Lord of the Source

Chapter 130 Who is the spy

Dear night, the army that had marched for a day finally stopped.

At night, an officer walked to another officer's rest tent with wine in his hand. There is no limit to alcohol in the army of this world. Except for those who are alerted on that day, others can drink at rest. However, there is still a rule that anyone who drinks and makes trouble will not be forgiven.

"Ah, isn't this Jiang*jun? Why do you have time to come to me? Look, everyone else is there." The sound was so loud that it spread directly to the outside, and the patrolling soldiers heard it.

"Yo, isn't this Long*jun? Why did you get here? Look, even Lieutenant General Guo is here. It seems that everyone wants to have a good drink together, but I only brought a jar of wine. I didn't expect you to be here. This..." The same tone of the *jun who just entered came out.

The officers of the army in this world are marshals (leaders), * troops, lieutenant generals, generals, captains and so on, but those can be ignored. At the lowest level, the largest number of soldiers are naturally.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's do our best. Since it's good, don't let others hear it, don't you think so?"

"What Jiang*jun said!" The voices of the three of them also came out.

Then their energy masks were combined with each other and wrapped this small account in it. For this, the patrolling soldiers are used to it. Who has no secrets? But just because they don't care doesn't mean that no one cares.

Far from where the army rested, a man looked at the tent surrounded by energy masks and thought worriedly. At this moment, a soldier-like man came to him.

"Report to the leader of Long and found suspicious people. Although their reasons are very reasonable, it is because he is reasonable that his subordinates doubt it." The man who came was wearing the clothes of an ordinary soldier, but his eyes spewed out from time to time, letting people know that he was not a mediocre.

"Well, continue to monitor, don't alarm them, let others pay attention at any time, and inform me immediately as soon as someone makes an excuse to leave the scope of the army." This person is Long Yi, and he came back this time with half of the masters of the Magic Dragon Legion to find out the traitor.

The man took the order and left. Long Yi stood alone in the night, and there was a cold shadow hidden in the dark behind him. Looking carefully, it was Xiaotian. For Xiaotian, who was proficient in the whole system, it was too simple to hide in the night.

"Do you think the young master can succeed?" Long turned his head and looked at Xiaotian. He was used to this cold face. Whenever there were outsiders, he was always like this. Well, after the man left, Xiaotian's cold face slowly recovered to a gentle appearance. Although he did not smile, it was much better than just now.

"When did the young master's scheme fail? Don't doubt that I have arranged the array there. As long as someone goes there, even if we don't supervise it, I can feel it. Unless..." Xiaotian said this and stopped.

"Unless anything, whenever you speak, you will be the same as the young master. Leave half of your words. What kind of master and what kind of apprentice do you have?" Long Yi said helplessly.

"Do you care? You can't even envy it. Unless that person is Wu Zun, of course, this is what the young master said. As for whether Wuzong can be such a person, who knows. After saying that, Xiaotian turned around and blended into the night again, leaving only Long Yi with a wry smile. As Xiaotian said, that's envy.

At the third watch, the patrolling soldiers began to be a little tired. After a day of rushing, they had to patrol at night. Although they were also people who had been on the battlefield for a long time, there were not many such marches.

Just when many soldiers thought everyone was asleep, a dark shadow flew out of a tent. Because his speed was too fast and because of the particularly dark night tonight, few people found him, but he still didn't escape a few pairs of eyes.

Long Yi took several people in black. They waited blindfolded and waited for the rabbit to be interpreted incisively and vividly.

"Finally, everyone is ready." Long Yi, who was also masked, whispered.

A dark shadow slowly approached. From time to time, he looked around with a cautious look. Obviously, he was guilty, but he still came to the hidden place of Longyi.

When he waved to the man in black behind him, everyone understood that he spread out and vaguely formed a pocket. As long as the man came in, they would quickly shrink and surround them in the future.

Long Yi was a little anxious, because the man had been ranking and did not come.

A man stretched out his hand and put it on his shoulder.

"Stay calm. Forget it if he doesn't come. Anyway, there will be many opportunities in the future." The speaker was Xiaotian. Looking at his calm appearance, Long Yi thought he had seen Jiang Feng.

The man thought three times and looked at the groove on the ground in front of him. As if he had made some decision, he unfolded his body and walked back without continuing to come over.

"Follow him and see who he is, so that he can be guarded in the future." Xiaotian's voice has just fallen, but he has disappeared.

Long looked at Xiaotian who followed him, not to mention how depressed he was. Originally, I set up a bureau to find the spy, but now it's good. I've been busy all night. The person who had already dispersed returned behind Long Yi, and a leader-like man came forward.

