Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 209 Desperate swallowing beads

The claws of a pool are almost comparable to sharp magic weapons. Sharp Chi Bixin Yiyou Bai Susu came all the way here. Originally, he wanted to go to the nest of the Rat King, but when he arrived, he found that the Rat King was no longer there, so he guessed that they should have gone to the secret room before continuing to rush to the secret room.

Although the tiger's claws are sharp. However, when breaking through the stone wall, he also obviously felt that the soil under his claws was so hard that it was much stronger than a stone. When he scratched, it was as if it fell on the fine steel, and the obstacles were very serious. But when he looked carefully, he couldn't find out what the stone was.

is said to be some kind of scarce ore. It's not like it, because its surface is like soil, which can be said to be soil, and it is hard and terrible. He couldn't figure it out all the time.

These were just a little confused. His mind was attracted by the scene below. The strange altar, the earth-yellow jewels placed on the altar, and the wisps of spiritual light radiated from the jewels filled this space. The situation of falling into the wall of the cave entered his eyes, and he probably guessed why the wall of the cave was like Because of this strength.

However, the moment he saw the bead, a very familiar feeling came to his mind for no reason. This feeling is inexplicable, which makes him a little confused


"Why on earth do you feel this way? Logically, I should have seen this be the first time I saw this bead. How can I feel familiar with it? Strange. Oh, that's not right.

Under the whisper in his heart, his doubtful eyes suddenly changed, as if he thought of something. As soon as he thought, the light on the storage bag flashed, and a dark black bead appeared in his hand.

Looking at the black beads, there is a black light flowing from time to time on the surface, faintly, and a kind of Xuanyin power emanates from the black beads. In the beads, it's like a pool of black water rippling in it. It seems very strange.

This bead Emperor Shitian still remembers that it was taken out by Medusa in exchange for his "refinery classics", according to her. This black bead has the ability to gather the essence of the sun and the moon between heaven and earth. Take the black bead on your body, cultivate it, absorb the essence of the sun and moon, and it will become faster.

As for the rest, Medusa is not clear. Di Shitian was even more unclear. You know, he didn't keep this black pearl in his heart at that time, just as an exchange item, and when he was away from Nanman, so he casually put it in the storage bag, and then a series of things happened.

Unconsciously, I gradually put this strange black bead behind my head, and I never thought of it. If I hadn't seen the yellow jewel on the altar, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought of it for a long time. Maybe. Maybe. It will be buried deep in the storage bag, and there will be no sun.

The familiarity just generated in the heart is nothing else, but the beads on the altar are almost the same as the black beads in his hand. Except for the different colors, one is black and the other is yellow, and there is no difference.

Although it was only a few things to see black beads in those years, he can always remember his appearance in the bottom of his heart. This reminds me of my mind at this time.

"My black beads are almost exactly the same as the yellow beads below, but the black beads do not seem to be as magical as the yellow beads, which can emit such an amazing inspiration. What's going on? Is there any connection between these two beads themselves? Is this black bead also a great treasure?

For a while, the eyes glanced back and forth in his hand and the altar from time to time, which was really too different. The yellow beads on the altar, the spiritual light radiated, at a glance, knew that they were not ordinary things, but the black beads in their hands were black and not eye-catching at all. There was no reaction when the It's really weird.

After meditating for a moment, I didn't think of the key, so I carefully took back the black beads and took a step forward. Let the earthy aura fall on yourself. Don't do any resistance


The fall of the spiritual light. Suddenly, Emperor Shiyu's body was shocked in vain.

"This is the spiritual power of the earth attribute. It is so pure that I have never felt such a pure earth spiritual power. No wonder, no wonder those mice can be amazingly defensive, the earth is virtuous, inheriting the sky, and the defense is the most powerful.

At this moment, he completely understood why the mouse he saw at the beginning had such a surprising performance. The strong defense power can be called a pervert. It turned out that he had bathed in such a pure and incredible earth spiritual power. Ordinary mice did not know how to absorb this earth spiritual power. When the aura swept over his body, it would flow on the 90% will be turned into a short-term defense, and the remaining one will be naturally absorbed by the body. This is the real reason why their defenses are so strong that they are heinous.

"Such a treasure appears in front of me. If you don't take it, you will suffer in the future. It happened to be packed up with the Rat King.

