The real mirror of online games

29, two days of ice and fire

The geographical location of Changbai Mountain in the game is similar to that in reality. It is located at the northern end of the national map, with beautiful scenery and charming scenery. Although the mountain is not high, because it is located in the north and the climate is cold, the top of the mountain is covered with snow for many years. Tourists can often experience different climates all year round from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. The Changbai Mountain in the game naturally plays a different role from reality.

In the game, Changbai Mountain is the headquarters of Tianji Gate. Because the Changbai Mountain is located in the cold area, the growing plants are mostly trees with tight texture and hard texture, which are the superior materials of the puppet of the Tianjimen manufacturing organ. In order to facilitate local materials, Tianjimen has its headquarters here.

Changbai Mountain is trending in the northwest and southeast, stretching for thousands of miles. If you want to find a toad in the vast mountains, it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack. However, the ice toad has a characteristic and is very timid, so it only moves around Tianchi. Once it meets an opponent who is too strong, it immediately jumps into the water and looks for it according to this characteristic. It is still possible to find it. Although Tianchi is big, it is still very easy to walk around in two days with the strength of Song Fei. After swimming by the Tianchi Lake for five or six days, Song Fei finally found traces of ice toads.

traces come from a shore northwest of Tianchi. That day, as soon as Song Fei walked to this area, he found that all the plants on the ground withered on a ten-meter-wide strip on the shore, and there was a layer of ice a few centimeters thick on the three or four-meter road in the middle that had not yet melted. The dead zone of this plant extended from the pool to the forest far away.

Following the traces of ice all the way to the woods and walking a long way in the woods, Song Fei finally saw the legendary century-old ice toad spirit. The monster is half a meter long and snow-white, but the two big ping-pong eyes are blood-red. The extremely cold air has formed a fog around it. At this time, it is facing a fiery red monkey. Looking at the monkey, with red hair and no color, covered with a fiery red halo, and the dead branches and leaves a few meters behind him had been burned to ashes.

As soon as he saw this situation, Song Fei knew that the ice toad had met his opponent. The ice toad put out a cold air and covered its whole body, but it did not dare to move. For fear of accidentally being caught by the fire monkey, it could only brake quietly in an attempt to force the fire monkey away. The fire monkey circled around the ice toad, but did not dare to walk into the white fog. He jumped up and down in a hurry and scratched his ears and chirped, but there was nothing he could do. The two monsters confront each other like this, and no one can do anything to them.

If the two monsters confront each other like this, no one knows what will happen or how long they can confront each other. But now it's different, because there is a third powerful creature here - Selling Fei. At this time, Sein is the key to this battle. As long as he takes action, he can break the balance between the ice toad and the fire monkey, and whoever he helps can win. But who on earth will you help? This is a problem. However, there is a key point. No matter who helps, you can't do it hastily.

After observing quietly for a while, he ran the Northern Underworld and felt it carefully. Song Fei had a general understanding of the two monsters. Needless to say, the ice toad exudes extreme coldness all over its body, but it will never have such a talent. You should know that where the ice toad passes, the air can turn into ice, but it swims up from the bottom of the heavenly pool but does not freeze the water of the heavenly pool into ice, which means that it has at least one magic skill, which can either melt ice or change its body temperature. Moreover, how strong can a toad's physical attack power be? How many physical attack methods can there be? But this century-old ice toad spirit can join the ranks of 96-level bosses. Why is it? Of course, it is by magic attack!

On the other hand, the fire monkey, through the induction of Beiming Shen Gong, has known that it is hot all over the body and emits a very high temperature, which can be said to be the opposite type of the ice toad. Although it has no way to deal with the ice toad now, it can't judge its strength. You know, can a monster that can force a 96-level boss to take the defensive position be a general person? In addition, Sefeld judged that it must also have a way to control the surrounding temperature, because now only one leaf around it has been burned to ashes, but other places are fine. If it could not control the surrounding temperature, the forest would have been burned out. It now raises its body temperature, just to fight against the cold air of ice toads.

After understanding the situation of both sides, Song Fei also knew what to do. Now he has decided to help the ice toad, because the ice toad can only be caught alive and cannot be killed. At first, he was still hesitating to help the ice toad or the fire monkey, but later he thought that if he helped the fire monkey hurt the ice toad, could he give the injured ice toad to himself? In the current situation, it is obvious that the fire monkey wants to kill the ice toad, and the ice toad is just self-reserving, so he decided to help the ice toad kill the fire monkey in exchange for the favor of the ice toad. Maybe his purpose can be easily achieved. Of course, it is relatively easy. After all, it is not so easy to kill the fire monkey, but it is easier to kill the fire monkey than to catch the ice toad alive.

After thinking about it, Song Fei looked at the time when the fire monkey turned his back to him, and a golden eye of fire put on the fire monkey.

Spirit of Fire, Level 97, BOSS.

