Lord of the Source

Chapter 46 Blood Debt and Blood Repayment 1

The Kuanglong Mercenary Corps looked at Jiang Feng, who had been far away, and looked at the spider that had been severely damaged by Jiang Feng. In their hearts, they said to: This man is really awesome. We couldn't think of a way to crack the poison silk for a long time. It was dealt with fire by him, and it directly attacked the weakness.

After all, Kuang Xue is a deputy leader. Naturally, his knowledge is better than his subordinates. Although Jiang Feng was surprised that he could crack the life skills of the bloodthirsty spider so quickly and find out the key points, he still calmly gave instructions.

"What is everyone doing? Its key point is the abdomen. Hurry up and attack it."

Hearing the roar of the deputy regiment, the people of the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Regiment immediately woke up. Taking advantage of your illness, the spirit of killing you has been fully exerted by them.

Jiang Feng didn't take care of the people behind him. The only thing he had to do now was to spread the news quickly.

Finally, he rushed to the "holy house" golden palace of the abyss magic dragon again. Naturally, the doorkeeper was still the original scorpion. Seeing that it was Jiang Feng, he wanted to get close to him, but Jiang Feng ignored him and ran straight to the palace.

"Dragon Overlord, the plan has changed, and we may have to act in advance. Now you need to rush to the border area of the Turkish continent and be ready to stop the follow-up personnel of the Dark Holy See. Jiang Feng ran into the palace and directly said his purpose when he saw the abyss dragon sitting on it. He didn't want to waste time.

"Oh! It's a little brother! What happened? Why did you suddenly plan ahead of schedule? The abyss magic dragon asked Jiang Feng plainly.

"The people of the Dark Holy See suddenly want to act in advance. Our plan to intercept their goods has been cancelled, but now I will destroy the Liu family in three days at most, because the Liu family is likely to go to Kyoto as collaborators." Jiang Feng briefly explained the reason.

"It is unexpected that the Dark Court should act in advance. OK, I will go to the seaside with other senior monsters as soon as possible. As long as I find the people of the Dark Court, I will stop them immediately." The abyss magic dragon is willing to let Jiang Feng owe others a favor.

"In this case, other monsters have been notified by labor overlords. I'm going back to host the overall situation now. This time, I will never let the Liu family run away. Jiang Feng will always remember everyone's kindness here. Jiang Feng said, pointing to his heart.

Jiang Feng saw that the abyss demon dragon had agreed, so he turned around and left the golden palace.

He did not go back immediately, but swept to the other side of the forest. That's the nest of the magic eagle. Jiang Feng is going to recall Huanyi now. Now his manpower is not enough! If you ask him why he knows, don't forget that there are two immortals in his conscious world?

Warcraft is naturally very ** for the smell. It smells Jiang Feng and is coming to it, so it leads the young magic eagle it has trained to pick up Jiang Feng.

"Young Lord! Why did you come here in person? Did you come to test my training results? What do you think of them?" The illusion of eating the metamorphic elixir turned into a human to look at Jiang Feng opposite, and then pointed to dozens of magic eagles behind him.

"Well, that's right, but I didn't come for this this time. You take the 30 best magic eagles and leave with me immediately. I will train for others in person when I come back. After saying that, Jiang Feng turned around and flew towards Muluo Village.

Although Huanyi was surprised why Jiang Feng was so busy, he saw Jiang Feng's distant back and picked 30 excellent magic eagles and followed Jiang Feng.

Returning to Muluo Village, Jiang Feng thought of a group of monsters behind him. Isn't this looking for killing? Except for Fantasy One, other magic eagles will not take shape.

When Jiang Feng was distressed, Guanglong flew out of the world of consciousness.

"I said, young master, what are you worried about? Isn't the ring in your hand a good container? This ring is very special and can accommodate living things. As for why, you will know later. After saying that, he looked unfathomable. At this time, Guanglong has almost recovered to the peak of the clan level, and the reincarnation of Jiang Feng's conscious world is of great help to it!

When Jiang Feng heard Guanglong say this, he was not in the mood to think about why, but turned around and flew to the magic eagles.

Guanglong shook his head helplessly and quickly followed. It could not be too far away from Jiang Feng, otherwise his soul could not stand the sun.

In the distance, Jiang Feng saw Huan Yi flying towards him with a group of magic eagles.

Jiang Feng stopped there, and Guanglong also rushed over at this time.

Do you know how to put them in? What are you doing running so fast?" Although Guanglong complained, he still told Jiang Feng the method.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, Jiang Feng's blood is dripping on the ring with a spell, so that it can open a door of space for the ring, and it will be the same when it comes out. However, this has to make Jiang Feng bleed heavily.

Without hesitation, Jiang Feng opened an opening, and blood dripped on the ring along his fingers.

"With blood as the guide, the door of space appears!" After a simple spell, a swirling space door appeared in front of Jiang Feng.

huan yi saw Jiang Feng in front of him, greeted him and flew towards Jiang Feng.

"Let them all enter the door of this space."

Without no doubt, Huanyi instructed the descendants behind him to fly into the door of space one by one.

"Young master, where is the door to space!" The curious illusion asked Jiang Feng.

"The ring that leads to my hand, I will let them out when I need it in the future." Jiang Feng looked at the magic eagles flying into the door of space one after another, but he was planning how to catch the Liu family all. In fact, at the beginning, he was worried that the magic eagle would break into randomly, but he was relieved after looking at it with mental strength, because the magic eagle entered a large independent space and could not walk around in the ring at will.

If someone can fly up the tree at this time, you can see that a door of space is open in the sky, and a group of warcrafts fly into the space door one by one.

Guanglong has already turned into light and entered Jiang Feng's conscious world. Its arrogant personality makes it unwilling to talk to these low-level monsters, let alone let them see its situation as the hegemon at this time.

Jiang Feng saw that the magic eagles flew in, so he said, "Blood forbidden, the door of space is closed!" So, the door of space was closed.

"Go!" Jiang Feng turned around and rushed to Muluo Village with illusion.

Muluo Village, the Magic Golden Tower is also busy at this time. Because there are many people in Muluo Village now, and there are naturally many rich people, so it is natural to drink more tea.

Not only is it busy on the surface, but the people here are also very busy secretly. Jiang Feng's series of commands are simple, but for those who have no communication tools, they can only rely on notes to pass on each other. Qingxue is also busy. He is responsible for dispatching people everywhere, stepping up the exploration of news, and paying attention to the movements of everyone in the Dark Holy See at any time.

The news of their respective residences gathered to her, which was indeed enough for him to be busy, and Elder Qing went out to carry out the mission in person. Fortunately, Jiang Feng left Xiaotian to help, otherwise this woman would really suffer.

Everything is in a secret emergency operation. As for why it was so urgent, only Jiang Feng knew.

(It's time to start the wonderful part, everyone's tickets smash me!)