Future Thor

Chapter 21: Arrest

"Xiaofeng!" Yan Xiaosu sat by Haofeng's bed and called nervously.

Haofeng's eyebrows trembled, slowly propped up, and his dark eyes opened.

"It hurts!" Haofeng felt the pain in his body and really wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound at this time.

"Wake up, finally woke up!" Yan Xiaosu grinned and laughed. She was so happy that she almost collapsed from **.

But thinking that Haofeng is still a seriously injured patient, he dares not use too much force.

"Brother, it's good that you're awake!" Yan Xiaosu wanted to jump up and hug Haofeng. He said in an extremely excited tone.

Haofeng looked at the extremely excited brother in front of him inexplicably.

At this time, the three-type healing lamp was still covering every part of Haofeng's body, and the soreness on his body was covered by warm sunlight.

A cordial solar power began to make his pain disappear little by little.

His throat also slowly became much more comfortable, and he tried to open his mouth slightly.

I don't feel too abnormal.

"You should be able to speak!"

Haofeng asked questioningly to Yan Xiaosu in front of him, "What's wrong with me?"

Hearing that Haofeng could speak, it was obvious that the injury had been well controlled. Yan Xiaosu's face showed a smile, but after he understood Haofeng's problem, his face was pulled down again.

"Have you forgotten? You are in the best hospital in our family, do you remember?" Yan Xiaosu said that he is now worried about whether Haofeng has lost his memory.

Haofeng pondered and quickly irrigated scenes into his mind.

When he thought that he fell to the ground, the last scene was that the man of South China College, who used flames like a demon, was only a little injured.

The other party's eyes, which wanted to cut himself with thousands of knives, were reflected in Haofeng's heart.

"Yes, where's the person who uses fire?" Haofeng suddenly asked Yan Xiaosu that he only knew what had happened before, but he didn't know anything about it later.

Now he can still see his friends, and I guess he will be fine.

But what happened later? Who saved himself?

"Later, when the 'monster' wanted to whip your body, my father's E-level medium-sized robot arrived and knocked him down directly, but this 'monster' seemed to have a great deal..." Speaking of this, Yan Xiaosu's angry eyes couldn't help sighing, and his tone was I'm not polite to Huaxuan at all.

is directly called a monster.

Then he continued with regret: "My father didn't kill him, and then a group of people in black clothes from South China came and took the monster away!"

Haofeng looked at Yan Xiaosu and said, "This man is also from South China University. It seems that he has greatly offended South China University this time."

"What a pity, otherwise you should have killed that monster!" Yan Xiaosu looked at Haofeng and couldn't help clenching his fist.

He also thought that it was because of his own affairs that Haofeng was so seriously injured.

"It's okay." Haofeng knew that it was his own business. He originally wanted to wave his hand to Yan Xiaosu, but suddenly found that his whole body was tied like a mummy with white tape.

He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

This time, my injury was indeed very serious, and I almost died.

At this time, Haofeng began to have time to look at the surrounding environment. This is a 100-meter square room with some light red stones on the snow-white wall.

There is one every meter away, and these stones seem to contain some breath, which can restore the spirits of the people in this room.

Haofeng's body was illuminated by the three-type healing lamp, and the powerful vitality was poured into his body.

With a large number of bandages, it began to automatically turn white**, and then vaporized again.

These are liquefied vitality bandages, which are very flexible and will automatically vaporize when patients don't need them, which is very convenient.

"It seems that you are already better." Yan Xiaosu saw this scene in his eyes, and he knew that the effect of these liquefied vitality bandages also understood that Haofeng was about to get better.

Haofeng's whole body was naked and naked. The muscles on the vigorous skin of his abdomen began to emerge slowly, forming eight small pieces, which were not particularly huge muscle blocks, but they contained strong strength.

"Let me get you a dress!" Yan Xiaosu left the bed and went out to the door of the room on the left.

At this time, there is only Haofeng left in the room.

He moved his hands and feet and found that the strength on his hands and feet began to recover. He pinched his skin with his fingers and found that it was as flexible as a ball of water.

