Lord of the Source

Chapter 129 Operation

Late that night, Jiang Feng took Xiaotian and Long Yi to stay in Xue Long's tent. It was not until dawn that he walked back to his account with Jiang Feng who came out of it. No one knew what had happened that night. Except for Xue Long, no one knew. They just thought that the marshal must have had a military talk with Xue Long all night.

The next day, the army was ready to set out again, but Xue Long sent an order from the marshal to leave Luan City with 250,000 troops, while Xue Long himself commanded the remaining 200,000 troops from Fengcheng.

More than 500,000 troops were separated in this way, and all the sergeants were strange, especially Xue Long's confidants. Now, they are all accumulated in Xue Long's big account.

A general in his thirties stood up and arched his hand to Xue Long.

"Father, why should we separate the army so that we can't reach Lanxi City at the same time, so that we can't pose an overwhelming threat to the rebels. Originally, with our military strength of more than 500,000, as long as we get to Lanxi City, the morale of the rebels will be suppressed. But if they can't arrive at the same time now, it will be a difficult battle when they get used to it. Isn't it a joke about the lives of the sergeants? I think this must be the order of the grand marshal. We are fighting with life and death outside. When he is good, he disappears directly..."

"Xue Zhantian, you are so bold that you dare to slander the grand marshal in the army. This is not what it is to encourage the heart of the army. Come on, pull him down and dispose of him by military law. Xue Long roared and suddenly interrupted the general's words that were chattering.

Xue Zhantian was stunned by Xue Long's voice, but immediately reacted. The others are the same. They look at each other in con'sinuation and don't know what to do. And those soldiers who entered the big tent didn't know what to do when they saw that it was Xue Zhanhou.

They dare not move. This is Xue Long's eldest son. If Xue Long was angry for a moment, and they did it again, when the marshal woke up, although he didn't say anything, they would not have any future in their lives.

"My father was angry. The eldest brother was just anxious for a moment, but he also thought that he was also for the sake of the country, the army, and for the sake of the sergeants to temporarily avoid military law. Please give the eldest brother a chance to make meritorious service." A man in his thirties hurriedly stood up and pleaded with Xue Long.

"Please calm down the marshal's anger and give the young commander a chance to make contributions." When the other sergeants saw that someone finally started, they quickly persuaded Xue Long.

"Xue Zhantian, for the sight of everyone this time, I will temporarily allow you to treat your crimes and make contributions. You'd better make achievements in future battles, otherwise, hum!" When Xue Long saw everyone plead for mercy, he didn't really want to punish Xue Zhantian, but wanted to remind him.

"Thank you for being handsome!" Although Xue Zhantian was not convinced, he did not dare to trigger Xue Long's displeagument at this time. Otherwise, there are regulations in the military law. Anyone who motivates the heart of the army will be fifty military whips, and the more serious is a death penalty.

Xue Long has three sons, the eldest son is Xue Zhantian, the second son is Xue Zhanfeng, and the third son is Xue Zhanlong. Now, the eldest son and the second son are here, and the third son has gone to Jiang Feng to work. It is Long Yi. This is also the reason why Xue Long has always been curious about Jiang Feng. He knows that his son is not even convinced by him. It can be seen that his heart is high, but he can follow Jiang Feng with all his heart, which makes Xue Long have to wonder.

When he met Long Yi many times and wanted to ask Jiang Feng how he was, Long Yi always said with a smile, "The young master is always unexpected in any aspects. He is the most challenging for such a talent." Xue Long always doesn't understand this sentence.

However, since he talked with Jiang Feng last night, he found that his whole person was like a different person, and he found that many of his previous ideas had become unbearable. Jiang Feng explained to Xue Long according to Sun Tzu's Art of War. In the march, it is necessary to arrange bright and dark whistles around the army, so that he can know the restless factors around the army as soon as possible. Moreover, it can also reduce the number of attacks on your own army.

When this idea was put forward, he looked at Xue Long's disapproving appearance. Jiang Feng condensed a fighting hill terrain with soil on the ground. After smashing the table, he picked up some stones. Think of the table as the current army of 500,000, and the stone as the 200,000 horses that came to attack.

Jiang Feng asked Xue Long to control the sign of 500,000 troops, and then controlled the stones representing 200,000 sneak attacks on the army. In this way, the two fought between the hills. Until dawn, Xue Long's 500,000 troops had been eaten by Jiang Feng, leaving only 100,000 troops, while Jiang Feng only lost 120,000 and 80,000 combat power. Nowadays, if it is a real army, there is no fighting spirit after losing 400,000 troops. In this battle, Jiang Feng won, while Xue Long opposite looked at the hill terrain in a daze.

