The real mirror of online games

Thirty-eight, the capital of evil

Only those who have really been drunk know the pain after the hangover. When he woke up the next day, Song Fei had a splitting headache. Although he was not feeling well, Song Fei's mood seemed to suddenly recover. He got up early in the morning and told the two brothers the process of losing his job with a smile.

It was another weekend, and the three brothers entered the game, and only Luo Ying was at home. Looking at the empty house, the three brothers felt quite desolate. After entering the game, Seinfeld did not contact others. He knew that this was the end of the matter, and it was useless to say anything. The team could not be reorganized again, so he had to form a team of four to practice. After killing for a while, Wang Lin suddenly received a phone call.

"Second brother, there is a task. Are you interested in doing it?" After hanging up the phone, Wang Lin said mysteriously to Song Fei.

"Mission? What mission?" Song Fei asked doubtfully.


"Murder?" Song Fei's eyes were shining.

He has been acting with everyone for such a long time and has been participating in a large-scale front-on battle. After turning into a killer, he has never really assassinated anyone. How can Song Fei not be moved when it comes to killing?

"What kind of person to kill?" Although he is excited, Song Fei is not a person who loses his mind when he is excited.

"A doctor, currently level 42." Wang Lin explained.

Level 42? So low? Is there any special ability? Song Fei and others were originally abnormal beings, but now they have reached level 46 after the defense of Xinfeng Capital. There is no suspense that four 46-level people and four 50-level pets to kill a 42-level doctor. Generally speaking, Wang Lin should not take on such a task. It's not difficult at all! Unless this doctor has special skills.

"This task is just the beginning." Wang Lin understood what he was worried about as soon as he heard Song Fei's words. Use this task to test how we can cooperate with such a task. If you can pick up more difficult ones, you can make more money.

Sing Fei nodded. After all, he had never done a similar task before, so he had to take his time. As for making money, he really doesn't pay attention to it. For such tasks, he generally doesn't give much money. After all, players only lose 20% of their experience once they die. That little money is far from the income of a restaurant!

The phone call Wang Lin just answered is the target information provided by the other party. There is no need to leave a name for this kind of thing, just leave a phone number. This is convenient. You don't need to know the name of the other party. As long as you know the phone number, you can contact each other. Therefore, the two parties who publish the task and receive the task only need to leave a phone number. Of course, you don't have to worry about task rewards. This kind of task is not directly released by the player, but the player gives the task to an agent of the system. When releasing the task, the player must first mortgage the remuneration to the agent and then pay a certain handling fee. If a player completes the assassination mission and hand in a copy of a piece of equipment on the target designated by the task publisher, he can receive the reward from the agent.

According to the information given by the mission publisher, the prey was wandering alone in Pingchuan Town at this time. Pingchuan Town is a small town near Qinglong City. Because the level of the surrounding monsters is too low, few players have practiced here now. Therefore, three of the only five patrol NPCs in the town have also been drawn away, leaving only two to fill their faces there. Such a small town without players and NPCs is really suitable for carrying out assassination missions.

When he came to Pingchuan Town, Wang Lin soon found the target. The boy seemed to be waiting for someone and was wandering around the town. After observing the surrounding environment, he found that there were no NPC guards and not many pedestrians. Song Fei immediately entered the stealth state and slowly walked towards the target. Luo Ying also followed him invisibility.

It is not difficult to deal with such a small role at all. Sein Fei's left dagger stabbed in the back and right dagger hit the kidney. The two skills were played at the same time, and the boy was sent into a state of vertigo. The critical strike of the back stab, the effect of the talent skill stab, and the gap between the class and the level, Song Fei killed two-thirds of the opponent's blood with only one blow, and added a key attack to cut the opponent's throat.

With three moves, the doctor had returned to the living hall before he recovered from his dizziness. After dragging the mission certificate from the body, the four of Seinfeld immediately fled the scene.

"What should I do next?" After returning to Qinglong City, Song Fei asked Wang Lin.

"Of course I'm going to hand in the task."

"Where to hand it in?"

"The Capital of Evil!"

Evil is a city established by a hidden force. Although it is recognized by the system, it is not ruled by the phantom dynasty, but by that force rules the city. This force is extremely hidden, and the management of internal personnel is self-contained. Take the evil capital as an example, there are many shops in the city, but they are not run by people within the power. They only charge protection fees, and the NPCs patrol are not people within the power, but the thimists they hired for money. No one knows who the real city manager is. Therefore, no one knows who the leader of this force is, who is inside, and whether there are other cities under it.

