Lord of the Source

Chapter 333 Two Continents

(Children's shoes, I have been breaking the update these days because I have been chasing new books. Alas, it may not be updated every day this month. I hope everyone will forgive me. The new book is absolutely wonderful and took me nearly three months to conceive. Remember to come and support!)

He doesn't want to think too much about what the space master did in those years. Since there is such a cheap one in front of you, why not take advantage of it?

After talking with the old man, Jiang Feng knew that the old man's name was Blue, which was the secret of this continent. His status is even above the emperor.

There is no problem with the unification of the mainland. It's just that in the sea, the strong are like clouds. Up to now, Jiang Feng still has no good way. He needs some living believers and doesn't need to kill creatures.

"Bru, do you think there are other forces in the sea that can't be underestimated besides a few big families?" Jiang Feng sat in front of Blue and talked to him.

"Respect God, yes. There are all oddities in the sea. Although on the surface, the five races are the overlords in the sea, there is a real dragon race in the depths of the ocean. They are strong, but because the number is too small. Therefore, they cannot be compared with the five major races. However, despite this, the five races dare not easily provoke these dragons. Blue said respectfully.

"Dragon Man is a new race. Well, you declare heaven, and I will build a disillusioned Holy See here. Usually, I will accept believers here to give them strong strength and help me spread the teachings. Jiang Feng said lightly that this was his real purpose.

"Dear God, we are all your people, and everything is at your command." Blue did not show dissatisfaction because his rights were threatened. On the contrary, he was happier than anyone to hear that Jiang Feng was going to build power here.

Human beings on the continent are undoubtedly the weakest for this continent. With Jiang Feng's protection, their lives will only become better.

"Okay, I'll ask some people to come and teach you something. At the same time, I will also build a transmission array here. However, you must promise me that only those who are strong enough can reach the Holy Land through this transmission array. Moreover, only three places are allowed in a year. Of course, as a heavenly machine, you can go to the Holy Land every year. There, as the three selected people, you will get a lot of resources. Jiang Feng thought about it and said it better.

Originally, he just wanted to build a one-way transmission array. However, this is obviously unfair to people in Tianxing Continent. So, he came up with this method.

"Thank you for God's blessing. When is God going to do it?" Blue is a smart man, and he clearly knows Jiang Feng's strength. With Jiang Feng as a backer, the human race in the mainland is bound to rise.

"Today, I will hand over the affairs of the mainland to you, and I will ask five people to help you. Anyone who disagrees will be killed without mercy. I don't have much time to spend here. Although it will be cruel, I hope you can understand. Jiang Feng said, although his eyes were flat, when Blue's eyes touched, he felt a strong murderous intention.

Suddenly, Blue's back was covered with cold sweat. Hurry up and say yes.

Jiang Feng has come to the sea with Xiaotian, Shuanglin, Fang Hong and Luo Xuerou. Muyun was left on the mainland by him. With Muyun's years of governance, it should be simple to establish a Holy See now.

"Jiang Feng, where shall we start first?" Jinwu also became active at this time. In the past, as the head of the family, he could not take risks easily. I have a lot of skills, but I can't find a place to play. At this time, he was certainly very excited to see that there was a fight.

"Jinwu, you are the head of the family. Do you still want to do it yourself? I don't want you Jinwu to chase and kill. You'd better stop it for me. Jiang Feng was helpless, and Jinwu's temper was like a child.

Even Jiang Feng often doubts whether this is the patriarch of Jinwu. If it hadn't been for seeing the respect of Jinwu on their shoulders, Jiang Feng would have really thought he was a liar.

"Cut, Jiang Feng, you are still the soul of many adults now. If you have something to do, what about Yuanguang Continent? OK, teach me a lesson. You won't let me do it. Humph, then you can communicate with them by yourself. By the way, I forgot to tell you that they are very disgusted with human beings. Jin Wu said proudly.

"You, okay, remember to show mercy at that time." In fact, Jiang Feng was just joking. He didn't think he needed to fight as a leader. On the contrary, as a leader, you need to improve your strength, and the best way to improve your strength is not to practice, but to fight.

Only when you have struggled on the edge of life and death can you make a major breakthrough.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Feng and others came to this place for the first time. Obviously, Jiang Feng wants to rule the so-called seal family first.

It's noon, and the sun is shining in the sky. There is some green gas floating on the sea. Jiang Feng knew that these gases must be extremely poisonous. However, this is undoubtedly a good time to rest for marine life.