When he asked Jiang Feng how to do it, Jiang Feng said, "If the enemy advances, I retreat, and if the enemy retreats, divide and eat it, and turn it into zero." Then Jiang Feng gave the order as a marshal, and the army separated, led by two marshals on both sides.

It was not until Jiang Feng left that Xue Long slowly woke up from Jiang Feng's words and the battle between the hills. It can be said that he benefited a lot and respected Jiang Feng even more. In this world, Jiang Feng's military achievements have surpassed him. How can he not respect him?

"Report!" While Xue Long was discussing things with the generals, a messenger ran in.

"Tell it!" He said majestically that this is necessary as a marshal.

"Report to the marshal, Commander Long Yi went back and said that he was ordered to come back here. Please ask the marshal for instructions." The messenger briefly said what he wanted to say.

"Oh, the third brother is here, my father is handsome. Let the third brother in quickly. Our brothers haven't been together for a long time. It is also an opportunity to get together in my father's account today." Xue Zhanfeng said with a smile, and at this time, smiles appeared on other people's faces. Xue Long is no exception. It's really a pleasure to see his son. What's more, his son has followed that person for many years and has more or less learned a trick.

"Let him in, and then after the army rests today, he will not leave and let everyone rest for a day." Xue Long said with a smile that it was nothing for him to say so, but the officers on the side were shocked.

"Father, why is this? Doesn't this delay the trip?" Xue Zhantian asked strangely, and others also looked at Xue Long doubtfully.

"I will make a free determination and pass on the soldiers. Why don't you convey the military order quickly?" Xue Long smiled mysteriously, but he didn't say anything.

"Marshal Xue is a easing measure. The enemy expected us to arrive at this time, but we couldn't, so that everything they had arranged in advance would be scrapped. When they thought we didn't go here, we suddenly appeared and could kill them unprepared." A voice suddenly sounded from outside the tent, and then a man in white came in.

"Bold, who are you to enter the big account without wearing military uniform?" The person who didn't recognize anyone next to him suddenly roared and wanted to show it in front of Xue Long, but unfortunately...

"Ha ha, there is no such requirement for the military division in the military order. I am a military division. Of course, I don't need to wear military uniforms." The man said with a smile, showing a gold medal to the messenger and then said, "Marshal's order, the whole army rest for a long time and then set off. Let the sergeants be ready to fight at any time until they pass the peak city. After taking a look at the token, the messenger took the order and went out.

Turning around, he looked at the officers with strange eyes and wanted to laugh.

"Don't be surprised. I'm a special commissioner personally appointed by the marshal, that is, your military division, specially brought the marshal's order to restore my life." After saying that, he showed the token in his hand to everyone.

After seeing the token, the person who had just scolded him quietly withdrew at this time, and the people who came did not think so.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the three of us could get together again. What a happy event before the war. This morning, the military division lived in the same tent with me, and other officers can come if they want to come. We don't talk about the military, we only talk about family affairs, which is a special case in the army. Xue Long said with a smile that the person who came was Long Yi, that is, Xue Long's third son Xue Zhanlong.

Next, Long Yi chatted with everyone until the army set out again in the afternoon, and the officers returned to their posts.

Now, Xue Long is only surrounded by Long Yi in white.

He quietly came to Xue Long's side, and Long lowered his voice and gave Xue Long a wink. Then, Xue Long instructed everyone around him to go, and then covered Long Yi with him with an energy mask.

"What's the matter?" Xue Long said to the dragon in a low voice.

The dragon shook his head and waved his hand on the ground, and a small groove appeared. His fingers stroked quickly in the groove. Obviously, he was writing.

"Be careful that the wall has ears! The shape of the mouth will expose our conversation. Looking at a few words on the ground, Xue Long suddenly realized that he must have taught Jiang Feng and taught him another lesson.

Stretched out his finger and scratched it in the groove.

"Is there something wrong in the army?" Xue Long is naturally not a mediocre person to become a marshal. Seeing Long Yi so careful, he thought of the only possibility.

"That's right..."

Next, the two people silently communicated with words on the ground. Not far away, several officers looked this way from time to time, wondering what the two were doing.

Soon, Xue Long's energy mask disappeared, Long Yi slowly left, and Xue Long slowly moved forward. I don't know if they did it on purpose or forgot that the groove was not destroyed. Not far away, several eyes stared at them lit up, but they sat quietly on their own affairs, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

They didn't notice that Long Yi showed an evil smile when everyone was not paying attention.

(Congratulations on the Happy Year of the Dragon. The first month is half over. Are you still fighting for life like me? Read Xiaoyue's book and let yourself relax. Don't be too tired!)