Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 208 Strange Pearl

The tree is unusually tall, and several adults have to pull it: the second-grade round, of course, such an ancient tree is deliberately cut down and destroyed in Nanman. The second aura is abundant, nourished day and night, and it is difficult to remain unchanged. In the southern barbarians, even if they are thicker than it, they are not without it.


Bai Susu waved the snake's tail behind him and swept away a large stone that was originally standing in front of the ancient tree. The stone fell to one side and was shattered by the huge force. In the original position of the stone seat, a huge hole was suddenly exposed. Standing in front of the hole, you can see that the cave is spreading to the depths of the ground. The brakes are rugged and dark inside.

"King, this is the hole dug out by my subordinates to the ground. This is one of the entrances, and two other locations. My subordinates are leading the way to the front. Bai Susu's heart is also vaguely full of pride in the tunnel in front of him. Such a tunnel can't be completed overnight. It is difficult to understand without seeing it with your own eyes.

The hole is so big that it is enough to accommodate the normal body of Emperor Shitian after shrinking into it, and it seems to be very generous.


Without saying much, Bai Susu went into the cave and led the way in front of him. Ge Shitian also followed in. The ground was dark, and there was no light in the hole. However, as long as they thought about the darkness, it was not a problem. Even if the spiritual beast was born, it was enough to adapt to the darkness, completely It can be seen as a day.

As soon as it entered, the direction of the hole began to tilt and spread to the ground, as if it were a slope, constantly going deep into the ground. At first, it was nothing, but after a distance, Di Shitian clearly felt that it was around this heaven and earth cave. There seems to be an empty tunnel.

"King, the group of mice dug out countless passages and connected them here. It was everywhere. The tunnel also passed through some tunnels, but it was secretly blocked by its subordinates, so that the group of mice could not find the tunnel. All the way down, we can go straight to the nest of the big mouse. However, my subordinates once found a strange thing in its nest.

When Bai Susu saw that she was the only one following the king, she couldn't help but feel excited and whispered about some underground situations.

"A lot of monsters? If there is anything strange, just talk about it.

Di Shitian took the opportunity to take the opportunity to answer, but he was thinking about the group of rats underground. He thought to himself that this group of mice had completely regarded the underground as their own paradise. Tunnels were connected together, which can be called an underground kingdom. If you really count it, I don't know how many underground mice there are. Is it a million or tens of millions?

For this, even if it's him, think about it for a moment. It's a little tricky.

The rat king must be eliminated, but it is difficult to eliminate the underground mouse, and it is not his expectation to eliminate it.

"There are tens of millions of species in the world, and each of them has its own reason for its existence. It is not simple for the rat herd to develop to the present, and there is no need to eliminate it. Maybe it can be used in other ways." Di Shitian meditated in the bottom of his heart.

And Bai Susu also talked about the strange things she had encountered before.

"Wang, before, when my subordinates were digging the tunnel, they dug all the way to the rat's nest of the big mouse. After digging, my subordinates have also come to explore several times. I found that the stinky mouse often returned to a secret room next to the nest. At that time, my subordinates were curious and dug the pass to the location of the secret room again. But it's a strange discovery. When digging to the end, the soil in front of him was extremely hard, and with the ability of his subordinates, he could not get through at all. I guessed that there must be some secrets hidden in the secret room.

Being able to give birth to spirituality in a remote place where the aura of Huqiu is not strong, its own qualifications are extraordinary. Even in the demon clan, the natural intelligence will be higher than other demons. Over the years, Bai Susu's own intelligence has not been inferior to that of human beings.

Moreover, she is a woman, and her natural mind is very delicate and cautious. Almost all the things told to her are done properly. This time, when she digs the tunnel and encounters something, she also wants to explore more things. It is because of this that she finds the existence of the secret room.

"Oh, the soil is extremely hard?" Di Shitian muttered to himself. Obviously, I care about this sentence very much.

not to mention that Di Shitian and others were following the tunnel all the way, ready to find the bad luck of the Rat King.

Coincidentally, the Rat King is now talking to the Rat. The Rat King is sitting on the throne, but it seems that his mood is obviously quite irritable. In his two small eyes, a trace of fear flashes from time to time.

