City of Dimlight

Chapter 148 Ambush

Leo also considered this possibility. Go!" He didn't accept the idea. "He is too stupid to play these tricks."

"If you think so, it means that he is more dangerous." Aurora commented that it flew out of Leo's arms and looked back at the chaotic sand dunes.

"Do you want to go back?" Obix asked that he couldn't dispel other people's doubts so quickly. He could only hope that Leo could come up with ideas and what to do.

"If our conjecture is wrong, we don't catch up with the caravan..." Garlock warned them of the worst situation.

"Can we still wait?" Bosk asked.

Leo and Aurora looked at each other.

"Go on," Leo said immediately, "let's see how things go."

"Only in the place where you are most different from your hometown can you learn the most." Obix repeated what Leo said that morning. Then he took the crossbow handed over by Leo, which he bought when he was in the elf kingdom. It has been kept in the ring and now distributed to everyone.

Everyone will use this simple remote tool, especially the elf production, which has amazing accuracy and stability. Bosk guessed that this was the chip that Leo insisted on taking a risk to try - he couldn't help but feel a gap between himself and Leo's estimation of things.

After they walked through the first road sign, their suspicions did not decrease. A huge board pointed to the way they were going to take, and the wooden board nailed to the dry mushroom tree wrote the same sentence in 20 voices: "The best way." These friends once again considered their choices and once again found themselves forced to move forward due to the problem of time. They decided to continue walking for an hour. If they haven't found the caravan by then, they will go back to the chaotic sand dunes and "discuss" with Dalyb about it.

The next road sign says the same thing, and so is the third one. When they passed the fifth signpost, sweat soaked their clothes, stung their eyes, and the city was invisible and disappeared into the dusty heat wave on the raised sand dunes. Their mounts didn't move forward. Camels are difficult animals, especially when riders are inexperienced. In particular, Garlock was very dissatisfied with the people riding on it, because the camel liked to walk their own way, and our giant had strong legs and arms, constantly forcing the camel to walk the way he wanted to go. The camel twice bent over and spit on Garlock's face.

The giant easily dodged every time, but he wanted to cut off the camel's hump with a huge sword more than once.

"Stop!" When they came to the valley between the two dunes, Leo ordered. Our adventurer stretched out one of his arms and led everyone to look at the dome in surprise, where several vultures circled lazily.

"There are rotting corpses near here." Bosk said.

"Otherwise, it will be available soon." Leo replied gloomily.

Just as he spoke, the outline of the sand dunes around them suddenly transformed from the blurred brown hot sand into the knight's silhouette, and the machete they raised glittered under the reflection of the gravel.

"Trap." The little angel said calmly.

Leo was not surprised. He looked around to calculate the ratio of enemies and us. Five to one." He whispered to his companion.

"It seems like it's always," Bosco replied, slowly taking down the weapon from his shoulder and preparing to fight.

Those knights maintained the same posture for a long time and looked at the prey.

"Do you think they want to talk to us?" Bosk asked, and he tried to laugh in such an extremely unfavorable situation.

"No." Leo answered his question, because the other three people didn't laugh.

The leader of the knight gave an order, and then everyone rushed over furiously.

"May this damn world be destroyed soon!" Obix muttered, and then took down the crossbow on his shoulder while sliding down the mount, "Everyone wants to fight!"

"Then come," he shouted at the knights, "but let this war be fair!" He looked at Leo, and his master and friend encouraged his action with his eyes, so he was the first to take action. The crossbows shot one by one on the sand dunes, making one knight after another fall from the saddle.

Persia looked at the child in a daze and suddenly changed his face to start killing. He is right!" He slid down from the camel and shouted, "You guys, can't you let us go on a quiet journey!" As soon as his foot touched the ground, he grabbed the crossbow and aimed at the enemy as quickly and began to attack.

Garlock was the only one who did not use the crossbow, because he was too big and the crossbow was too small for him, so he jumped off the camel, stood in front of the team, and used the side of his camel as a cover. But the giant soon found that his mount was his biggest enemy, because the bad-tempered animal turned around and bit his forearm with its flat teeth.

Leo's crossbow was added to the deadly melody played by friends, but when the knights approached, it decided to adopt a different mode of action. Leo knew how to scare the enemy, so he pulled back the cape and jumped on top of the camel, standing on a hump with one foot. He slowly glowed golden light, which was the most obvious sign of the ninth-order strong. Those enemies close to Leo were very nervous when they saw the golden light appear, and suddenly strangled their horses.

However, the front line of the other three people suddenly collapsed, because after all, the number of the other party far exceeded them.

Garlock stared at the camel in disbelief, and then punched the eyes of the hateful animal. The stunned camel immediately began to rush forward blindly.

