Pome Star

Chapter 50 Investigation

Mo Greed and Hongye left the rest room and walked out along the corridor. Two guards guarding at the entrance of the corridor stopped them.

"Do you have any needs?" The guard asked politely.

"It's nothing. I just want to walk around." Mo greedily shrugged his shoulders and said, "After all, it's too boring to stay in the room..."

"Real?" The two guards exchanged glances and made way: "Then please pay attention to the time and don't come back too late."

Mo greedy nodded and walked with Hongye to prepare to go to the left.

"I'm sorry," the guard said, "On the left is the office area leading to the research institute. If you want to go out for a walk, you should leave the research institute from the right."

"Ah, I almost went wrong. Thank you for reminding me." Mo Greed with a sudden realization and hurried to the right.

Two guards saw Mo Runi and Hongye away. One guard turned around and ran into the research institute, while the other guard followed carefully.

Leaving the research institute, Mo Cong and Hongye strolled on the streets of the settlement. At this moment, they can observe the largest settlement of mankind.

This should have been a very developed city, with many tall buildings, like a steel forest, and it should also be a city affected by the virus, so that the infected people can be eliminated in time, and the city has not been damaged.

At present, the whole settlement is mainly divided into three areas, which occupy half of the area of the settlement. Although these survivors are indeed only a small part of the total number of human beings, there are still millions.

The other main area is the industrial area, where there are power plants that provide electricity for the whole settlement, as well as arsenals that manufacture weapons, food factories that provide food for the whole settlement, and water plants that provide clean water. It can be said that all of them are closely related to survival.

The third area is the research institute where the plane channel is located. Because of the importance here, the combat headquarters and the study of zombies are carried out here.

In the underground of the settlement, it is the source of human food. Farmland and farms are located underground, and high-watt light bulbs and other devices are used to simulate the environment on the ground.

After all, most of the world has fallen into the hands of zombies. Outside the walls of settlements are unsafe places, and it takes a lot of food to provide food for millions of people, so these can only be transferred to the ground.

However, zombies have gradually mutated into a kind of zombies that can drill into the ground, which poses a new threat to underground granaries. Therefore, even if they are underground, some soldiers are stationed there and patrolling back and forth to ensure the safety of logistical supplies.

"Sure enough, human beings are the most adaptable creatures." After learning all this, Mo couldn't help sighing.

"We have something more important to investigate than this." Hongye said calmly.

"At least find a way to get rid of the tail behind first." Mo Greedy said calmly, "But the method needs to be gentle. After all, we haven't torn our faces yet... But at the beginning, we sent someone to follow us. Those guys really don't seem to have any good intentions..."

"The method is very simple." Hongye said calmly and suddenly accelerated his pace.

"Hmm?" Mo Lian quickly followed, and I don't know what Hongye is paying attention to.

The two quickly walked to the residential area, and the streets of high-rise residential areas were also complicated, like the alleys in Quli, the capital of China.

Following the guards of the two, they suddenly accelerated and quickly accelerated their pace.

"Separate at the next corner, you get rid of him, and he will leave it to me." Hongye said calmly.

"Oh? All right." Mo greedy nodded, and Mo greedy suddenly turned in quickly when the two passed the corner, and the red leaf still walked forward smoothly.

"Um" guard suddenly felt bad and quickly walked to the corner to see that Mo Gree had lost his sight.

The guard showed a chagrin. He quickly looked forward. Hongye was still in sight. The guard adjusted his mentality, raised his vigilance, and secretly made up his mind that he would not lose this one again.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, the red leaves suddenly accelerated their pace.

"Do you want to do it again?" The guard's alertness mentioned the highest point in an instant, and Hongye suddenly turned into a corner and disappeared from the guard's sight.

"Hmm!" The guard snorted coldly and rushed up quickly. He believed that the red leaves could not shake him far in just 2 or 3 seconds.

The guard quickly turned the corner but suddenly found a slender and beautiful back stopped at the corner. He walked so fast that he didn't have time to brake and hit the owner of his back.

"Ah! "Wolf!" Before he could see who he bumped into the guard, he heard the scream of red leaves, and then he felt something in his abdomen, and then a huge electric current flowed through his body, and then his eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

Hongye calmly withdrew the electric shocker from his pocket and looked at the mobile phone in his hand: "Video save, OK."

Mo Cong came up from behind the red leaf. After separating from the red leaf, he naturally took the scene just now into his eyes. It is hard to imagine that the calm and indifferent red leaf like a humanoid computer will also show an expression like an urban girl and make that kind of scream.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Hongye asked calmly.

"Uh... I just feel like I have found the other side of the people around me. It's a little unexpected..." Mo whispered greedily.

"As long as it helps to achieve the goal in the most effective and concise way, I don't mind what means to use," Hongye said calmly: "This has nothing to do with dual personality."

"Yes, that's it..." Mo Greed and whispered.

"The tail has been removed. Now we should consider how to sneak into the laboratory of the research institute. I think there should be the information we need." Hongye said calmly, "I have a way to deal with this."

——————Split line————

In a blink of an eye, when the sun was setting, the researchers in the research institute also left the research institute and returned to their residence.

"How about those two people?" Mo Greed, hiding in the dark, pointed to a researcher who seemed to be husband and wife on the street and asked.

Hongye nodded gently, and the two quietly followed the couple researchers.

Half an hour later, the guard at the gate of the research institute found that a couple researcher had turned back.

"Doctor, why are you back again?" The guard asked curiously.

"Suddenly have a new idea, so I want to work overtime to study it," said the male researcher called Dr. You know that our world has become like this. We must race against time. If we succeed in research earlier, we can redeem ourselves earlier."

Is that right? Congratulations. I hope your research goes well. The guard also said with some joy.

The two researchers entered the research institute as usual and came to the laboratory.

The female researcher looked calm and nodded gently after looking around the whole laboratory: "No problem."

"Wow..." The male researcher grabbed a small collar around his neck and removed it from his head, as if a layer of skin had been removed, revealing Mo's original appearance: "It's really uncomfortable to wear this, but the camouflage is really similar, and the guards have no doubt."

"That's just an outdated product developed by the Tianlong Dynasty of the First Empire of the Universe," Hongye also took off his collar and said, "It's okay to deceive ordinary people. If the other party has strong capabilities such as perception or advanced detection tools with advanced technology, we will be exposed."

Mo Greeden looked at the thick information casually piled up on the laboratory table and suddenly said, "I can't help you here."

Hongye did not answer. She had opened the computer in the laboratory and quickly browsed something.

"How's it going? Have you found anything useful?" Don't ask curiously.

"No, it's all useless." Hongye said calmly, "It seems that we are really in trouble this time."

Huh? Why can you judge this by useless things? Don't greedy said strangely.

"Didn't the person named Wang Jie who received us before say that the research is about to be completed and we need to delay the time?" Hongye said calmly.

"He is lying, researching, and there is no substantial progress at all!"