Of course, for players, the most special thing about the evil capital is not here. Its most special thing is business. In the evil capital, players can release their own missions. There are a variety of tasks here, and the most special one is the assassination mission. For assassination tasks, they are generally not released clearly, but directly talk to the killer, but it's different here. You can release tasks at a clearly marked price. The remuneration for the task is completely determined by the publisher himself. The agent does not care about the remuneration or whether someone takes over the task or not. As long as you publish the task, a fixed handling fee will be charged, and the handling fee is calculated on a day-by-day basis. For example, you submit an assassination task for three days, and then pay a three-day handling fee, and then the agent will release your task. If someone takes over the task within three days, the task will be deleted. If no one picks up, it will also be deleted every three days.

In addition, the equipment trading here is also a major feature. Most players are killed and more or less will burst out something, of which is the most equipment, because the outbreak rate of equipment worn on their bodies is the highest. It doesn't matter if you are an ordinary player, but if you are killed by a very powerful person and the characteristic equipment on his body, then who dares to buy this equipment? But in the city of evil, there are special places to collect this kind of equipment. Of course, the price will be lowered, but it is also fair, much more than throwing system stores.

It's also strange to say that those powerful gang bosses or cow * forced characters outside are as honest as chickens when they arrive here, and they don't even dare to speak loudly. If they are killed and burst out their beloved equipment, they can only buy it here at a high price.

Based on the above two points, the evil capital has developed its own characteristic industry - an integrated industrial chain of assassination and sale of stolen goods. All kinds of assassination missions can be released here. Among the targets of the assassination are civilians, businessmen and even the court and the five sects; all kinds of stolen goods are traded here, whether stolen or robbed, and even tributes from the imperial court have appeared.

Over a long period of time, the business here has been further expanded, and all kinds of transactions that cannot be put on the table have appeared here, such as intelligence transactions, population trading, casinos, brothels, etc. Since then, this place has become a completely evil capital. Those Jiangyang thieves who killed, set fire, stole or robbed things outside were taken here to sell their stolen goods. After getting the money, they spent a lot of wine here until they were spent. Slowly, the name of the city has been called the "city of evil".

Although the capital of evil is so unique, these did not surprise Song Fei. What really makes him feel incredible is that the whole city is built underground, and it is actually under Huanglin City! Who can imagine that there is another force hidden under Huang Lincheng, the power center and political subject of the whole phantom dynasty? Who would have thought that there was such a chaotic and dirty place hidden under the place where the emperor was heavy and ruled? Maybe, this is called "black under the light"!

Following Wang Lin into the cave of a small hill outside Huanglin City, he walked in the dark for a while, and finally a light appeared in front of him. Rows of torches are inserted on the walls of the cave on both sides. Although the light is dim, the road can be seen clearly. Along the way, Song Fei felt that he was in a circle, but the overall trend was downward. After a long journey, he finally heard the noise. The end of the cave was full of light, and out of the mouth of the cave, there was a bright light, and the noise was endless. After adapting to the dizziness brought by the strong light, Song Fei found that a big city comparable to Huanglin City suddenly appeared in front of him, but the city had no walls. The top of the cave can't be seen. There are various buildings in the cave, and the noisy flow of people shuttles back and forth between the shops.

Walking on the street of the capital of evil, Song Fei only felt very harmonious, yes, it was harmony! Although the streets are bustling and noisy, they all consciously abide by some kind of order. The people entering and leaving the store were neatly lined up. Although they complained, there was no one who jumped the queue. The roadside stalls were full of buyers, but both buyers and sellers smiled and spoke politely. Although the hurried pedestrians occasionally collided, they did not clash, but politely said, "Yes? "What's more, he bowed to the other party.

Seeing all this in front of him, Song Fei was very surprised. It's hard to imagine that the chaotic evil city would look like such a great governance!

"How's it going, second brother? Isn't it good here? Wang Lin looked at Song Fei playfully.

"How did you find this kind of place?" Song Fei nodded and asked.

"Where can I find it! It was introduced by the wind!"


"There is such a place in the game. How can you not be interested in the wind and grass? So they have sent people to enter here a long time ago, but no matter how hard the people they send, they can't enter the organization. Wang Lin shook his head and said. A few days ago, the team disbanded. I asked Feng for a task, and he introduced me here.


Wang Lin said and walked into a roadside store. Following Wang Lin into the store, there are all kinds of equipment and some special items on the shelves. After casually turning over, Song Fei found that these equipment were actually top-quality blue equipment, and some were still the best!

"Boss, how much is this?" Song Fei pointed to a superb dagger and asked.

"This is not for sale!"