When the body shook, the whole body suddenly changed and quickly turned into a crowd. The wide black robe was worn on the body, and the hand was a quick pinch. In an hour, I saw it in the cave below. A strong wind formed flat. In the wind. The light wind blade abyss condensed out one after another. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of paths are formed. After appearing, he kept stopping and completely covered the rat king below. The wind blade is flying, bringing out a wind roar. Even the wind blade has a strong demon spirit.

Wind Blade!!

is just an ordinary spell. But when the emperor's angel came out, the power became greatly increased, which was particularly different. Originally, it was like a little monk of gas refining, and it could send out one or two. Four or five lanes, it's not bad, but now, there are hundreds of lanes, which look like countless messy blades are flying wildly. It's very ferocious and horrible.


After all, the Rat King is also a strong man who has stepped into the realm of monsters, and he is more lucky and strong than other monsters. I heard the sound of the wind blade cracking. Its two small eyes immediately opened and looked up to see hundreds of wind blades falling from the sky, turning into abnormal anger. There are two strange screams.

Don't even dodge. Of course, the wind blade came so fast that it didn't give it time to dodge at all. The body glowed yellow in vain, and the hair fell fiercely, like a needle, which looked almost like a hedgehog. A heavy breath emanated.

"Ding Ding Ding,"

The wind blades did not fall unexpectedly on the Rat King. These wind blades were very sharp, and even the air seemed to be cut open, but they fell down. Before cutting on the Rat King, they were blocked by a thick layer of earthy yellow light. The yellow light was extremely strong. Hundreds of wind blades fell, and the mask could not be shaken.

Instead, the rat king squeaked. After a few strange screams, the yellow light on his body exploded in vain, and the strong power directly burst out, scattering those wind blades.

"Bun!!" The Rat King dropped his claws on the ground. The ground trembled slightly under his feet. The breath on the body became fierce and ferocious. Two eyes, looking around.

When the mouse saw this sudden change, he first shrank his head, and then glanced around.

"Who, who dares to come to the king's territory and dares to attack the king? I will definitely smash you into pieces. The Rat King roared, and his eyes had fallen on Emperor Shitian, and the light condensed. With his teeth, he looked like he was ready to jump on it at any time.

"King, I will help you teach these two-legged monsters." The mouse flew in the air exactly like a human. Thinking of the delicious taste of human flesh and blood, I didn't even think about it. I jumped forward, stretched out my rat's claws, and rushed to Di Shitian. This pounce was extremely fierce. After rushing out, the air in front of him was torn.

Di Shitian just looked coldly at the rat who didn't know whether to live or die.


In the cave dug in mid-air, a white shadow flashed out like lightning. A tail swept heavily on the rat's body, and the terrible force leaned on the rat's body. The body that had been rushed forward was swept out on the spot and hit the ground, smashing a big hole.

"A stinky mouse also dares to fight with the king. It's simply looking for death." As the mouse hit the ground, a delicate voice sounded in mid-air. Out of shape, it was a huge white python, which fell to the ground and was full of disdainful scolding.

"The white python in the Valley of Demons. Who the hell are you?"

When the rat king saw the white shadow, his eyes suddenly contracted, becoming extremely solemn, and a trace of fear appeared inexplicably. Looking at Di Shitian's eyes, he saw the most terrible scene under the sky.


"Hmm, big mouse. Could it be that you don't even recognize me? But I still remember that in those years, I once said that it came from heaven. I am bound to kill you. You go to heaven, and I will chase you to heaven. Since you are hiding in the ground now, the king can only find the ground and come down. The emperor's feelings are extremely indifferent. But he could still feel the cold murderous intention from his tone.

"You are Shi Tian, the Black Tiger King. How did you find it here?" The rat king's expression changed greatly. The fear in my heart could no longer be suppressed, and he screamed: "Even if I provoked you in the past, there was no need to kill me. I didn't leave the ground. Why didn't you let me go?"

Don't think that I'm really afraid of you. If you rush me, I'll fight with you.

is fierce, in fact, it is already showing weakness, with a kind of fierce inner flower atmosphere.

In fact, the rat king is so smart that when he saw Di Shiyu and confirmed his identity, he had already guessed that he would never let him go. Thinking of the previous fights twice, Di Shitian's strength was stronger and stronger. The inner fear can't help spreading.

Seeing that Di Shitian appeared in a human form, I also thought of a terrible legend in my mind, a demon clan that can turn into a human form. It's the real demon. With that kind of strength, you can kill monsters at will,

Thinking like this, I also understand that I will not be the opponent of Emperor Shitian. With a roar of the boat, his body was like electricity, and it swept out in an instant. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the altar and swallowed the mysterious beads on the altar.