Lord of the Source

Chapter 332 Unification of the Tianxing Continent

For these uninvited guests, they hurt themselves, and the huge seal kept roaring.

Several people looked at each other for the wow sound. They are not familiar with the language of this continent and can't communicate at all. I don't know how long it took, one after another, seals surfaced out of the sea. However, no seal dared to take the lead in the attack, but carefully stared at several people in mid-air.

These are obviously the masters of this continent, with no less wisdom than human beings. From these uninvited guests, they felt the destructive momentum.

"What should I do? We don't understand their language at all. Although Jiang Feng had an idea to unify here, he was also in trouble at this time.

At this moment, Jinwu, who had been pulling his head to sleep in Jiang Feng's arms, reacted. He doesn't like the names of the past very much. Jiang Feng saved his life, so he hoped that Jiang Feng would continue to call him Jinwu.

"Jinwu, do you have a way?" Jiang Feng was the first to feel the abnormal movement of Jinwu.

"Oh, that's strange. There is such a thing in this universe, which is one of the low-level mekulls in our world. They are infinitely powerful. Once they become low-level gods, their bodies will become the best means of transportation. When Jinwu saw the things below, his eyes suddenly looked strange.

"They are called the Lulu clan in our world. I can communicate with them."

"Well, I want to unify this continent and need the help of the indigenous people here. There are oceans everywhere here, and our team doesn't know much about the world. Ask them to see the pattern of the world. Jinwu's ability to communicate with them is undoubtedly much more convenient for Jiang Feng's plan.

"Okay, wait a minute." With that, Jinwu muttered to the seals and didn't know what he was saying.

After three incense sticks, Jin Wu returned to Jiang Feng thoughtfully.

They said that this continent is called Tianxing Continent. Because most of them are oceans, this continent is dominated by marine life. Of course, there are also terrestrial creatures. However, those quantities are really negligible. There are many large pieces in the sea, which are occupied by races everywhere. Their race is one of the five strongest races.

"The other four races are the Yalong family, the sea whale family, the Cancer family, and the most mysterious sea shark family. The sea shark family is the most powerful and mysterious race among the five races. They have no fixed residence and migrate every year. Wherever they pass by, many animals will be buried in their huge mouths. However, this sea shark is also very smart. Never step into the rule of the four races. Jinwu simply sorted it out and said the most important thing.

"Well, if you control a large race, can you unify this continent? After all, we don't have much time. At most, you can only stay here for two days. If I can control here in two days, I will set up a transmission array here and ask the strong men of Yuanguang mainland to come to help. Jiang Feng asked Jinwu.

"The theory is okay. They have been in a state of the law of the jungle for generations. If it can be unified, it will be a good thing for them. However, it is also difficult to unify here within two days. The poison in this sea water does not dare to enter it easily unless its cultivation reaches the level of pseudo-god.

"Well, let's unify the land first. Only when the land is unified can there be hope. I will build some land on this ocean, so that many people can come to live there. Jiang Feng said what he thought.

"This is a good way. Let's go. I'll take you to land. I got the map from them just now, hehe, in fact, it's very easy to communicate with them. You just need to integrate your spirit into their consciousness and convey your meaning. This creature is so strange that even if you occupy their bodies, you can't control them. Therefore, their world of consciousness is a communication platform. Jinwubian took Jiang Feng to think about flying far away, teaching them how to communicate with the giant beasts here.

"There is only one continent here, and the area is only as large as the earth continent. Above, human beings also live there. It can be said that it is not an overdone to be another source continent.

Several people soon came to a continent like an isolated island.

Isolated at high altitude, Jiang Feng looked down. Human beings do live here, but human beings here are a little different. Their skin is green, which seems to be to adapt here.

Since he unified Yuanguang Continent, he has been thinking about how to settle the excessive human beings in the future.

"Let's go, let's go down." With that, Jiang Feng landed first. In order to avoid shocking the world, Jiang Feng and others deliberately chose a quieter canyon to land.

