Lord of the Source

Chapter 131 Civil Change

While Xiaotian was investigating the spy, Jiang Feng had almost eliminated the spy. For Jiang Feng, who has modern ideas, it is too simple to find a few spies. He used to read a lot of detective novels.

Soon, Jiang Feng will lead the army to Luan City.

It has been five days since the army went on the expedition. On this day, the sky was high and cool. Jiang Feng rode his own war horse in the middle of the army. In the past, Jiang Feng hid in the carriage, but today is different, because today they are about to arrive in Luan City.

Looking not far away, you can vaguely see Luan City. Jiang Feng's heart became a little flustered and felt as if something was about to happen.

Sure enough, when it was about to reach Luan City, the army stopped. As soon as he waved to a messenger, a messenger came to Jiang Feng.

"What's going on in the front? Why don't you go? Go to the front and have a look." Jiang Feng asked lightly.

Hearing Jiang Feng say this, the messenger hurriedly led Jiang Feng's order and went forward.

Not long, the messenger came back and came with a young officer. He was the vanguard officer on Jiang Feng's side, and he was also a young person promoted by Jiang Feng when he removed the spies.

"*Long Er met the marshal, and there was a civil war in front of him, so the army was forced to stop, because the gate of Luan City was tightly closed. No matter what their subordinates said, they did not open the gate." The speaker is the young officer.

His name is Long Er. Jiang Feng felt that he was very close to Long Yi, and he himself had some ability. It was really rare to be the Emperor of Wu at a young age, so Jiang Feng appointed him as a striker* after removing the former striker Jiang Feng.

"Oh, well, I'll go to the front and have a look." Jiang Feng said, patted the horse's buttocks, and rode a war horse forward from among the sergeants who had made way for him.

Coming to the front of the army, Jiang Feng watched the tall gate close tightly, and there were still many people on the wall holding weapons at them. Suddenly, Jiang Feng's eyes stopped and he couldn't leave.

He saw a scene that surprised him. Many old people also held weapons at them, and they were at least 70 years old. For practitioners, 70s are nothing, but for ordinary people, it is an exception. Like modern people, they even raise their bows, let alone pull their bows.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng felt a little strange. Looking at it, not only the old man, Jiang Feng also saw the children, and the ten-year-old children also guarded the wall with slingshots.

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng immediately understood and sighed in his heart. He came down from the horse and raised his head to the people on the wall and said, "Fathers and fellow villagers in the city, I think everyone knows the purpose of our trip. I hope to let my army go there. I promise that I will never hurt anyone in the city." Jiang Feng's voice was full of Yuanli, and almost everyone on the wall could hear it. Of course, those deaf old people were excluded.

"Bah, to put it nicely, don't talk nonsense. Didn't the army take our food together that time? We won't open the door. It's not the same when you passed from Fengcheng. Why did the medicine pass through our Luan City? Don't you see the current situation of our Luan City? There is nothing worth grabbing." A middle-aged man who was nearly 30 years old also roared, his voice was full of anger and sadness, and the imperial army actually * them. This has brought their trust in the empire to a low point. Now, they only hope to wait for the end of the war safely. No matter who wins, it's just a change of the master who squeezes them.

"I don't know which one is in charge. I'm the marshal this time. If you have any requirements, you can send a representative to talk to me. If an army has invaded you before, I promise to bring them to justice. But now the front line is tight, and we can't delay. Jiang Feng said again, but he was not optimistic.

"Get out, you beasts who eat people without spitting bones, my daughter! No matter who he is, as long as he can destroy the Jiangtian Empire and destroy all their armies, the old man is willing to be a cow and horse to repay him in his next life. An old man suddenly cried and roared at Jiang Feng in his old voice. This is an accusation against the army. Jiang Feng's heart trembled. From the old man's voice, he heard that the hatred for the imperial army had now been implicated in the empire.

" Shut up, you are so bold. Don't you know that this is a great rebellion? Aren't you afraid to kill the nine clans? Seeing that someone dared to scold the empire in his heart, Long Er couldn't help standing up and roaring at the old man.

"Long Er, you are so bold. Who gave you the courage dare to shout openly at the people. Come on, Long Er tried to cause a mutiny, and the 20th military whip was executed by the marshal himself. Jiang Feng roared at Long Er, and then the person behind him was stunned and hurriedly took out a chair for executing the military whip.

Long Er was also stunned. When he knew that Jiang Feng came to him, he didn't understand what was going on.

"Get down!" With a roar, a strong momentum burst out from Jiang Feng's body, pressing the stunned Long Er on the chair, and then "bang!" With a crisp sound, Jiang Feng's whip hit Long Er's body.

