Lord of the Source

Chapter 132 Empty Gloves White Wolf

In less than two days, the army led by Jiang Feng was thoroughly purged twice and cleared during the spies, but the military heart in the army was also unstable. Everyone was worried that they would be framed. At that time, Jiang Feng's fierceness would not let them go.

Jiang Feng also knows this, but he has no good way to control it. He can only do so for the time being. Anyway, he still hasn't opened the station and there is still time to ease.

A day has passed. Jiang Feng did not wear a military uniform, but came to Fengcheng in white. He was followed by Long Er, who was also dressed in plain clothes.

Looking up, Jiang Feng smiled.

"Children, can you open the door for us? We only have two people. We just want to go to the city." Jiang Feng said kindly that he thought that he might be able to win their favor and get closer to the people, so that he would have a better chance to take the army there.

"Grandpa, come and see, the officer and the officer who were beaten came yesterday." The child's sharp eyes recognized Jiang Feng and Long Er at a glance.

Hearing him call, an old man and a middle-aged man walked over the wall and looked at Jiang Feng and Long Er dressed plainly at the door. The old man and the middle-aged man were puzzled. They glanced at Jiang Feng and the others, and then looked at the barracks not far away.

"Don't worry, I know that you must have been mutilated by some scum in the army before. The purpose of my coming here today is to show that we are different from them. You see, the barracks are far away from here, and we don't bring any weapons or wear military uniforms. We just want to explore the city. I still hope You can give us a chance so that we can know what the previous army did to make you so angry. Don't you want someone to avenge you? Jiang Feng saw the hesitation in the eyes of the two people and continued to say.

"Okay, if only the two of you want to come in, we can let you in, but we won't open the gate. Come on, put down the hanging basket, and you can sit in the hanging basket. The middle-aged man seemed to have made up his mind and ordered several soldiers behind him. However, judging from the clothes of the soldiers, it is obvious that they are some new recruits who have just joined the army.

In fact, he doesn't want to let Jiang Feng and others in, but there is no way to be in such a stalemate now. As Jiang Feng said, if this army had malicious intentions, I'm afraid it would have flattened the whole peak city long ago, and the marshal of the army repeatedly emphasized their differences. In this case, as ordinary people, don't they just want people who can make the decision for them? Now that people come, of course they can't let go, although this person may not be sincere.

Jiang Feng looked at the slowly falling hanging basket and was a little curious about the person who came up with this idea. However, he still waited quietly until the hanging basket fell to the ground that Jiang Feng sat on it with Long Er. Then, Jiang Feng took an artificial elevator in this world.

Soon, Jiang Feng and Long Er were pulled onto the wall. As soon as they came down from the hanging basket, soldiers immediately surrounded them.

"Haha, catch the marshal of the other party and see what they dare to do. I was still worried about how to get them to retreat, but now there is a way." The middle-aged man's eyes were shining, and he couldn't help laughing loudly when he looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng looked at him calmly. Although it was a little unexpected, he was not afraid. It was just some ordinary soldiers surrounding them. Their spirit was dispersed. Jiang Feng knew that this middle-aged man was actually a martial emperor, which made Jiang Feng alert.

"City owner, it's not good for us to do this. In case his army attacks us crazily, then we..." The old man said sadly. It seemed that he did not know that the so-called city owner would be so bold to deceive the other party's generals.

"Master is too worried. Do you think this so-called general will let his army attack regardless of his life and death? Don't forget that the empire has a rule that if soldiers carry out large-scale military activities without authorization, they will be sentenced to rebellion. How can we let go of the charm sent to us? The middle-aged man said proudly, as if Jiang Feng and others were already in the bag.

Long Er was still a little angry, but when he saw Jiang Feng's calm appearance, he stood behind Jiang Feng without moving with yesterday's lesson. He simply moved his body. The action was very subtle. No one outside noticed it, but Jiang Feng saw it. His current position is just enough to help Jiang Feng block most of the attacks.

Jiang Feng glanced at Long Er and felt a trace of appreciation in his heart. It seemed that this person was still a little smart and worth cultivating.

Seeing that Jiang Feng and others had not spoken, but looked at him calmly, the middle-aged man did not understand. Obviously, he had been deeply trapped in the enemy camp and could still be so calm. This general was really extraordinary. Unfortunately, he did not know that he was the third prince of the Jiangtian Empire, because they received the news that the marshal of the army was in another army, and the leader of this army was one of Xue Long's sons. That's why he dares to be so bold.

