Pome Star

Chapter 82 The golden cicada is shelled

After the floating car took to the air, Charens suddenly said very gently and politely to Xing Meng: "I hope you can understand, Miss Menglian, who didn't greet you for the first time is considering your safety. In fact, your leave without saying goodbye is indeed a little..."

Charens's voice gradually faded, because he found that Xingmeng seemed to be in a trance and didn't listen to what he said at all.

Miss Menglian? Miss Menglian. Charens tried to ask more gently.

"Don't try, she can't hear." Ziyue said lightly.

"Hegula, stop the car and float on the ground," Charens turned his head and immediately pulled down his face and said coldly to Ziyue, "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation!"

"It's nothing strange," Ziyue said lightly, "Menglian has a dual personality, and now her mental breakdown and her personality is in chaos."

"What?!?" Charence frowned: "Is the problem serious? How to solve it?"

Ziyue smiled faintly: "I think you have seen the severity. As for the solution, we have been looking for it, but we have found nothing for the time being."

"Oh, isn't it?" This time, Charens's turn turned a little pale: "Why did things become like this... Anyway, why are you with her?"

"Well, we accidentally met her on the road. She was already like this at that time." Ziyue replied calmly.

"Was it so serious at that time?" Charens quickly asked.

"Oh, she was still conscious at that time, but it became like this after she sang a song for Mo greedy." Ziyue still replied calmly.

"Hmm?" Charens showed a puzzled expression. He shook his head and said, "In a word, it's that bastard who made things more out of control?"

"Well, let's say so." Ziyue thought for a moment and said.

"Very good," Charens nodded gently: "Get out of the car!"

Ziyue showed a playful smile: "Do you want the golden cicada to get out of its shell when you see the situation is wrong? What a straightforward man."

"I said, get out of the car!" Charence repeated coldly.

Ziyue looked at Charens with a smile and pulled Xing Meng to leave Charens' floating car.

"Drive." Charens ordered coldly.

Hegula was at a loss to carry out Charens's order, and then whispered, "What are we doing now, Your Highness?"

"Gone back to the hotel and wait and see what happens." Charens said calmly, "There is still endless anger waiting for that man to know about this."

"Are we going to calm his anger?" Hegula asked puzzledly.

"No, we need to remove ourselves." Charens replied faintly.

——————Split line————

Almost at the first time Charens came to pick up Star Dream, his other four competitors already knew about his actions - after all, five people were monitoring each other - but then the news they got was puzzling. Charens threw Star Dream halfway and returned alone.

While Shelley was waiting for Mo Greed to decide the details of the duel, his men also reported the matter to him.

"That bastard actually threw Miss Menglian halfway?" Shelley was furious when he heard the news. He hardly thought why Charens gave up the opportunity, but went straight out: "Let's pick up Miss Menglian immediately."

"But, Your Highness, would you please think about it first?" Shelley's men quickly opened their mouth to dissuade Shelley and said, "Why did Prince Charence give up Miss Menglian?"

"This has nothing to do with me." Shelley said calmly. Before leaving, he turned around and said to Mo Gree, "If Miss Menglian forgives you, then forget it, otherwise our duel will continue."

Don't shrugged his shoulders with an easy expression, and then Shelley left the room.

"When I'm an idiot!" Mo Gree whispered to the door. He waited quietly for a few minutes. After making sure that Shelley should have left, he hurried out. As soon as he got to the door, two men in black had appeared in front of him to block his way.

"Can I help you, sir?" The man in black asked calmly.

"Of course not." Mo greed shrugged his shoulders and suddenly looked out of the window with a surprised expression: "Look, there is a flying saucer!"

"What's strange? Isn't the sky full of flying saucers?" The man in black said calmly.

"Yes, after all, this is the alien planet..." Mo Grean suddenly showed a respectful expression and said, "Ah, why did you come back, Your Highness?"

Two men in black quickly turned their heads, while Mo Grean did not hesitate to punch the two men in black in the face.

Two men in black slowly turned their heads with their faces against his fists and asked calmly, "What are you doing, sir?"

"Well, there are mosquitoes on your faces!" Mo Grebe quickly withdrew his hands and said.

Two men in black looked at each other, turned their heads and said with one voice, "There are also mosquitoes on your clothes."

"I'll solve it myself..." Before Mo Grean finished his words, two iron fists had hit him in the chest, and then Mo Grean flew back to the room.

"If you need anything else, just say it." The man in black said calmly and then closed the door.

"Well..." Mo Cong struggled to get up, ran to the window and opened the window and looked down. Then Mo Cong felt dizzy: "Wow, the 412 floor is really high..."

Don't go back to the room honestly and sit down quietly.

——————Split line————

When Shelley hurriedly arrived at his destination in a floating car, he saw that Lurans Cran, the 12 prince of the Star Empire, his brother Habage Long, and William Tiger, the son of the Grand Marshal, had just arrived in a floating car.

Ziyue, who had a panoramic view of all this, smiled faintly and whispered, "The evil guys have come one by one."

Ziyue stopped and quietly waited for the four people to come over.

Shelley took a look at the other three people, and then the first walked to Xingmeng, while the other three followed him one step away.

Ziyue gently pushed Xingmeng in front of her and said in the simplest words before they opened her: "Menglian has a dual personality, and because of the stimulation of something, her dual personality has fallen into chaos. Her spirit is on the verge of collapse. The situation is very bad, and there is no solution. If If you can cure her, please take her away."

After listening to Ziyue's words, Lulans, Habiqi Long and William Tiger all stopped at the same time. They may have a good impression of the Star Dream, maybe just because some eyes are close to the Star Dream, but mainly because of the man behind the Star Gate, and this If the man knows the current situation of Xingmeng... three people almost came up with the idea of regret coming to this planet at the same time.

Only Shelley Long was shocked when he heard the words and walked to Ziyue and asked anxiously, "How could this happen? Why did Menglian become like this? Is there really nothing she can do?

"I have already said the reason. If there is a solution, we have cured her." Ziyue said lightly.

"Is it because of external stimulation?" The fourth prince Habiqi Long said lightly, "Is it really because of the friend of Prince Charens at the concert?"

Lulance said calmly, "Brother Shelley, if I remember correctly, is my brother's friend visiting you now?"

Shelley's face turned cold when he heard the words: "After curing Menglian, I will use his blood to make up for the damage to Menglian!"

William Tiger suddenly turned around and left: "I swore to kill him in the name of the Tiger family..."

"...and I'm going to fulfill this oath now!"