"General Rat, did you see the Black Tiger King in the Valley of Demons come back with your own eyes? Didn't the damn evil star leave? Why did he come back again? The mouse beard on the rat king's mouth kept shaking and nervously scolded the rat general in front of him.

Speaking of Qinren, I have been crying for many years, and it seems that I have got a lot of good points. The body shape is much worse, only about the size of a leopard, but the rat hair has turned khaki, which is similar to that of the rat king. Judging from its breath, I'm afraid it already has the same strength as the middle of the monster.

It seems that he really has the momentum of a general, with a trace of fierceness. However, in front of the Rat King, he is always as humble as before.

"King, it can't be wrong. At that time, my subordinates with the rat grandson of the brigade were ready to go to the ground to find some food. They saw with their own eyes that the Black Tiger King of the Valley suddenly changed like a hill. He roared. When his subordinates were close, he was directly stunned by his roar. For him, his subordinates will never admit his mistake. It must be General Black Tiger King Rat who said solemnly, and then he became worried. "Squeak, screamed strangely: "Your Majesty, what should we do now? The king had offended him before. My subordinates have inquired that the little white tiger you planned to catch was his own sister. King, let's run away and get out of here.

In the end, Rat's words naturally showed a look of fear.

For Di Shitian, whether it is the Rat King or the Rat, there is an instinctive fear. The original scene is still vivid in my mind. God, chased directly from the ground to the ground. If the Rat King hadn't played tricks and escaped from the ruins, he would have died under the claws of Emperor Shitian. In those years, when they knew the news that he had left Nanman, they were secretly relieved.

However, there is no more trouble to find the real demon valley. Afraid, they are afraid.

"Squeak!! Escape, where to escape. Besides, there is no need to escape at all. The Black Tiger King is powerful on the ground, and I can't beat him. However, the underground is the world of our rat clan, which is the kingdom of my king. Even if you want to find me, you will definitely not be able to download it. At worst, I fought with him.

It is secretly ruthless, but it is quite safe for the underground.

"As long as I give it a period of time, I can swallow the divine pearl into my stomach. At that time, I will be the king of the southern barbarian land." The Rat King suddenly said, and he didn't know where the confidence came from. As soon as he talked about the momentum of the "divine pearl", it immediately changed, becoming quite exciting. A pair of "divine beads". It can be heaven and earth, but I am the only one.

"King Gongzi became a magic skill as soon as possible. He immediately flattered him. It's quite smooth. Obviously, such things are often done at ordinary times.

"Squeak!! OK, there is a reward. Today, you can go to the altar with me and bathe in the divine light. The Rat King looked very happy and immediately nodded with a smile.

After saying that, he jumped off the throne, walked to the side of the huge rat's nest and carefully opened a hole door. When he walked in, the rat followed him with great joy. It looks extremely exciting.

After they entered, the cave door disappeared immediately. It is difficult to find any seedlings in the hidden.

When I entered the secret room, I suddenly opened my eyes. This is a large hollow cave. In the center, there is a very rough one. At a glance, it can be seen that it is piled up with a strange stone. The altar is a hexagonal altar, with three layers of ladders, and a khaki bead is placed at the top.

On the beads, it seems to be constantly absorbing the power of the strange stones that built the altar. The surface light flashes constantly, bursting around, filling this space and falling on the cave wall. The yellow light is like integrating into it, making the soil of the cave wall yellow.

The rat king came in, lay under the altar, breathed hard, sucked the wisp of spiritual light into his body, the yellow light shone on him, and also blended into his body bit by bit, showing a trace of enjoyment. The rat is also familiar with doing the same thing.

"Wow!!" They didn't find it, just when they were bathed in the pearl light and enjoyed it.

A small sound came from the wall of the cave. At this time, if you look up, you will find that on the left, a sharp black claw suddenly poked out of the wall. And he quickly rowed around, and made a big circle like a big cake, and then he was silently taken away.

Two pairs of eyes quietly poked out of the inexplicable hole. The opening position of this hole is above, standing high and down, and you can see all the scenes in front of you at a glance.

"It's really weird. There is an altar here. What are the beads on the altar? Well, why do I feel a little familiar

It was none other than Emperor Shitian and Bai Susu who made a big hole silently. Bai Susu had no choice but to make any noise to break the wall of the cave, but he could not stop Emperor Shitian.