Lord of the Source

Chapter 47 Blood Debt 2

A day passed in Jiang Feng's emergency mobilization. Jiang Feng stood alone in the elegant room of the Mingxiang Building and looked at the Liu family courtyard opposite.

"I hope it's not too late, otherwise..." Jiang Feng pinched his hand. Now is the critical moment. The preparation of the past years is for today.

Jiang Feng has done so much, but it's actually very simple. First of all, trap the finances of the Liu family, making them reluctant to give up the family's savings for many years and can't escape. Secondly, after the Liu family replaces everything with goods, they need more people to guard them. In this way, the Liu family's people can be more concentrated together, which is also Jiang Feng's main purpose. He wants to exterminate the Liu family. Stay.

If the people of the Dark Holy See escort the goods away, the Liu family will certainly escort the goods immediately every two days. Because of the opening of the Dark Holy See, they will definitely be much safer. At that time, people will definitely be separated, and once the goods are handed over to the Magic Gold Business Association, they will immediately separate. After all, they also have business in other places.

If the people of the Liu family cannot be exterminated at one time, others will definitely hide when they see the family destroyed, so that Jiang Feng will be difficult to find.

What Jiang Feng wants is all extermination. If he doesn't leave one, he is not afraid of the revenge of the Liu family. He is not even afraid of the dark Holy See. How can he be afraid of the Liu family's jumping clown? What he was afraid of was that once the Liu family hid and then died, he would not come out. At that time, he had no choice. If you don't exterminate the Liu family, it is difficult to eliminate Jiang Feng's hatred!

"Godfather, watch carefully in the sky, Liu family, I won't let go of any of them." Thinking of his adoptive father, Jiang Feng felt a burst of grief in his heart.

The scene when the death of the twilight was clearly reflected in Jiang Feng's head. The satisfied expression when his adoptive father died let Jiang Feng know how much torture and how much suffering he suffered before the death of the twilight.

Thinking about it, tears fell on the wooden floor drop by drop, and I didn't know whether it was tears of pain or tears of self-blame.

"Godfather, will you blame the child? If the child had had the strength at that time, he would not have become like this, and you would not have died. Moreover, I killed you with my own hands. You must hate my selfishness very much. It's my fault that I didn't show my strength early and didn't persuade you to leave!" Jiang Feng thought of it and cried out of his heart.

How sad and painful it is to make a man cry! Although it was Mu Tian Xing and others who begged Jiang Feng to kill them that day, after all, it was he who killed his relatives himself! That kind of helplessness, why doesn't make him sad, why doesn't it hurt, why doesn't he cry?

Night is always a time when people can show their true colors. Everyone hopes that night can stop their weakness. At this time, Jiang Feng is exactly like this.

The Fantasy Gold Business Association in Kyoto was also in a mess, because Jiang Feng's order caught them off guard.

The most miserable thing is Long Yi. After receiving the news, he immediately rushed to Muluo Village with the people of the Magic Dragon Legion. However, there was no news about Huan San. Jiang Feng knew that it must not have met Mu Yun and others. After sending Yuxin to the Magic Gold Business Association, Muyun immediately came to Muluo Village with Meng Zhan and the Mu family.

Everything is moving steadily, but the people of the Dark Holy See and the Liu family don't know at all.

Jiang Feng didn't sleep all night. He stood in the elegant room, staring at the Liu family's courtyard, waiting for news everywhere at any time. At dawn, Qingxue dragged her tired body to the elegant room.

"Young Lord! Everything is well arranged, and our personnel are ready to retreat at any time, as long as we give an order to ensure that they can completely withdraw in half a column of incense.

"Well, how about the Fantasy Gold Business Association and Longyi? Huan Er just arrived here. This is a letter from them. After saying that, Qingxue handed Jiang Feng two letters.

"The order has been received and is coming quickly!" This is from Long Yi.

"Everything is being allocated, and it is estimated that it can be fully adjusted within three days." This is the twilight phoenix.

Looking at the letter, Jiang Feng nodded, and a lot of stones fell in his heart.

"Is there no news about Huan San?" Jiang Feng asked worriedly.

"Not yet, but I believe it will be soon." Although Qingxue is tired, she knows that this is a critical moment and must persist.

"I know, you go down and have a rest first! I'm thinking about it."

Yes! Young master, Xiaotian has also finished. I asked him to have a rest, and the young master should also have a rest! I'll go down first."

Watching Qingxue leave, Jiang Feng was even more anxious.

"No, I can't wait any longer. Huanyi, you take your eagles along the road to look for it. If anything happens, let the eagle bring me a message immediately. Don't act recklessly, you know? Now the earth continent is full of wind and clouds, which is very unsafe. Jiang Feng said to a magic eagle on his shoulder.

This magic eagle is a fantasy one. For a six-level warcraft, it can change its size at will.

"With blood as the guide, the door of space appears!" With Jiang Feng's spell, the door of space opened again.

"Fantasy One, go and explore as soon as possible and remember to inform me as soon as there is any news. I'm worried that they will be in danger, otherwise Huan San can't have heard from you for so long. Go!" As Jiang Feng expected, the fantasy three was being hunted down by a group of people at this time. After all, the magic core of the six-level warcraft is very attractive.

huan san flew forward along the road to Kyoto, followed by a group of mercenary regiments, who had been chasing it closely. Although it can fly high at any time, it can only take the risk of flying low to complete the task. Although the most advanced person behind is only the Emperor Wu, can more ants bite the elephant to death? So after such a long time of consumption, it has suffered more or less injury.

Muyun and Mengzhan and others also rushed to Muluo Village. Although they did not know that the Darkting acted in advance, they were all worried about Jiang Feng, so they also came as soon as possible.

The speed of Huanyi is naturally very fast. Out of the same kind of speech, they quickly flew towards the road traveled by Huanyi III. Another half a day later, Jiang Feng still stood still at the window. He looked up at the sky from time to time, and then lowered his head and stared at the door of the Liu family. Spiritual power has always been integrated into the air, monitoring the every move of the dark Holy See.

He was waiting for the news of Huanyi. He hadn't seen the shadow of the magic eagle for a long time, and Jiang Feng's inner uneasiness became more obvious.

Finally, at noon, a magic eagle came in the distance. Jiang Feng saw that only one came back, and it was obviously injured. He knew that something had happened.

After taking down the letter from the foot of the magic eagle, Jiang Feng immediately opened it and read it.

"Young master, we have been attacked by a group of people and have now fallen to death. But I haven't found the shadow of Captain Mu. Huan San is injured clearly. Please give instructions.

Jiang Feng pinched the letter and was full of anger.