The real mirror of online games

37, the team disbanded

The phone showed that it was a number that Song Fei had never seen before. After connecting, a strange voice came from it.

"Hello, is this Mr. Seinfeld?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm from a travel company. First of all, I apologize to you." The man opposite was affirmed by Song Fei and apologized first, which made him puzzled, but the next words made him unable to believe it. Your parents had a car accident, and we hope you can come to our company to deal with the aftermath.

The news was like thunder, which left Song Fei on the spot and hung up the phone for a long time. After reacting, Song Fei rushed out of his room at the first time and rushed home without calling Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin.

The car accident was a complete accident. The tourist bus encountered a landslide while passing through a mountain road. The bus was washed down the cliff and all the people were killed. The aftermath went well. There was no conflict with travel companies and insurance companies. In fact, Song Fei was not in that mood. While other family members were still having trouble with the travel company, Song Fei had already taken his parents' bodies home for burial. He knows that people are dead. What's the point of fighting?

Song Fei's family has been passed down from generation to generation, and there are almost no relatives in his father's generation. His grandparents have already passed away. For so many years, Song Fei has only lived with his parents. Now that his parents have suddenly passed away, a happy family suddenly broke up. Even if Song Fei has a strong psychological ability, he can't accept it for a while.

Because there were no relatives, the funeral of the parents was extremely simple, but under the help of the neighbors, they went through a few simple procedures and were buried hastily. After the burial of his parents, Song Fei stayed at home alone and didn't want to do anything. Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin called him but he didn't answer the phone, which made the two brothers very nervous and rushed home to see his situation.

—————————————————Division line————————————

At the headquarters of Fengyun Gang, Fengyun is distracted with a document. This document was sent by the man in black two months ago and recorded the details of Seinfeld.

Tianwang Si, real name Song Fei, 26 years old, a rural person in H Province, graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of D City University of Technology. Smart mind, quick thinking, excellent academic performance since childhood. Father Song Dexiong runs a small printing factory at home with assets of about two million, so he has no worries about food and drink. Although he has been a clerk in the world for more than a year, he has never paid attention to that job. This person is lazy and easy to deal with. He is not too demanding on most things, but he has a more serious side in his personality. Once he recognizes something, he must fight for a result. Once he competes with others, he will try his best to either defeat the other party or completely fail.

Current level 38, professional warrior, equipment...

Looking at this detailed information, Fengyun suddenly felt that what he had done was a little excessive. Originally, a happy and harmonious family was destroyed by his temporary hatred. If it was himself, how should he face all this? Maybe Song Fei still doesn't know the truth of this matter. What would he do if he knew? Suddenly, Fengyun raised his head and glared at Xiong Ba.

"Did you do this?"

"Brother, you should know me. Although I'm impulsive, I still won't kill people, and there are so many people at a time!"

"So that's really an accident?" Hearing Xiongba's explanation, the anger in Fengyun's eyes gradually restrained. Think about it, what my brother said is also the truth.

"I can't guarantee this, but I can guarantee that I must not have done this!" Seeing that Fengyun was about to be angry again, Xiongba quickly explained, "No one can do such a big thing as a landslide, right?"

"People like Tianwangsi must have been supported by their families in reality if they can develop to this point in the game." The world also stood up to relieve the hegemony. Therefore, our original plan was to get rid of his job first, and then use our strength to bankrupt their printing house. Who knew that the old man was so bold and decisively sold the factory! But this incident has helped us a lot, don't you think so, brother? What else can he do to be arrogant this time!"

"All right." Fengyun shook his head with his eyes closed. Second, third, that's all for this matter. Don't have any conflicts with him in the future.

"Just let him go like this? Isn't it too cheap for him?" Xiong Ba is still unwilling to let Song Fei go.

"Brother, you are always so indecisive." The world also said. Even if Tianwang Si doesn't know that we did those things, will he take a detour when he sees the people of our Fengyun Gang? Will our gang let him go when they see him?

"Hey!" Fengyun sighed and stopped talking.

—————————————————Division line————————————

After staying at home for a few days, Song Fei returned to his home rented with Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin in D City. The sudden death of his parents hit him hard. He needs to do something to replace the pain in his heart. Now, the best thing is to play games. However, as soon as Song Fei entered the game, he received another system prompt that he could not accept.

"System Tip: Your 'Heavenly Team' has been disbanded."