Sure enough, it was another senior boss. Song Fei smiled and suddenly shook his body, leaving his original position. As soon as he left his original position, a red light flashed on the fire monkey's body, shining directly at his previous position. Suddenly, a "boom" sound was blown out of a large pit three meters in diameter.

The fire monkey was facing the ice toad, but it didn't know how to deal with the opponent. Suddenly, it felt an unfriendly atmosphere behind it. The fire monkey was shocked. When will there be another opponent? I didn't feel it at all. What does this mean? It shows that this guy's strength is far above me! The fire monkey didn't care to look back and instantly gathered a high-temperature airflow directly to the place where the breath came. But at the moment when it gathered the airflow, the ice toad suddenly opened its mouth, and a white water burst out and rushed straight to it.

However, how can such an attack hurt the fire monkey? The rapid water sprayed three meters in front of the fire monkey and floated into a mass of white air. Just as the fire monkey was proud, Song Fei suddenly appeared, and the seven-star bone sword stabbed the fire monkey's throat more than twice as fast as usual, and took away its 500,000 health points with one blow.

Seinfeld's attack just looked simple, but he actually used several skills.

First of all, the current seven-star bone sword has been upgraded to full level, and all seven skills have been opened. Since the upgrade of the seven-star bone sword, Ning Fei has found that in addition to opening a skill, the equipment level will be increased by five levels. Today, the seven-star bone sword is already a 95-level set of weapons, and its attack power has also increased from 1000 at the beginning to about 3200. Therefore, when Song Fei just rushed to the fire monkey, he used the two skills attached to the seven-star bone sword - blood and no trace.

Hot blood: active skill, starting the skill can increase the attack power by 40% and attack speed by 40%, but at the same time the defense power is reduced by 50%, the skill lasts for 1 minute, consumes 100 points of magic, and cooldown time is 10 minutes.

No trace: active skill, improve the degree of movement by 100% after starting the skill, so that the enemy can't see his whereabouts, lasting 30 seconds, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

The two skills are fully opened, and Song Fei's movement speed and attack speed are instantly improved. With his strength beyond the full level, coupled with the improvement of these two skills, his speed will certainly be so fast that the fire monkey can't react. Moreover, the fire monkey was suddenly hit repeatedly. It has not changed its mind for a while, and of course it will be hit.

Secondly, in addition to these two skills, he also used a puncture. The attack power of the seven-star bone sword is already very high, and Song Fei's own attack power is also very high. In addition, the hot-blooded skill has also increased the attack power by 40%. In addition, the throat is the weakness of the creature, plus the effect of the puncture skill, plus the special attack bonus of Song Fei's talent skill "sassination" humanoid creatures as a killer. After calculating this series of bonuses, even if the fire monkey is a 97-level boss, it has still been beaten 500,000 blood.

However, in the face of the nearly 10 million health of the fire monkey, what is this 500,000?

The fire monkey was severely damaged. It was furious and roared. The red light on its body suddenly flourished, and the flowers and trees within 50 meters in an instant turned into ashes. Song Fei, standing opposite the fire monkey, suddenly felt a heat wave coming to his face, and instantly surrounded his whole body. There was a feeling of burning his body, but suddenly he felt cold behind him, and then a bone-to-bone cold almost froze him. It turned out that it was the ice toad that launched his skills.

As a 96-level boss, Ice Toad has been cultivated for a hundred years. His spirituality is very high. Seeing Song Fei's appearance to attack the fire monkey, it has probably guessed that he is here to help itself. Maybe he has another attempt to take the opportunity to kill it and the spirit of flame, but no matter what, he can't die now. Once he dies, he will definitely be powerless to deal with this spirit of flame. Therefore, it took action to fight against the high temperature of the flame spirit with its low temperature and save Song Fei's life. However, its good intentions have played the opposite role.

The extremely cold and extremely hot two airflows suddenly collided, how can they merge without wind and waves? At this time, Song Fei was at the intersection of two airflows. The heat wave in front of him was soaring, and his back was cold and bone-piercing. The two airflows were colliding with each other in his body. Even though he had the top internal power protection, his health value was still rapidly decreasing, which made him personally experience what "ice and fire two heaven" is!

Thinking of his dangerous situation, Song Fei immediately operated the Northern Underworld, instantly drained the two airflows around him, then retreated, retreated 100 meters away, and handed over the main battlefield to both sides of the original conflict.

Seeing Song Fei retreat, the ice toad was shocked and didn't expect him to hide such a trick! Now that Song Fei has retreated, the battlefield has become a head-on confrontation between an ice toad and a fire monkey. At this time, the two sides are fighting with all their strength and have become a tiger riding trend. Whoever removes the skill first will inevitably be seriously injured by the other party and will definitely die. Unless the two sides can agree and withdraw the skill at the same time, it is impossible. Thinking of this, the ice toad suddenly increased its output and wanted to defeat the other party with one blow. For a while, the trees were cold.