"Long, what should I do? Do you want to catch up with that man?"

"No, if we catch him now, he will not admit it. Now that the army has just moved and has not yet started the battle. If the soldiers know that there is a spy on it at this time, everyone will be in danger. At that time, it must be a big blow to morale." Long Yi talked about it. Obviously, he was indeed extraordinary in terms of planning. At this time, if you go to capture someone and they don't recognize it, what can you do without evidence? The so-called thief should take the stolen goods, and the rape should be caught in bed.

The dragon always waved his hand to the people behind him, meaning that people retreated. Shortly after they left, a shadow came here again.

Looking left and right, the shadow approached the groove. When he saw the groove, it said, "Stupid, you've been fooled!" At that time, he was almost so angry that he left directly, but it seemed that his determination was still good. Without destroying the scene at all, he turned around and disappeared into the night. The mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind, but unfortunately there is no hunter holding a bow and arrow to stare at the yellow finch.

Xiaotian followed the man in black closely, but what was strange to him was that this man did not go to the barracks, but to a valley he passed by when he came. Although it was strange, he still followed silently.

Suddenly, the man stopped and turned around, but there was a big knife in his hand.

"Come out, I know you've been with me for a long time." The man in black said coldly.

Hearing this man say this, Xiaotian was stunned. He hid behind the tree, but he didn't know when the man found him.

While he was thinking, the man in black said to another big tree, "Don't come out yet. Do you want me to invite you?" With that, the man was about to raise his knife and cut it forward.

Xiaotian was even more stunned. He was obviously here, but the man spoke in another direction. It was really strange. Couldn't another person follow him? He hid quietly to see if the man had really found him, or someone else followed him and didn't even find himself.

For a long time, the man with the knife suddenly threw the knife to the ground and sat directly on the ground.

"NN, this scared me to death, and so did Jiang Huai, who actually let me lead me away, hum! Isn't this taking me as cannon fodder? Fortunately, I'm blessed and don't deserve to die, hum! When I climb on him in the future, I will never get around him. The man said to himself, but he still didn't open the scarf.

Who is Xiaotian? He is Jiang Feng's eldest disciple. According to his voice, he has guessed that this person is a lieutenant general he has seen before. He remembers that he is called Guo, but unfortunately he can't figure it out for a while. However, he heard another name seriously, that is Jiang Huai.

The man seemed to have had enough rest, stood up, picked up the knife he had thrown on the ground, and then turned to the barracks. How did he know that the only thing waiting for him was death. Not because of anything else, but because of the words Longyi left in the groove.

did not keep up, Xiaotian knew that it was no longer necessary.

In the night, a pair of cold eyes stared at the man in black and gradually faded away.

The man in black, who had already gone far away, suddenly shuddered.

"NN actually made me catch a cold. It seems that I went back and reported it to Jiang Huai so that he could know Laozi's hard work." While complaining, he went to the barracks.

Long returned to the barracks early in the morning. At this time, he was waiting for Xiaotian to come back.

At the fifth watch, a dark shadow rushed into his account and saw that it was Xiaotian.

"How's it going? Do you know who it is?" Seeing Xiaotian, Longyi couldn't wait to ask.

"Don't mention it, I already know who it is, and there is also news of spies. Unfortunately, when I came back, I saw a body not far from the barracks. It was the man in black that followed me, that is, Lieutenant General Guo Meat. Xiaotian drank a glass of water and said it under Long Yi's murderous eyes. It turned out that when Xiaotian came back, he suddenly felt that there was a fluctuation of power not far from the barracks, so he hurried to investigate, but when he got there, only found Guo Rou's body. After a simple examination, Xiaotian came back without finding anything useful. Anyway, he still knew another person.

Hearing Xiaotian say this, the hopeful dragon leaked like a frost eggplant. One night, so far, it has been in vain.

Seeing Long Yi's appearance, Xiaotian suppressed his smile and walked to the door of the big tent. When he was about to go out, he turned his head, looked at the distressed Long Yi, and said seriously, "But when I followed the man, he inadvertently said a name. I'll tell you tomorrow." After saying that, Xiaotian disappeared into the big account as quickly as possible.

"Xiaotian, I'm going to kill you." Long Yi's voice was particularly loud in the silent night, and the soldiers patrolled around him hurriedly surrounded him.

(It has been more than 300,000 words. Xiaoyue has been working hard since the book was opened. I believe everyone has seen Xiaoyue's progress, hehe!)