The real mirror of online games

28, intelligent Shennong Ding

After leaving the underworld, Song Fei's first stop came to the ghost altar. Although Wannian Shenmu is precious, it is just a relatively rare material in the altar. Although it is used a little less, there is also a lot of inventory. Therefore, the people in the altar did not pay much attention to it. They just put them in the warehouse where rare materials are stored and sent several ordinary disciples to guard them. How can such a lax alert prevent Seinfeld? Therefore, Song Fei easily obtained a sufficient number of ten-thousand-year divine wood, and then left the altar safely.

After leaving the altar, Song Fei turned to Shennong Hall.

Shennong Ding is different from Wannian Shenmu, because it is the treasure of Shennongtang. The guarding will never be as lax as Wannian Shenmu. There will be at least two master guards with strong ability to detect stealth. The method is obviously not suitable, so Song Fei's method is intelligent. First of all, he publicly visited Shennong Hall as Wang Er.

"Is it Master Tian who asked you to come here?" After reading Song Fei's letter of introduction, the head of Shennong Hall looked at him and asked.

The head of Shennong Hall is named Liu Piaoxu. Although she is over 60 years old, she looks like a girl in her twenties. Most of the Shennong Hall are female disciples, and the head has always been women. As the head, of course, you have to receive special treatment, that is, a set of special skills to protect your face forever. This set of skills combines the doctor's medicine and the wizard's curse. The secret of maintaining the face is to use a large number of advanced medicinal materials to keep the body from aging, and at the same time use the spell of cursing to lock the soul so that the soul cannot age.

It is precisely because of this set of skills that can protect their appearance forever that young women joined the Shennong Hall and fought to become the leader.

But this set of skills also has two major drawbacks:

Base one, you must be a virgin to practice this skill.

Because most of the older women are married and have children, they can no longer practice this skill, and this skill can only preserve the face of the practitioner at that time, but they cannot return to their youth. Therefore, it is useless for elderly women to practice again. Therefore, when Shennongtang chooses the leader, they are all selected among young unmarried female disciples. However, after being elected as the leader, the woman can keep her face but get married and have children, and can only be lonely all her life until her death. Since then, a very absurd circle has been formed: a woman keeps her appearance in order to attract men, but she can't be with her beloved man after her appearance, so what's the point of what she has done?

Base 2, it is necessary to consume a large number of advanced medicinal materials to preserve the face.

When a person is the head, as the head, the sect will naturally supply these herbs, but one day, when she is no longer the head, the sect will never provide her with these herbs. At that time, she must stop practicing this skill. However, this skill is not as bright on the surface, and it still has an unknown side. Once practitioners stop practicing, they will quickly grow old, and as a punishment against the sky, they often age to the extent that they are older than their actual age. That is to say, if a leader abdicates at the age of 60 and stops practicing this skill, she will quickly age and become an 80-year-old woman in a few days. Only the leaders of the past are aware of the sufferings.

"Exactly." Song Fei answered calmly.

"What did Master Tian send you here?" Liu Piaoxu asked.

Song Fei looked up at the disciples of Shennongtang beside him and smiled and said no. Liu Piaoxu was understanding and gestured to drive out the disciples in the hall before asking, "Can you say it now?"

"Zhangtian asked me to borrow something from Liu Zhangmen."

"Borrow something? What is it?

" Shennong Ding!"

The head of the Tianshan School, surnamed Tian, is Tian Zhengfeng, and he is already over 70 years old. Thirty years ago, in the battle on the top of Mount Tai, dozens of top masters of the Tianshan School were all killed, so Tian Zhengfeng, who was mediocre, had the opportunity to become the leader. After becoming the leader, he was hindered by many trivial matters, and Tian Zhengfeng had no time to practice, so in the past 30 years, he has lagged far behind the other five brothers. In order to catch up with the five brothers as soon as possible, he decided to refine an elixir with the petals of Tianshan Snow Lotus and other auxiliary medicinal materials to refine a strong improvement of cultivation. Of course, the best choice for the medicine furnace is Shennong Tripod.

"Bold Wang II, do you know that the Shennong Ding is the treasure of my Shennong Hall. I'm really tired of living to cheat Shennong Ding!" Liu Piaoxu was furious.

"Why did Liu Zhangmen conclude that he was here to deceive Ding?" Song Fei asked rhetorical.

"One, Shennong Ding sent this treasure to Shennong Town and never borrowed it. The head of the field should know this; second, even if the head of the field wants to borrow it, he will not send you as an adventurer. There are a large number of senior disciples in the Tianshan School, and their strength and credibility are higher than those of you adventurers. Such an important task Will he send you as an adventurer? Liu Piaoxu looked at Song Fei sarcastically, and his eyes seemed to say: How about it? Did I see through it? Let's see what else you have to say!

Song Fei smiled faintly, "One of course, Tian Zhangmen knows that Shennong Ding is the treasure of Shennongtang. Not only Tian Zhangmen knows it, but also the whole phantom dynasty knows it, so he sent me here in order not to let others know about it. Second, the matter of borrowing the tripod was personally sought by Tian Zhangmen, which had nothing to do with the Tianshan faction, so it was inconvenient for him to send disciples from the sect. Third, although the reputation of our adventurers is not high, Shennongding is useless to us. Defrauding it will only attract the pursuit of Shennongtang. Relatively speaking, the reward for completing the task is more practical. Fourth, the letter of introduction was written by Tian Zhangmen, and some of them cannot be imitated. Can't Liu Zhangmen see this?"