Is the team disbanded? When did this happen? Why didn't the eldest brother tell me? How much effort and energy have been put into the team that has been painstakingly built? Is it easy for the team to get to this stage? Why did it suddenly disband, and it was at this time! What is this going to do? Is it God's punishment for me? God, where did I offend you?

Originally, Song Fei thought that although his parents were suddenly gone, a group of brothers he knew in the game were still there and could play games with his brothers. Now that he is in his lowest mood, he needs the comfort of such a group of brothers, but he didn't expect that suddenly a group of brothers would be gone! Standing by the blood pool, Song Fei roared and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on? What's wrong with the team? As soon as he saw Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin coming home from work, Song Fei immediately rushed up and roared.

"Second, calm down!" Seeing that Song Fei's emotions were out of control, Zhang Xudong gave an order.

Song Fei's eyes were blank and sat on the sofa in a daze. After a while, he actually hugged his head and cried. When his parents were buried, Song Fei did not cry, but looked at the coffin in a daze. After the burial, he stood in front of the grave for a few days. The neighbors looked at Song Fei and said with tears that the child was stupid. Since then, Song Fei has been suppressing his emotions. He doesn't know why he did that, but he just doesn't want to cry. Now, the team he has worked hard to build has also been disbanded. Teach him how to face it? Under the double blow of the two worlds of reality and game, this person who didn't care about anything finally cried.

Seeing that Song Fei's mood slowly calmed down, Zhang Xudong told him the reason for the team's dissolution.

The most fundamental reason for the dissolution of the team is gloomy. At the beginning, he said that he liked Ruier, but in fact, he liked flowers. But Hua Yixin liked the first sight and had such a hot temper. She was afraid that she would be frustrated and didn't dare to confess directly. Later, an unknown friend gave him advice and asked him to go after Rui'er. With a cold look, Ruier will definitely not accept him. Looking at him repeatedly hitting the wall, Hua will definitely feel very happy and slowly have a good impression of the gloomy. When the gloomy is completely rejected by Ruier, he turns his goal to Hua. Because of sympathy and such a long favor, maybe Hua will accept gloomy.

Who knows that things are not as they think. Rui'er's personality is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and her true thoughts in her heart are not always as cold as on the outside. Such a long period of gloomy and unremitting pursuit really moved her and made her have a good impression on him. At this time, the gam gradually began to control it. After chasing Ruier for so long, he felt that he really liked Ruier a little, but in his heart, he told himself that his goal was flowers. Therefore, he is very contradictory. In the face of such chaotic emotional fetters, he finally couldn't stand it. A few days ago, he told his inner thoughts to Hua and Ruier.

Rui'er was originally in a fair competition with Hua for the first time, but now she has a good impression on her and is planning to accept him and give her first meeting to Hua. Who knew that at this time, Huanran actually said such an idea. Hua and Ruier could not accept it for a while and left one after another, and then left at the first meeting. Seeing that things had become like this, he was ashamed to stay in the team and planned to leave. The pretentiousness and beauty were together with the grimness. He left, and naturally the two people also left. The relationship between the three people and this group of people is not deep. They stay with them just to play games with more people. Now that the team is torn apart, they are not in the mood to stay here anymore and leave together.

Tian Tian originally planned to wait for Song Fei to meet him before deciding to stay, but for some reason, Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin also left the day after returning from Song Fei's house. As soon as Tian Tian left, silence naturally followed. The system stipulates that the minimum requirement for the team is five members, but once Tian Tian and Silence leave, there are only four people left in the Tianxing team, and the system naturally determines that the team is disbanded.

"When we went home a few days ago, we just wanted to talk to you about the team." After speaking, Zhang Xudong continued. But if you don't answer your call, we will know something has happened. When I got home and saw that something like that happened, I didn't tell you at that time.

Looking at Song Fei lying on the sofa and looking straight at the ceiling, Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin didn't know what to say. The three brothers were stunned together. Suddenly, Song Fei jumped up from the sofa.

"Go, brother, Linzi, go for a drink!"

"Ah?" Before Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin could react, they had been pulled out by Song Fei. They didn't even have time to lock the door, but just closed it and left.

The weather in October is still sultry, but the coolness of late autumn has oozed out one morning and one night. The three brothers found a roadside stall, ate kebabs and drank draft beer, and suddenly laughed and cried. Every time they attracted roadside pedestrians to look back and stop, they tossed until after twelve o'clock before they supported each other back home.