Pome Star

Chapter 49 Western Defense 2

Liang Yu looked calmly at the sky. He soon saw that the zombies caught by eagles and vultures were much smaller than the ordinary zombies under the wall, but the more important thing was the eagles and vultures that transported zombies - because these creatures were also zombies.

The tattered body, ** bones, these kings of the sky were infinitely majestic, and still spread terror after death.

"Air raid!" A soldier shouted loudly, controlling the anti-aircraft machine gun to fire into the sky.

A tongue of fire sprayed away, and several vultures were hit in an instant. Together with the zombies they were holding, they had exploded in the air and began to burn before falling.

However, before the other machine gunners reacted, several approaching zombie eagles had released the mutant zombies on their claws.

Several mutant zombies fell down, but if they were thrown down in such a high place, both people and zombies would be smashed to pieces.

The reality immediately denied the general speculation. After landing, the mutant zombies jumped up as if there was a spring under their feet, and then fell again and jumped again. It not only cushioned the power of falling in this way, but also seemed to move forward in this way.

Compared with ordinary zombies that are attacking outside the wall, this mutant zombie coming in from the air is only half the height of ordinary zombies, and its small figure gives it a more sensitive figure and faster speed.

"Jockey!" The soldiers on the wall shouted, and immediately several soldiers turned around and fired a burst of automatic rifles in their hands.

The short mutant zombies, known as Jockey, are as agile as monkeys. They sometimes run and sometimes jump. Once they approach the survivors, they jump directly on their heads, bite and control the survivors.

Liang Yu stood calmly on the wall with the combined dragon soul spear, as if indifferent to what happened in front of him. Several Jockeys saw that Liang Yu did not seem to have any intention to resist and rushed to him.

Liang Yu calmly looked at the Jockey who jumped high and jumped at him. When the distance between the two sides was less than a foot, he moved.

The long gun instantly spit out from his waist and turned into a gun shadow all over the sky. The jumping Jockey was suddenly disturbed by this scene. When they could react, his forehead had been swept by the cold tip of the gun.

"Puff, poof, poof..." Several Jockeys were just rotten bodies when they fell.

Liang Yu quickly withdrew his long gun, glanced across the battlefield with cold eyes, and then dragged the long gun and quickly rushed to the nearest Jockey.

"Ah!" Bai Wei also waved her two thorns back and forth in the Jockey group. Her dexterous body was like a beautiful butterfly dancing on the battlefield, and her cross-crossed Jockey's forehead was accurately pierced.

In contrast, Ziyue looks much more ordinary. She just holds the purple whip sword and stands in front of Lanxin and Qingjing. As long as Jockey tries to approach her, her head will be cut off accurately and quickly, and her movements are clean and neat without any drag.

A Jockey seemed to see that Ziyue was very difficult to deal with. It jumped high and tried to bypass Ziyue to attack Lanxin and Qingjing behind her.

Ziyue's right hand holding the sword gently shook, and the sword suddenly turned into a long whip, which was accurately wrapped around Jockey's neck like a spirit snake. Ziyue pulled hard, and Jockey was directly thrown back and fell to the ground heavily, and the fragile neck joint was directly broken.

All this fell into the eyes of the cold-eyed fortress commander Zach. He looked at Lan Xin and Qingjing with a doubtful look in his eyes: "Why haven't those two people done anything, and what is their ability?"

"Ah!" A scream came from the mouth of a soldier. He didn't notice a Jockey coming from behind and was jumped on his shoulder and bitten on his neck.

The comrade next to him immediately smashed the Jockey with a gun butt and quickly shot the Jockey. Then he bent down and looked at his painful screaming teammates and said, "Hey, are you okay? Hang in there, hold on, I'll send you right away..."

"Please give it to me." A weak voice came, and the soldier raised his head and saw Lan Xin looking at his comrade-in-arms lying on the ground with pity and moaning in pain.

"Please, please help him." The soldier shouted.

Lan Xin put his hands near the wound of the injured soldier and slowly closed his eyes. A pale golden light mass full of holy breath wrapped Lan Xin's hands. Under the moisture of the light mass, the soldier's wound healed quickly.

"Uh..." The injured soldier stopped moaning and touched his neck in disbelief: "The wound... healed... Thank you, thank you!"

Lanxin smiled happily, as if treating every injured person was her greatest happiness.

Zack looked at this scene with some surprise. Although he already knew the existence of multiple planes, the first time he saw the special abilities of other planes also surprised him, but out of the commander's caution, he still said, "Hey, take him down and check it!"

The soldier quickly responded and pulled his newly recovered teammate and ran down. He knew that Zach meant to check whether the virus on his comrades had been removed and whether he had been infected by the virus. If the answer is yes, then he must...

Soon the mutant zombies that fell were cleaned up, and all the anti-aircraft gunners were ready. The second batch of zombie eagles and zombie vultures were shattered in the air before they approached.

However, because the first wave of mutant zombies that broke in attracted part of the firepower of the wall, the pressure of the soldiers defending against the impact of ordinary zombies under the wall has greatly increased. At this moment, the bodies of the zombies that have been completely dead under the wall have been piled up into a mountain bag, and the zombies behind can be easily stepped on the bodies of their companions. The stairs rushed to the wall.

"Fate! Stop it all!" Zach shouted, carrying the rocket and kept opening fire.

Liang Yu looked at it coldly, and then he quickly started to rush to the gap, and the dragon soul accurately stabbed out several zombies who were about to rush to the wall.

"*! Throw it away*!" Zach shouted.

"But, boss, we only have the last few bottles*!" A soldier responded loudly.

"Throw it away!" Zach roared, and then the remaining * was thrown down. A fire broke out again under the wall, and the flames blocked the zombies from moving forward, but the rotten smell from the burning came all over the world, which made the soldiers a little dizzy and lose their fighting spirit for a moment.

When the raging fire slowly extinguished, the battle had also ended, and all the zombies on the attack had been wiped out, but this seemingly difficult battle was just the most ordinary battle in the western front fortress. Previously, the zombies had launched more terrible attacks, and although human beings successfully defended, But it also paid a painful price.

However, what is different from before is that in the past, every battle more or less lost some soldiers, but this time because of Lan Xin, no one was killed, which made the soldiers in the fortress look at Ziyue and others with new eyes.

"But, boss, we don't have * anymore, and the ammunition is almost consumed." After the battle, a soldier in charge of munitions reported to Zach.

Zack calmly glanced at the Ziyue people not far away, and his eyes kept flashing as if he was hesitating something. After a moment, he sighed gently: "Yes...ammunition, not much..."