, Song Fei sighed a lot. Thinking about the glory of sitting here for the first time and the loss of sitting here for the second time, Song Fei couldn't say what it was like in his heart. However, this time it is different, because there are much fewer people sitting here this time. Except for Song Fei and others, they are Daming, Feng, Dragon Soul, Li Ge and some blood-stained gangstained Yang. There are also some people that Song Fei doesn't know. After introduction, he knows that these people are elites who protect the country.

Through the last World War, Longhun and Daming fully realized that those gangs were unreliable. Although it would be difficult to defend the city only by the strength of the blood-stained remnant sun, it was still possible, but after adding those other gangs, they messed up the situation of the whole battlefield. Therefore, Daming did not accept the so-called "help" of those gangs this time, but planned to work alone. Dragon Soul made a lot of mistakes in the last command of defending the city. In order to apologize, this time he brought 10,000 people from defending the country, and this 10,000 are elite players above level 45.

"Brother Tianwang is really generous. A resident token is more than 10 million." Although the conflict between Song Fei and others and the blood-stained gangs has been resolved by the resident token, they still don't know what to say when they sit together this time, so the dragon soul first opened his mouth and broke the silence.

"Don't mention the money." Song Fei's tone seemed to be understated. This is not because he is generous, but because he knows that some people in the team can't let go of this. If the topic is put on this 10 million, it is likely to bring new contradictions, so he changed the topic. Master Daming, is it still called Canyang City this time?

"No, I have applied to the system. This city is called 'Fengdu City'!" Daming gritted his teeth and said.