Before approaching, Jiang Feng heard a roar. On the distant sea, there are many small islands out of thin air. What's more strange is that these islands will still move and spewing out a few mouthfuls of seawater from time to time.

Under the sun, many 'fountains' are colorful. Several women praised it. If it hadn't been for Jiang Feng, Shuanglin would have run to play with water.

"Brother, these monsters are so cute." Shuanglin said with an excited face. At the same time, she was even more stubborn and had the impulse to rush out at any time. Fortunately, Jiang Feng has been looking at her so desperately that her conspiracy has not been succeeded.

"Jinwu, go and tell them that I want to see their patriarch." Now that he has come here, Jiang Feng will naturally not waste time.

Jin Wu flapped his wings in the air and suddenly hit the range of the seals opposite like a light.

Jiang Feng floated in the air and began to think about what to do next. Not long ago, he planned to recover other continents, but when it was really implemented, Jiang Feng found that there were still many problems.

First of all, how to make these creatures submit to him. It's not that he hasn't thought about dropping miracles or something, but it doesn't have much effect.

It's better to unify all the creatures first and then pass on the teachings to them. In this way, some miracles are being lowered to ensure that these creatures are obedient.

Soon, a golden light flashed, and Jinwu appeared in front of Jiang Feng.

"Hey, Jiang Feng, let me tell you a good news, a bad news, which one do you want to listen to first?" Jinwu's face was with a bad smile.

"Oh, Shuanglin, do you want to eat steamed golden black meat? That's a great tonic. After eating it, you may be able to forcibly improve your cultivation. Seeing Jinwu's bad smile, Jiang Feng was really helpless, so he put Jinwu in turn.

Shuanglin didn't like to practice in the first place. When he heard such a 'shortcut', he was immediately excited. Looking at Jinwu's appearance, he was full of greed.

Seeing Shuanglin's eyes, Jinwu did not experience a chill. He has seen this girl's ability to make a person. However, he likes the little girl Shuanglin very much.

"Frhuanglin, don't listen to Jiang Feng's nonsense. When it comes to the two-dimensional universe, Brother Jinwu will find something interesting for you. Have you ever seen a flying horse? At that time, I'll give you a head." Jin Wu immediately flattered and said to Shuanglin that if Shuanglin really caught him for steaming, although it would not hurt him, he would lose face.

He can't take action against such a lovely child. In that case, without Jiang Feng's action, the caring women next to him will inevitably strip away the golden retrievers on his body.

"However, although Pegasus is fun, it has not been improved. Even if I get Pegasus, I still have to practice seriously. Seeing the hesitation on Shuanglin's face, the women couldn't help laughing. However, Shuanglin's next words almost shocked several people.

Jiang Feng is even more helpless. Shuanglin is simply a living treasure between them.

"Okay, Jinwu, don't make any noise. Tell me what you've heard." Jiang Feng didn't want to waste any more time, so he asked.

Jin Wu looked at Shuanglin carefully and found that she pouted and looked obviously angry. However, the way she looked at Jin Wu has never changed. It seems that Shuanglin is still immortal.

"Jiang Feng, I remember it this time. Humph!"

"A serious problem has been found between the five races this time. It seems that the continent is going to undergo major changes, because the seabed is already a little unstable, and there seems to be some cracks. Because of this, the evaporation speed of seawater is more than ten times faster than before. Several races decided to get together to discuss it. This is good news. As long as we control the patriarchs of several major races and other ethnic groups, they are not obedient. Jinwu was a little proud, which was the 'good way' he came up with. However, when he saw that Shuanglin was still in large quantities on him, he couldn't help trembling.

This is indeed good news, which saves us a lot of time. But what's the bad news? Jiang Feng has always looked at things on both sides. If he only sees the benefits but not the disadvantages, one day he will suffer a big loss.

The bad news is that no one knows where the five patriarchs are gathering. Their clan did not know that each patriarch was only allowed to take 20 guards. So far, I don't know where they are. Jinwu spread his two wings in the air, saying that there was nothing he could do.

"Jinwu, believe me or not, I'll burn you." Hearing this, Jiang Feng was obviously angry. He must know this Jinwu, but he didn't want to say it. He deliberately angered Jiang Feng.

"Brother, didn't you just say that steaming is useful? Although braised pork is delicious, if it can't improve its cultivation, it's better to steam it. Don't waste it." Shuanglin's words immediately stunned several people.

Then, the two women and the dragon turtle laughed, and Jinwu flew high and completely away from the little devil. Jiang Feng was full of black lines and sighed in her heart that this girl was really alive.