However, when he entered the city, it caused a huge sensation. When have people here ever seen such strange people like them? The skin is yellow, and the clothes are also very strange.

These people, looking at Jiang Feng and others pointing out, don't know where they came from.

Just when Jiang Feng and the others had a headache, suddenly, a group of soldiers came not far away. The reason why they are soldiers is that they are armed on the street.

After those people came around Jiang Feng and others, they pointed out to them. However, even Jinwu doesn't know what they are talking about. Shaking his head helplessly, Jiang Feng expressed in sign language that he couldn't understand what they were saying.

Although it took those people a long time to figure out what they said, the other party actually couldn't understand what they said. However, they still carry out the obligations of the guards. Several soldiers raised their weapons, and then the leader pointed to a hall not far away, meaning to let them go.

Jiang Feng is also curious whether the rulers here can drink them to communicate with each other. Therefore, he asked everyone not to resist, but followed a few people to the hall. It was not until Jiang Feng and others disappeared in the hall and on the street that calmed down. In their opinion, those strange people may be creatures from the sea.

Jiang Feng was a little surprised when he came to the hall. This place actually knows the architectural style better than Yuanguang Continent. This is not enough to surprise Jiang Feng. To Jiang Feng's surprise, there is a huge fountain outside the hall. These people actually have some physical knowledge.

What surprises him more is that the people here know the principle of leverage. Many heavy things can be carried with a huge piece of wood.

Jiang Feng is strange, and others are even more strange. They don't understand why these weak humans can carry those huge things. I am very curious about the fountain. If Jiang Feng hadn't ordered them to be quiet, I'm afraid Shuanglin would have run over excitedly to play at this time.

In the hall, a majestic green man sat on the hall. Next to him stood an old man.

"I don't know what you mean by asking them to bring us here." Jiang Feng opened his mouth and said, but as soon as he finished speaking, he found a little embarrassed. After all, those people can't understand what they are talking about.

However, to Jiang Feng's surprise, the old man sitting next to him opened his eyes excitedly. He stared at Jiang Feng and others, and then ordered a few words to the people around him, and then said something in the ruler's ear.

"Guests from far away, you are from the starry sky." The old man said the language of Yuanguang Continent to Jiang Feng.

Such a change first surprised several people. Then, I was happy again. After all, it's good that someone can understand what they say.

"Can you understand what I'm talking about?" With a trace of doubt, Jiang Feng asked the old man.

"Yes, distinguished guest. I know you come from the stars. Once, people who came there. He left some of the language of that world here. He said that one day, people from the stars will come to save us. The old man obviously couldn't sit still and walked down.

However, his trembling appearance. Jiang Feng was really worried that he couldn't stand up as soon as he fell down.

"Oh, someone has been here. Do you know when it is?" Hearing that people from his own world had come here, Jiang Feng suddenly developed a trace of interest.

"About 5,000 years ago, the saint said that he was called the master of space. He said that he didn't want to change the pattern here, but he said that in a thousand years, someone would save us. Almighty God, you finally appeared. Please save us who have been living in deep heat. With that, even the ruler sitting on the hall knelt down in front of Jiang Feng and others. They put their hands together and said something silently.

"Dear God, this continent has fallen to the point of survival. The poison gas emitted from time to time in the sea has made it difficult for us to survive, and the monsters in the sea make us live in fear every day. Almighty God, please show mercy and save us. The old man looked at Jiang Feng with hope. I hope Jiang Feng can promise them.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng suddenly admired the foresight of the space master in those years, and also thought to himself whether he would become someone else's pawn. Will the space dominate still be alive? I just want to take advantage of him. However, this idea was quickly overturned by himself. Because he does master the inheritance of space master.

At any time, he may break through to the dominant level.

With a wave of hands, everyone in the hall stood up.

Jiang Feng has decided to unify here. Whether it is the enemy's trap or not, it is necessary for him to unify here. Because Tianxing Continent is the closest place to Yuanguang Continent.