How did he know that these news were just scattered by Jiang Feng.

"Come on, take them to prison and wait for us to deal with them." Since he can't figure it out, this middle-aged man is not going to wonder why Jiang Feng is so calm.

Under the escort of the soldiers, Jiang Feng and Long Er slowly walked down the wall. Before leaving, Jiang Feng took a deep look at the middle-aged man and looked at him directly.

Jiang Feng and Long Er were escorted down to the prison here by soldiers. Suddenly, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, because this prison was so exquisite, made of Jiang Feng's most familiar lock stone. Lock Yuanshi can absorb Yuanli. As long as the warrior is locked inside, there is almost no chance to escape. Unless this person can reach Wuzong, it depends on whether the content of Lock Yuanshi in the prison can escape.

Jiang Feng still walked into the prison quietly, and Long Er obviously did not know the structure of this prison. Lock Yuanshi is really too rare. Except for a few prisoners in the royal prison, it has never been seen anywhere else. If you appear here, you can see that there must be ghosts here.

When Jiang Feng and Long Er walked into the prison, and the stone door of the prison fell, Long Er realized that something was wrong.

When Long Er was about to ask a question, a laugh came in and followed a middle-aged man in.

"Haha, how do you feel about here? You all go out and stay outside. No one is allowed to come in. I want to arraign them." The person who came was the so-called city owner. After the soldiers went out respectfully, the middle-aged people emitted a strong momentum and separated here from the outside.

"Xue Zhanlong, is it strange that I am a martial emperor? Is it strange that I would order you to be arrested? Isn't this further provoking the conflict between the people and the army? As a city owner, you shouldn't do it. The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Feng and Long Er talking ferociously as if they had changed a different person.

"It's very strange, but what's more strange to me is that there will be a lock Yuan prison here. I don't know if the city lord can explain how this place was built, and he doesn't even know the empire. You should know that building a lock Yuan prison without permission is to kill the nine clans." Jiang Feng calmly looked at the owner outside through the window on the stone door.

The city owner was obviously stunned, and then immediately came to his senses.

"It's worthy of being the son of the Grand Marshal. You even know this. I think you didn't know until you entered it, otherwise you wouldn't be stupid to fall into the trap." The city owner obviously showed a trace of panic in his eyes when he heard the word Lock Yuan, so he told the most reasonable explanation in his heart.

"I didn't expect that the Prince would lock the Yuanshi for you, which really surprised me." Jiang Feng did not explain how he knew, but followed.

"Hmm! Now is not the time to discuss this. You'd better issue an order immediately to return your army to the empire. When the prince hits the imperial city, they will naturally have time to play. Otherwise, hum, you don't want to get out of here alive. The middle-aged man snorted coldly and then threatened Jiang Feng.

"Oh, what a surprise. Isn't it forcing a general to die by asking a general loyal to the empire to order his army to retreat? Do you think I will do such a thankless thing?" Jiang Feng still said calmly.

Hearing Jiang Feng say this, the middle-aged man was obviously stunned again, followed by ecstasy. Jiang Feng's words have something to say, and his heart can be seen.

"Then what are you going to do to write? If you are worried about your future life, I can report it to the Prince. Your future life is naturally the responsibility of the Prince." The middle-aged man did not say anything, but continued to persuade himself.

Seeing that this middle-aged man was not hooked, Jiang Feng sneered in his heart, but appeared to be annoyed for the first time.

"I said that as a warrior, we just hope to break out of our own sphere of influence on the battlefield. And as a soldier, if he leaves the battlefield, what do you think will happen to his heart? Don't you know that disqualification of soldiers from fighting undoubtedly makes them more uncomfortable than killing them? A man would rather die on the battlefield than be a shrinking turtle. Jiang Feng said worriedly.

Hearing Jiang Feng say this, the city owner was even more ecstatic.

"Are you..."

"If I can, I can think about it, and I can also give you a letter of resignation first, but you have to find someone who can make the decision to talk to me, at least someone I can trust to talk to me, otherwise you won't achieve your goal even if you die. I don't think you think a soldier will care about life and death. All we care about is honor, an honor that can be passed down for thousands of generations. Jiang Feng said calmly, but thought to himself, is there really that kind of master here?

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Feng for a while and found that Jiang Feng was still calm, so he made the same determination. He nod to Jiang Feng, then withdrew his energy, and went out after ordering Jiang Feng and Long II to entertain the people outside.