"My skin seems to have been upgraded to a level. Unexpectedly, I was blessed by misfortune. Yan Xiaosu's hospital probably used a lot of the best potion on me!" Haofeng sighed secretly. He couldn't afford to buy those potions.

Haofeng's eyes looked at the surrounding walls and began to fall into meditation again.

"In Nanshi, although the law is not particularly perfect, there is one that is very accurate, that is, strong men above the warriors cannot fight in the city, which will destroy the city."

"But that madman dares to slaughter in the city, and no law enforcement officer has appeared for so long... That only shows a problem. The identity of that madman is absolutely not simple."

Thinking of this, Haofeng began to feel depressed again.

"Since the other party can slaughter once, there will definitely be a second time."

If you are in danger and offend such a horrible person, I'm afraid the other party will never give up.

Haofeng was entangled in his heart. He didn't provoke anyone, but he had more troubles.

Is it possible to grow up handsomely and be splashed with sulfuric acid?

What kind of reason is this?

"If I continue to be an ordinary doctor, I guess I may not even be able to live this month." Haofeng was silent.

In retrospect, it is easy to find out your identity.

Can I escape?

Haofeng thought of his parents: it is easier to check his *, and if he runs away from his relatives, he will definitely encounter accidents.

But if you don't go...

I will die.

The dilemma appears in front of you. How to solve this?

Haofeng was imagining what to do next when the door was suddenly pushed open.

This was not enough to attract Haofeng's attention, but the door of the room was hit to one side with a trace of strength, as if it had been pushed away by someone with great strength.

Haofeng looked up and looked over.

It was not Yan Xiaosu who came in, but three men in gray humanoid armor, fully armed, as if to capture some violent anti-terrorism elements.

Haofeng frowned and knew these armors in his impression.

This is a police armor, which belongs to the equipment used by law enforcement police. Usually, only the law enforcement police in Nanjing wear this set of equipment.

But how can it appear here now?

The first three men took off his helmet and revealed his real appearance. His face was square and about 30 years old. He only heard him look at Haofeng lying in **.

Seeing Haofeng's vigorous body, there is still a trace of childish childishness on his beautiful face. On the whole, Haofeng is still a little handsome.

The 30-year-old middle-aged man couldn't help sighing in his heart: "It's a pity, a good young man."

He thought so, but he shouted at Haofeng: "Are you Haofeng?"

Haofeng was a little dizzy by the sudden loud voice. After a while, he shook his head and wondered: "This man is a master, much better than himself. But looking at the opponent's lineup, the comer is not good!"

"Yes!" Haofeng nodded to the middle-aged man.

"You used martial arts in the city yesterday to hurt the grandson of the president of South China College. Today, our law enforcement police sent three of us to arrest you!" The middle-aged man said.


The police arrested me? Wait, did I hurt someone?

The first impression of Haofeng's brain was that he immediately thought of the madman who died tragically in his hands, but this character was denied by Haofeng as soon as he appeared.

If it is this person, the other party is not hurt, but killed. In this case, it must be the red-haired man.

Haofeng shook his head. He was just beginning to think about how to deal with it, but the other party sent someone directly.

The other party wanted to kill, but now he bites himself and says that he has hurt people.

Haofeng's heart gave birth to a fire for no reason. What kind of saying is this? Does it directly frame himself?

Thinking of this, two bright eyes on Haofeng's beautiful cheeks flashed deeply, and he stared at the three people angrily.

"I didn't hurt anyone, and your statement is incorrect. You said I hurt someone, and you don't suspect that I hurt someone. What evidence do you have? Haofeng was very sober in his heart, and he directly caught the other party's speech sickness.

The middle-aged man heard Haofeng's retort, and his face was still like a piece of wood carrying out the task without any fluctuation. He said coldly, "Still sophistry!!! The bureau has all the videos of your crime yesterday. Go to the bureau and talk about it!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he didn't talk so much nonsense with Haofeng. He waved his palm at the people behind him, and then the two law enforcement officers ran towards Haofeng.

Haofeng's eyebrows have frowned, and his heart is furious. Now he can't wait to find the dean's son and kill him directly.

It's such a conspiracy.