City of Dimlight

Chapter 78 Shuo Ying

"My name is Olaro," the little angel said happily, "It's an angel!"

" are a statue?" He said it carefully so as not to inadvertently offend this free commentary: "Or has it become like this by magic?"

" Well, it can be said that I am a statue, but I can also become a demon statue!" Euler explained, "As long as you can get my core back!"

He knows that magic creatures created by wizards using earth or metal as raw materials through magic can't hurt them at all, and they are one of the least enemies adventurers want to encounter.

I also don't know why he knows all this.

"If I get your core back, can you help me?" He put forward his own conditions: "For example, take me out?"

"Go out? Are you going out? Oh, my God, do you mean to go out with me? Euler got excited and said continuously, "Why not? As long as you find my core and take me with you, I will definitely take you out!" It even began to urge: "Quickly, find my core, and then we get out of here!"

This performance made him a little suspicious: "Can you really take me out?"

It roared impatiently: "You are doubting me! Oh, my God, you doubt the great Eulero! The statue made by the Creator! - I was created to answer questions, but now you don't think I can find a way out! You should know..."

"Enough," he interrupted Ola's chatter: "I believe you can take me to find a way out - the question is where the core is?"

This problem immediately began to pay attention to. Euler made a sound and then said calmly, "Originally, my core was placed under the altar inside, but now it has been taken away by them - the most likely place is in the collection room inside!"

"Collection room? Tell me the location and I'll take it out for you!" He said.

Euler smiled: "I think you need to bring a weapon and then find the core - you may need it!"

"Weapon? Are you talking about it?" He pointed to the machete on the altar: "At first, you asked me to try it, but now you ask me to bring it?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure if you can use it, but if you can't use it, I'll let you find another weapon!" It smiled again: "Because it is very unlikely to be used - it is not an ordinary machete!"

"I don't object to this!" He looked at the machete in front of him, which flashed with an unspeakable dazzling light, and even the most ordinary decorations were complex magic patterns.

"If I can use it, it will be the best weapon I have ever used," he joked, but Ola did not smile. He calmly looked at his right hand and grabbed the handle of the knife.

The buzz suddenly filled the whole room, and a light began to appear from the hand, followed by a masterpiece.

He shouted and fell straight down.


Suddenly, he found the focus in a large gray darkness, and there seemed to be something real in the whirlpool of nothing. It drifted and rotated slowly in front of him.

It has two contours, which are separated and then combined. He fought against the dull pain in his head, and the inner darkness had exhausted him and struggled not to let him escape. Gradually, he felt his hands and feet again and realized who he was and how to get here.

In his stunned awakening, the image of a crystal-shaped thing became stronger and became the focus - it was the handle of a gem machete.

The scene of the altar was gradually approaching. On the altar a few yards away, a pair of ruby eyes were staring at him in astonishment.

He moaned and got up with difficulty, "What's wrong with me?"

"Oh, you fainted!" The little angel said happily, "Maybe you can't stand the power of the machete - but you have woken up now, which means that you have mastered it!"

"I didn't feel anything," he was puzzled and began to raise his right hand and put the machete in front of him to observe carefully - he tried to let go of his hand, and the machete gently left his control without any difference.

"Do you have any special feelings?" Aurora shouted strangely: "It shouldn't be like this!"

"What should that be like?" He smiled and said, "Maybe you made a mistake!"

"No, it will never be wrong! But I can't explain the situation," the little angel retorted, "According to my understanding, either you have mastered the power of the 'Shadow' or you can't stop it and be thrown away - but there will never be such a static situation!"

"Shadow?" He asked, "What's its name?"

"Of course!" Euler is a little angry: "He is a famous shadow - you don't even know!"

"So," he thought for a moment, "what should I do now that this has happened?"

"You don't have to do anything, just get an ordinary machete!" The little angel shouted, "Do your own thing now - let me think about it. I hope I can figure it out when you come back!"

He nodded and tried the weight of the machet - to his delight, Shuo Ying was indescribable, and both the weight and the sound of breaking the air seemed to be tailored for him.

The pillar of the tunnel is left behind with a disturbing rule, as if he had been walking in the same place. He felt that the tunnel was curved while rising slowly, and circled a huge circle. This made him feel more nervous. He knew the technique of dwarves digging tunnels, especially where there were precious gems or metals, and he began to suspect that it would take a few miles to reach the second highest floor underground.

After walking for an hour or two, I still saw the rock pillars extending forward into the darkness, and the faint light emitted from the wall could only illuminate a few meters in front of me.

He suddenly stopped and squatted down.

There is a small pit on the stairs on the ground. He clearly knows that he has stepped on this pit more than once.

"A little trick?" He muttered to himself. So he took off a piece of cloth from his rags, tied it to the pillar, and then moved forward again.

More than 20 minutes later, he saw the cloth on the front pillar again.

"Endless ladder?" He smiled. Although there was no memory, these things were like an innate instinct.

He untied the cloth, covered his eyes, and then walked in a straight line again. If someone is looking around, he will scream in surprise, because he walked straight into the wall.

He travels between walls and stairs and columns, but always follows an instinctive straight line.

Ten minutes later, he felt the difference under his feet, so he untied the cloth in front of him.

A completely different scene appeared in front of him: it was a tall stone wall inlaid with gems, emitting a soft light, and a silver stream flowing along the wall, as thick as his forearm, and shining because of its high purity.

"My God!" He couldn't believe all this: "Mythril!"

He stared at this scene that he had never seen in his life and clearly knew the value of this kind of thing. Mithril is the best conductor of magic and fighting spirit. No matter what weapon it is, as long as an appropriate amount of Mithril is added, it can become a good weapon. It can be said that Mithril is the foundation of all magic weapons, so its price is also extremely expensive.

When he continued to move forward, the slope of the tunnel became more and more obvious, and the veins of Mithril kept repeating, which made him suspect that Euler might have said that finding the core was too simple.

Every turn, the aisle becomes brighter and brighter. It is not a light that flashes like a torch, but continues to shine.

At the last turn, he suddenly came to the end of the passage, and after some of the last pillars was a large room. He tried to pass through these pillars and came to the room. Obviously, there was not much to pay attention to. It was just a simple workshop, and all the shelves were empty.

He looked for it, but found nothing special, but all the tools and the workbench were mixed with a large amount of mithril as materials.

The exit is a small door leading to a tunnel-style passage.

Just a few feet to the right of the tunnel exit, a wide and gently curved ramp spirals down to another level of stairs. On the left, the projection extends along the wall. It is very narrow and not designed for temporary passage, but continuing from this road, he can see a bridge across a deep pit.

"It's too big!" He has no doubt that space magic has been used in this tower, but he must continue to find the core so that he can leave here.