Future Thor

Chapter 22: Businessman Yan Tianhua

Haofeng's eyebrows tightened and he was about to carry the qi in his body.

Three people came in again outside the door, two men and one woman, one of whom was a 30 or 40-year-old middle-aged man. His two eyes were bright, and there was a trace of cunning belonging to the merchant between his eyebrows.

At this time, there were several different emotions on his face, including unhance, surprise, anger, and an impulse to fight.

Haofeng has seen this middle-aged man several times, who is the father of his best friends.

"What's wrong with your law enforcement team!" Yan Tianhua snorted coldly, and a bad feeling also appeared in his heart at this time.

"Oh, it's Brother Yan!" The captain of the law enforcement team looked at Yan Tianhua's appearance, and his tone softened a little.

Yan Tianhua is usually very good at being a man. He often wanders between officials and the rich. He has a wide range of contacts and has eaten with him several times on a table.

I have also received favors from the other party.

"It turned out to be Xiao Liu!" At this time, Yan Tianhua saw the other party's face clearly. He saw that it was someone he knew, and his index finger rubbed his thumb, and he began to think about what to do next.

"Isn't that me?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu no longer had a serious face, and he said with a smile.

He also didn't want to offend Yan Tianhua, not for anything else, but he didn't want to cut off his own gold owner.

Yan Tianhua didn't say anything. He began to think and turned his mind quickly. He had to say that although Yan Xiaosu usually eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, he is a playboy.

But his father has some ability.

He was also very proficient in observing words and colors, and he thought about it for a while.

I immediately thought about the reason for this matter.

He understood that the other party came to catch Haofeng, which must have something to do with his son.

There is only an absolute excuse to use the relationship of the law enforcement bureau to catch Haofeng... to hurt people.

This is evidenced, so it is 100% possible to catch Haofeng.

If so... A cunning gaze flashed in the depths of Yan Tianhua's black eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" Although Yan Tianhua guessed seven or eight, he was still asking.

"Oh, we took the order this time to 'please' this guy to go to the bureau to record a confession or something!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu still has that face.

The meaning of his words is actually to tell Yan Tianhua that "you don't care" about this matter.

In front of the economy, it looks so evil that it makes people feel very disgusting.

Haofeng thinks so.

"What else? Funny, don't you want to catch me back? But this matter is also more troublesome. Haofeng was also thinking about how to get rid of it, and at the same time, he looked in the direction of Yan Tianhua.

aside, Yan Xiaosu began to be angry when she saw the three people.

Everyone can tell that the intentions of these three people are not simple.

Yan Xiaosu didn't have the sharp brain of his father. He began to be a little annoyed and clenched a bottle of glass gene potion in his hand tightly.

Yan Xiaotian beside her also frowned when she looked at his move. She was worried that Yan Xiaosu would crush the bottle in her hand.

She doesn't know that Yan Xiaosu has his own idea. He is very nervous now. It's too difficult to save Haofeng. The last red-haired madman must be a big man.

And his father is a big businessman. He will definitely consider the advantages and disadvantages of this matter. If there are too many disadvantages to save Haofeng, he may give up.

This time, Yan Xiaosu thought about it more seriously.

Yan Tianhua did think about giving up Haofeng, but he just thought about it.

My son is so good to the other party that it doesn't make sense if I don't help him.

And he is the number one person in Nanjing, with 30 or 40 medical hospitals in his hands.

has a good reputation in Nanjing medical affairs.

Although the world outside Nanjing is full of monsters, it is legal inside.

It doesn't take much effort to assassinate a nobody, but it's not that easy to hurt him.

It won't hurt his muscles and bones. Why don't you help Haofeng?

"I don't know what he did? Oh, I forgot to tell you that he is my nephew!" Yan Tianhua said calmly that his attitude was very clear, and he obviously gave this matter to the next.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu saw Yan Tianhua's attitude and frowned suddenly.

"This is really hard to deal with!" He said in his heart.

But this emotion is just fleeting.

He came out of the military academy and was required to obey orders, which was the duty of a soldier.

"He hurt people and spread it on the news. There is no way to suppress this matter. I hope you don't make it difficult for me." The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu just said lightly, but his tone was a little tough.

Yan Tianhua's eyes trembled when he heard it, and it was really normal with his guess.

"Oh? Is it yesterday's massacre? Yan Tianhua asked.

"Yes!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu is ready, and then any attitude of Yan Tianhua.