At this time, Long Er reacted with pain, but he did not dare to get up. Although he was wronged, he gritted his teeth and held on.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A crisp sound spread throughout the whole barracks. Everyone held their breath and dared not come out. They punished an officer in front of all the sergeants and ordinary people, and executed military law through military uniforms, which was the greatest insult to soldiers.

Long Er held back his tears, not because of the pain of the whip, but because of his heartache. He really didn't understand why Jiang Feng punished him.




... The sound of a whip beating was like a beating on Long Er's heart.

Looking at Long Er's aggrieved appearance, Jiang Feng was also a little unbearable. Although he only got along with Long Er for less than two days, he still valued this young man, but if he doesn't do so now, I'm afraid their whole army will be delayed here unless they can step on the corpses of the people in the city.

Finally, 20 whips passed.

Jiang Feng threw the whip in his hand to the ground and roared behind him: "Listen, this is a precedent for anyone who disturbs the people in the future. Come on, order the three armies to rest here tonight. No one is allowed to enter Luan City without permission. Those who violate it will be beheaded!"

After saying that, Jiang Feng turned his head to look at Long Er and said in a low voice, "Come to the big tent at night. I have something important to tell you." After saying that, the people and soldiers who looked at each other went alone to the center of the army.

Soon, Jiang Feng's face-to-face punishment of the officers spread throughout Luan City. The people of Luan City are a little moved. They have been looking forward to the appearance of an upright person, and what Jiang Feng did is exactly what they want most.

At night, Long Er came to Jiang Feng's tent. In the tent, Jiang Feng was alone, and there was a table of good wine and good dishes. Jiang Feng did not wear military uniforms, but sat cross-legged in front of the table, as if waiting for people.

"Come on, sit down, by the way, look at me, I forgot that you can't sit now. Then squat, so that we can talk, otherwise I will look up to see you in trouble. Jiang Feng said insipidly and did not mention anything about what happened during the day.

"My subordinates dare not. I don't know what the marshal asked me to do. If nothing happens, my subordinates have to arrange a patrol." Long Er said respectfully.

"Ha ha, it's quite backbone! If you squat, you will squat. What do you do with so many words? What, are you resenting me for what happened during the day? Jiang Feng still said plainly, but Long Er was wrong to hear it, as if Jiang Feng was going to be angry.

"I dare not. I thought about it carefully. The marshal naturally has his own reason for doing so. For the sake of major things, it's nothing for my subordinates to be wronged. Even if they want their lives, they don't hesitate." Long Er still did not squat down, but stood back to Jiang Feng's words.

"Come on, you are still holding on in your heart. Squat down." Jiang Feng waved his hand and pressed Long Er down softly.

"Well, it's really tiring to look up and talk. Those civil servants talk to their father like this every day, and I don't know how they practiced it. Long Er, do you know why I punished you in front of everyone today? Jiang Feng said calmly, with no emotion on his face.

"I'm ignorant, I don't know why the marshal..."

"There are three reasons. First, you are one of our army, but you actually threatened the people in front of me today. As a marshal, I am still the prince of the empire. I don't want my people to hate the empire. Second, you are a *, which can be said to be high for many soldiers. I count it. It is to remind them that no matter who violates the laws of the country or the regulations of the army, I will never be soft. Third, and most importantly, I want to see if you can hold a big job. Jiang Feng looked at Long Er seriously and said the reason for today.

"It's not good for my subordinates. I thought the marshal was because I was too ostentatious and wanted to beat me. I was the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart, and I almost made a big mistake." After listening to Jiang Feng's explanation, Long Er suddenly knelt in front of Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng, a marshal, repeatedly favored him, which made him a little flattered. A marshal, not to mention his prince's identity, was able to whisper the reason to a subordinate like him, which shocked Long Er and moved a little.

"Oh, what a big mistake, let's talk about it." Jiang Feng has long doubted whether the spies in the army have been cleaned up. Now that he is even more sure of what Long Er said.

"Today, Vice Admiral Huacheng came to me, saying that it was all because those damn people humiliated me in public and encouraged me to teach them a lesson. It was best to break through the city gate directly, which could not only help the marshal solve the current situation, but also remove the anger in my heart. At that time, I was angry, but I was Promised them. Now, they have gathered troops to wait for their subordinates. As long as they go back, they will attack the city immediately. Long Er answered honestly.

As he spoke, Long Er suddenly showed a strong worry in his eyes.

"Marshal, I'm afraid that they will attack directly without waiting for me, and ask the marshal to let me go back to stop them." The anxious Long Er immediately got up and was about to leave.

"What's the panic? It's just a jumping clown. Let them go." Jiang Feng's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, as if all this was expected by him.