The feud between the giant and the disobedient livestock was endless - he noticed that three knights were going to take advantage of the situation, so he decided to deal with the enemy on one side. He ran under the camel and lifted it completely off the ground. When he lifted this guy up and threw it at the rushing knights, he shouted uncontrollably: "Ha!"

Then he held the flame sword in his hand, jumped into the chaos, and cut them away before the robbers found themselves being attacked.

The two knights found that there was a passage between the camels that no one rode to others, but the first one was Leo standing alone. He began to use magic at the moment when the enemy began to hesitate. The dark canopy enveloped a wide range of enemies, and the remaining enemies who did not rush in tried to stop, but still got in.

This was given to everyone in the world. They quickly changed into melee weapons, carried the crossbows on their backs, and then attacked the enemy who rushed out of the dark curtain.

"Thank you, Brother Leo," Bosk shouted, "I'm glad to fight with you again!"

Leo's answer is: "Be careful behind!" Because just as he spoke, several knights rushed out of the boundary and ran to him. Bosk shrank reflexively, began to roll on the ground, and then used a magic while standing up.

The horse just stepped on this soft sand, and then its front hoof sank directly into it and threw its owner down.

The horse that lost its owner began to walk quickly. Bosk stepped forward and grabbed its reins and turned over the saddle to chase the robber who had just rushed over.

Leo still stood on the camel, looking down at all the enemies, deftly dodging the attack of the knight who rushed past him, and constantly waved two magic machetes, like the dance of death. Again and again, the robbers thought that the guy standing above who looked like a ninth-order strongman was a good target, but in the end, they found that their knives and guns were just catching the wind, and then they suddenly found a flash or another magic knife neatly scratched their throats when they hurriedly escaped.

Soon two people came up together, one from the side of the camel and the other from the back of Leo. The vigorous Leo kept jumping, and still easily continued to stand above the camel - within a few seconds, he forced the two enemies to change their posture.

Garlock took away the last of the three enemies he had knocked down, and then jumped away from the chaos, only to find his stubborn camel standing in front of him again. He attacked the difficult guy again, this time with the blade of a huge flame sword, and it immediately fell to the ground next to the robber.

After this small battle was temporarily over, the first thing the giant noticed was Leo. He was surprised by the subtlety of Leo's two-knife dance, which could suddenly block the enemy's machete attack, or make the two opponents lose balance all the time - he could solve these two people in a few seconds, but he did not do so. All he did was to find a feeling in the battle, the kind of strong man who could kill the opponent in seconds. The feeling.

Or just a game!

Then Garlock saw the place behind Leo, where a knight approached quietly, pointing his spearhead at his back.

"Leo!" The giant screamed when he threw the flame sword at his friend. Leo heard the cry and thought Garlock was in trouble, but when he saw the giant sword coming to his knees, he immediately understood what was going on. He jumped without hesitation and turned over the enemy's head.

The spearman rushed forward had no time to sigh for his opponent's escape, because the giant sword flew over the camel's breasts and hit him directly in the face. Leo's sudden disappearance was also good for the battle in front of him, because the two swords were shocked. In their moment of hesitation, although Leo was still on his head and feet in the air, he still tried to cut his knives down.

The flash deeply inserted into one of one's chest. Although the second knife was dodged by another robber, he and Leo were close enough to hit him under the man's arm with a knife handle. The two knights fell with Leo, but only our young man's feet landed safely. His knife crossed twice, and then waved down again, ending the other party's struggle this time.

Another knight saw that the giant was unarmed and chased after him from behind. Garlock saw the man coming and was ready to fight for his life. When the horse rushed to him, the giant made a flashback to the right. That was the direction that the earth's sword could not reach, and as he expected - then Garlock turned around and ran straight to the road where the horse was about to go.

The giant withstood the horse's impulse, put his arms around the horse's neck, put his feet on the horse's forelegs, and rolled back, making the horse fall down. Then the strong giant pulled with all his strength, making the horse and knight run over him.

The frightened robber could not react, but when the horse threw him to the ground, he could still scream. After the horse finally rolled away, the robber remained there, with his head and feet stuck in the sand and his feet hanging strangely to one side.

At the top of a nearby sand dune, Obix was observing everything around the little angel, and they hardly let all the enemies get close to him.

Several knights fled the desert at full speed, and a dead one fell on the other side of the sand dune. Obix pointed the crossbow at one of them and found that the battle behind him was over.

"Enough." The little angel next to him whispered that it flew over and moved an inch away from the place where the crossbow was aimed, and then a crossbow flew out and brushed over the shoulder of the fleeing robber.

There are enough killings today, it thinks.