The real mirror of online games

34, the entrance to the demon world

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was very surprised. Is the demon world like this? That's why we asked together, "Is this the demon world?"

"No, this is not the demon world yet." The letter explained that after all, he has been to the demon world.

"Isn't it the demon world? So where is this?" Song Fei asked in surprise.

The letter shook its head and turned its eyes to the spirit. The last time Mingpo took the three of them to transfer to the demon clan, it was directly used space transmission and did not leave here at all, so he didn't know where it was. But he has been to the demon world, and the style here is very different from the demon world, so he knows that this is not the demon world.

"This is the Three Worlds Channel." Seeing the eyes of everyone asking, he opened his mouth and explained, "It's also a three-indifferent location. The three worlds of human world, demon world and underworld are originally connected, but because of their purpose or their own attributes, the residents of the three worlds are very different, so they are divided into the three worlds. After the three worlds formed, because of some transactions, they could not be completely separated, so they jointly created this channel, but no matter which side guarded the channel, they could not get the trust of the other two parties. In the end, we can only give up the management of the channel and withdraw to the entrance of each boundary to guard it. Naturally, this place has become a three-indifferent area.

"Because the three worlds have their own monarchy, they naturally formed their own political system. Some residents can't stand the constraints of that political system and gradually begin to emigrate here. For thousands of years, the three-world channel has formed today's pattern, which is chaotic and disorderly.

"Chaos? Disorderly? No! I think it's good here!" He said doubtfully.

Mingpo shook his head. Before he could speak, a war broke out not far away.

At the beginning of the dispute, there was a stall undead and a wolf buying things. I don't know whether it was because of the price or the quality of the goods. Anyway, there was a quarrel between the two sides. As the quarrel between the two sides became more and more fierce, many undead gathered and stood on the side of the stall to deal with the wolf. When the wolf saw that there were many people on the other side, he did not dare to take action rashly and could only swallow his anger.

Seeing that there were more people bullying less, I couldn't stand the silence. I pulled out my sword and wanted to help, but I was pulled.

"Is it just you who still want to fight for peace? Looking for death!" Mingpo put down a cold sentence, leaving the inexplicable Song Fei and others stunned there and turned around and left.

At the moment when Song Fei and others were in a daze, the conflict between the two sides had escalated, and the wolf side also came to help several animals. The number of individuals on both sides is not much different, and the battle broke out without any suspense. As soon as the two sides took action, Song Fei and others were shocked again. All kinds of fantasy and unknown skills took action at the same time. All kinds of light and shadow effects and bursts of roar surprised everyone. The empty skills fell on the surrounding buildings, and large and small gravel scattered dozens of meters away, and some almost hit them.

Looking at the large number of unknown skills and powerful skill effects displayed by the two sides of the battle, everyone looked at me and looked at you. They all chose to retreat rationally, but at the same time, they were surprised. I didn't expect these guys to be so strong! However, if you think about it, your strength can be seen that these guys can oppose the rule of the strongest forces in their respective world and come here and survive safely here!

The battle between the two sides affected more people, so more people participated in the battle, and the battlefield nearly doubled for a time. Before long, the battlefield situation changed again, and all the fighting creatures actually stopped at the same time. Regardless of the grudges of others and their own injuries, the street restored the previous peace. The stalls returned to their stalls and shouted, although their stalls had been blown up; the pedestrians gathered in front of the stalls and began to bargain, although there was no product on the stall.

Song Fei and others looked at this inexplicable scene and turned to chase the soul.

"Have you seen enough? Is it interesting?" Mingpo saw Song Fei and others catch up with him and smiled mysteriously.

"Since this place is so messy, why do they still stay here?" Silence was the first to ask everyone's questions.

"It's very simple, because there is no rule here. Without rule, there is no oppression, without domination, there is no desire to pursue power, and there is no greed, so the people here are the most real manifestations of joy and anger.

"No greed? Then why do they still set up stalls to sell things? Silently asked.

"It's just a form." Mingpo said lightly. With so many people getting together, do you have to do something? Did you make them stare at others like this?

"In this case, how can they fight?"

"The battle is only to prove their existence."

"Then why did they stop inexplicably?"

Mingpo smiled and said, "They have been here for hundreds of years, some of which have been thousands of years, and it is rare to see a few new people. The first time newcomers come here, they will use this method to fool the newcomers. If people who don't know love go up to fight for peace, I don't have to say the consequences, right?" Mingpo laughed as he spoke.

Song Fei and others have a black line. These old monsters are really boring!

"If they fight like this, won't they be killed?" He suddenly asked.