The four points that Song Fei said are reasonable, and Tian Zhengfeng has revealed some information to her in vague language in his letter, so Liu Piaoxu can't believe it. There is only one thing about this, but it has been vaguely brought by Song Fei. This task was indeed released by Tian Zhengfeng, but it was not given to Song Fei, but to another player. He bought the task from that player at a large price.

After listening to Song Fei's explanation, Liu Piaoxu was not in a hurry to express his position. He still stared at Song Fei with suspicion for a long time. It was not until he felt that he was not guilty at all before he opened his mouth and smiled.

"When will the remuneration promised in Tian Zhangmen's letter be delivered?"

"If I can take Shennong Ding back today, I will send 20% of the deposit tomorrow, and the rest will be brought together on the day of returning the tripod." Song Fei's face still does not change his color and his heart does not beat.

"What? Take the tripod away today?" For a moment, Liu Piaoxu was a little panicked.

"Why, Liu Zhangmen is worried about Tian Zhangmen being lazy?" Song Fei smiled faintly. If I don't send the deposit tomorrow, Liu Zhangmen can personally send it back to Shennong Ding.

"Yes! I'll wait here."

After saying that, Liu Piaoxu walked out of the hall and came back half an hour later. After coming back, he gave Seinfeld a small 30-centimeter-high golden medicine stove. Song Fei was puzzled for a while. After checking the attributes, he knew that this was Shennong Ding! Originally imagined that the bronze tripod, which was more than one meter high and weighed nearly hundreds, was so small, which was too different from the description in the previous game. What a trap!

Taking Shennong Ding away from Shennong Hall, Song Fei came to a restaurant in Fengdu City. After entering the private room of the restaurant, Song Fei removed his face and destroyed the ID card "Wang Er" and the mobile phone bound to it. After changing into an assassin's equipment, he changed and appeared on the streets of Fengdu City under the name of "Zhang San". In the next two days, everything was calm, but on the third day, Liu Piaoxu finally couldn't sit still.

Liu Piaoxu, who was expecting to get the deposit the next day, waited anxiously in the sect for a day and did not see the knight named "Wang Er" come to send her a deposit. This day made her very anxious. Although she was in a hurry, she still found a good excuse for Wang Er. He is an adventurer and may have something to do in his own world. So she waited another day on the third day.

After the third day, there was still no news from Wang Er, and Liu Piaoxu finally couldn't sit still. In order to be cautious, she first sent a disciple to send a letter to Tian Zhengfeng, which implicitly expressed that she had given Shennong Ding to the people sent by Tian Zhengfeng and hoped that he would give the promised deposit to the disciple she sent back.

Tian Zhengfeng has also been in the position of leader for 30 years. As soon as he read the content of the letter, he understood the meaning of Liu Pianxu, but there was a trace of doubt. She handed over Shennong Ding to the person I sent. Why didn't that person come back to hand in the task? Besides, when did I promise her a deposit? Instinctively felt that things were a little strange, Tian Zhengfeng immediately returned a letter to Liu Piaoxu, affirmed his doubts in the letter, and then immediately found the player who took the task. When asked, Tian Zhengfeng panicked even more. The player sold such an important task without telling him, and now he can't find that person. How can he not be anxious?

On the other hand, Liu Piaoxu was shocked when he received Tian Zhengfeng's letter. How did things turn out like this? What's the use of an adventurer taking away the Shennong Ding? And for such an adventure as Wang Er, does he dare to hide the Shennong Ding? Therefore, Liu Piao concluded that Shennong Ding had arrived at Tian Zhengfeng's hands. This old man not only didn't want to pay, but also wanted to hack her town treasure! Now Wang Er can't be found. It is likely that Tian Zhengfeng has used some means to completely leave the world. Whether he was a coercion or a lure, as soon as Wang Er left, no one knew the whereabouts of Shennong Ding! Suddenly, Liu Piaoxu jumped like thunder, took several elite disciples to find the Tianshan School in person and asked Tian Zhengfeng for Shennong Ding.

Tian Zhengfeng also panicked when he encountered such a thing. Explain to others, who would believe that an adventurer dares to go to Shennong Hall to cheat Shennong Ding, not to mention his handwritten letter, how can he explain it clearly? If he doesn't explain, he will hand over the Shennong Ding, otherwise Liu Piaoxu will never give up, but where did he get a Shennong Ding to give it to others? Even if it is impossible to fake it now, because he has never seen Shennong Ding!

Tian Zhengfeng's ambiguous attitude made Liu Piaoxu more convinced that this old thing wanted to black her treasure tripod, so he was even more unremitable and vowed to fight with the Tianshan faction to the end. For a while, the relationship between the two factions became very delicate.

Shennongtang lost the treasure of the town faction. How could he give up with the Tianshan faction? The attitude is aggressive and in an endless posture. On the Tianshan faction, the behavior of borrowing treasures was originally a personal behavior of Tian Zhengfeng, the head of the sect, which had nothing to do with the sect. In addition, there are many evidences that it is their own leaders who are at a loss. Therefore, of course, they are unreasonable and recede in the face of the aggressiveness of Shennongtang. Originally, there was a misunderstanding, but the result became bigger and bigger, and it became known to everyone in the whole world.

Of course, Song Fei will not stand up to resolve their conflicts. This is the result he wants. Only when Tianshan is in chaos can he have a chance to grab Tianshan snow lotus. Just when the Tianshan School and Shennongtang were inextra, Song Fei had already gone north to Changbai Mountain to look for ice toads.