But Yan Tianhua's next sentence still surprised him.

"Brother, it's good for you to come. My son was also attacked yesterday!" Yan Tianhua suddenly became enthusiastic and said.

The first half of the sentence was just a surprise, but the second half... The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu's face suddenly stiffened and turned green.

Yan Tianhua put all the faces of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu in his eyes.

Anti-General Army.

Hearing this in Haofeng's ears, his eyes also suddenly lit up.

"It's really smart to give tit for tat." Haofeng was happy, but his face was motionless.

He understood that at this time, Yan Tianhua attracted the attention of the three people to the opposite side, and if he had any look, he would put the other person's attention on himself.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu was obviously also an old Jianghu. He coughed gently and then said calmly as much as possible, "Really? Did Yan Shi's nephew actually receive an attack?"

Yan Tianhua kept looking at the other party's look, and there was a trace of sarcasm on his face.

"Yes, and it was attacked by that red-haired madman. I don't know if you have caught anyone?" Yan Tianhua said forcelessly.

He said this to the point. If the other party said that he caught it, he would have reason to go to the police station to ask for compensation and so on. If the other party said no.

That's even better to say that you law enforcement officers haven't even caught such a dangerous person. Now come to catch a patient lying sick**?

If this is exposed in the news, it will simply slap them hard.

"This...this." The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu took a breath of cool breeze, and he didn't know how to answer Yan Tianhua's words.

Haofeng sighed that the attack power of this word was more fierce than that of war.

He can feel that Yan Tianhua has no power at all. He is an ordinary person and has nothing to do with the warrior.

And the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu in front of him is obviously a fighter.

If there is a fight, it is estimated that 100 Yan Tianhua will not be the opponent of this law enforcement officer, but now it is at a disadvantage.

The power of language!

"Ha ha, in fact, I really envy you, Liu Di!" Yan Tianhua suddenly changed his mouth.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu was still thinking about how to answer Yan Tianhua's words. Suddenly, when he was told this, his body trembled and then looked up at Yan Tianhua strangely and asked, "Oh? How can I compare with Brother Yan?

"Ha ha, such an easy job, as long as the law enforcement officer walks around like this, he can catch anyone he wants to catch. It's really an iron job!" Yan Tianhua looked at Chaotian with emotion and said jokingly.

Haofeng's eyes widened, and his mouth widened as if he could reach into a fist.

"That's awesome. If you slapped him in the face just now, he would have slapped the other party's integrity on the ground, and he had to step on it fiercely and step on the blood!" Haofeng exclaimed in his heart, which was really too embarrassing for the law enforcement officer.

What is the role of the law enforcement officer?

Twenty years ago, this was equivalent to an armed police fighter, but now it's like a dough, you can pinch it as you want?


The two men behind the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu were immediately furious. They all understood Yan Tianhua's words. The other party was scolding them for catching people who should not be caught, which was simply idle.

They usually shout at the masses and the people, even in the law enforcement bureau, shouting at those low-level police officers. When have they been treated like this?

"What are you talking about? We have caught this person today. I'd like to see if you, a civilian, can stop the people of our law enforcement bureau?" A law enforcement officer had a hot personality and directly wanted to rush out and punch Yan Tianhua's face.

"Dad Da!!!" At this time, several F-level robots outside the door opened several organs, and several sonic thunder guns pointed at the law enforcement officer.

In this era, guns are much more powerful than before. The previous * can kill people and directly pierce the skull.

But this kind of gun can smash the contents directly through the skin, and it will also expand and explode.

The power is amazing.

Not to mention the lowest-level warriors among the warriors, even the generals can't block these guns with their bodies.

Only when you reach the amazingly powerful king of war can you have the opportunity to block it with your body.

The law enforcement officer felt that his back was soaked. Although he was wearing armor, these armors were not even comparable to paper in the sonic thunder gun.

He almost raised his hands to make a surrender.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu also had a period of numbness in his scalp. He stared at his subordinates fiercely with the corners of his eyes, which became such an embarrassing situation.

He is also very afraid that if this shot hits him, he is afraid that he will be scrapped.

He doesn't want to die.

The other party dares not shoot...should...

But who is right? There are still many loopholes in the law in this world.

It's not that difficult to kill a person.

While thinking about a solution, he glanced in the direction of Haofeng, which was like a poisonous snake locking his target in a place.

"This is the recruitment of South China College. If I can complete this task, I will have a chance to study. It must be completed!!!"