"Yes, but even if they are killed, they are still willing to stay here." Speaking of this, Mingpo pointed to the undead who had just started the dispute. "He was originally a human being and was later killed in a battle, but he still chose to stay here and did not reincarnated. It has been a hundred years now."

Following the soul all the way to the entrance of the demon world, the two powerful and strange statues immediately attracted everyone's attention. The two statues are more than ten meters high, one on the left and one on the right. On the left is a bull-headed monster with round eyes and an angry expression. He holds six weapons in his hands, one knife, one axe, one stick, one shot and one whip; on the right is a golden lion, six or seven meters high on the ground. Although there are no weapons, his sharp claws and sharp teeth are more than one foot long. In the middle of the two statues is the boundary gate of purple and red light flowing, and through here is the demon world.

Seeing the gate of the demon world, silence immediately rushed over excitedly, but as soon as he ran ten meters in front of the gate, he was scared by a rough roar.

"Foreigners are not allowed to enter the land of the demon world!" The bullhead waved six weapons in his hand and stood in front of silence.

"Damn it! Alive!" The silence screamed and retreated again.

Originally, everyone thought it was strange, but there were too many statues seen today! There is a statue in the hall, which can also be said to be the respect of the subjects for the monarch. Why are there two statues at this gate? Is it just to look majestic? Now it seems that this statue is just a disguise. They are actually guards.

"I brought them." Mingpo came forward and said.

"Lord Magic!" The bullhead bowed deeply to Minglu, "You know, foreigners can't enter the demon world without permission. Please don't embarrass us."

"This is a big deal! And I'm also going to take them to see the demon master. I'll take care of anything!"

Yes! Please, my lord!" The bullhead said and retreated, and the lion had never moved. It seemed to be just a hitter.

Through the boundary gate, he entered the demon world. The style in front of us has changed again, and the gray sky has turned into this red, but the flowers and plants are bright red and green, and the surrounding architectural style is also obviously different from the human world. The inhabitants of the demon world are similar to human beings, but there is a clear layer of evil on their faces, and they are mostly dressed in purple.

After passing through the boundary gate, Mingpo once again used space to tear and take everyone directly to the magic capital. The towering and majestic architectural complex of the Magic Palace far exceeds that of the Forbidden City. The guards lined up in front of the palace are clear and look very shocking. The neat guards of the front team of the magic palace patrolled, and the people who entered and exited the magic palace were strictly investigated. Of course, with the spirit to lead the way, Song Fei and others easily entered the magic palace.

When he came to the hall of the Magic Palace, the Demon Lord seemed to have received a notice for a long time and was already waiting here. In addition to the demon, eight demon generals and thirteen demons are also here.

"Is it that you have something confidential to report to me?" Seeing Song Fei and others enter the hall, the demon lord couldn't wait to open his mouth.

"Exact!" Song Fei bowed his hand, looked left and right, and then said, "Please retreat from the left and right. I can only tell you about this matter."

"It's like an ant, but it's so rampant!" A demon general will be angry immediately when he hears Song Fei's words.

As soon as the demon lord raised his hand and waved out, the eight demon generals, thirteen demons and spirits all withdrew from the hall.

"Can you say it now?" The demon looked at Song Fei and asked.

"Please read this letter first." With that, Song Fei handed over the letter from the King of Earth.

As soon as he started the letter, the demon master frowned and had a little luck, and a magic came out of his hand. The letter of the king of Dizang sensed the magic input by the demon, and suddenly a layer of golden light appeared, and then a golden word "cang" suspended in the air.

"King of Tibet?" The demon master was stunned. I haven't had contact with the King of Dizang for many years. What's the matter with him?

"After reading the letter, the devil naturally understood."

The demon master stopped asking more questions. After opening the letter, he read it carefully. The expression on his face was uncertain. In the end, he frowned deeply.

After reading the letter, Mo Zun nodded slightly, "I know about this. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Song Fei was overjoyed, and the demon was really happy. Now that he has made it clear, there is no need to beat around the bush, so he said, "We want a privilege to enter and leave the demon world."

"Oh?" The demon's expression changed, "You are really a smart person! OK, I will give you a privilege to enter and leave the demon world! You all come in!"

In a word, the voice of the demon master was not loud, but the demon generals and envoys waiting outside heard it. Of course, they definitely can't hear the previous conversation, otherwise the secret will be leaked.

"Mingpo, go and give each of them a privilege to enter and leave the demon world, and then send them out of the demon world." After saying that, the demon turned to Song Fei and others. Although you have been given privileges, don't come to the demon world before level 50, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can leave alive!"

"Yes, thank you for reminding me!" Everyone bowed together, turned around and went out with Ming.