Pome Star

Chapter 83 Dual Personality

Ziyue looked at Lulance, Habic and William with a disdainful smile. Just like what Charens did, the same hatred they showed at this moment was just a reason to clean themselves up and even ask for credit in the future.

Ziyue withdrew her sight and showed some approval when she glanced at Shelley. Compared with the other four people, it was obvious that this young man really loved Star Dream.

In the previous concert, only Shelley was really enjoying the singing of Xingmeng without any distractions.

Although considering that the current situation of Xingmeng is very bad, Mo Greed is even more in danger, so Ziyue whispered in Xingmeng's ear, "Although I don't know why you care so much about Mo Grean recognize you, if you don't stop them, Mo Grebe may be erased. You will never get it. It's the approval of Don't greedy..."

"Hmm?" Xing Meng woke up a little and quickly said, "Don't hurt him!"

"Menglian!" Shelley saw that Menglian seemed to have some energy and suddenly looked happy: "Are you all right? Do you feel better?"

"Don't hurt him!" Xingmeng repeated that his face was still very bad.

"Don't hurt him? Who are you talking about, Menglian? Shelley quickly asked with concern.

"Don't be greedy! Don't hurt the person called Mo Gree. Xingmeng said eagerly.

Shelley's face suddenly became as bad as Xing Meng, but he still said calmly, "I know."

At this time, the floating car of the three Lulances has taken off. They don't care about Xingmeng's request at this moment. All they need is to deal with the culprit who made Xingmeng become such a culprit. This will not only be a death-free gold medal, but may also become a green card.

"Oh, Mo Gree is really going to be in big trouble." Ziyue looked at the three floating cars that left quickly and whispered.

——————Split line————

Don't walk back and forth in the room and keep thinking about how to get out.

At this time, the calm voice of red leaves came to my mind.

"I don't know if this news is timely for you. I have found out what's going on with Marilu Monroe."

"It's not timely," Mo Greed said helplessly, "But it should help."

"If you want to make things clear about Menglian, you must start with her family*," Hongye said calmly: "First of all, Mary Monroe is just a stage name, and her real name is Xing Meng."

"I already know this." Don't say it calmly.

"You? So you and Ziyue are not together?" Hongye asked doubtfully.

"Well, for some reason, we are temporarily separated." Mo sighed greedily and said.

"It seems that your situation is really bad, so I'll try to make it as short as possible." Hongye said calmly.

"I said, are you sure I'm in trouble? Am I really so tragic..." Mo asked speechlessly.

"If Ziyue is in trouble, your mood will not be so calm."

"Well, can I understand that you are praising me?" Don't ask quickly.

"No, it's just that the data shows that you spend more time thinking about problems with your lower body than your upper body." Hongye said rudely.

"...Let's continue to discuss the issue of Star Dream." Don't whisper.

"Xingmeng's father is Olof, the largest arms dealer in the universe, who controls 60% of the arms market in the whole universe. In some ways, his every move affects the safety of the whole universe." Hongye said calmly.

"Wow." Mo Greaned, but his tone was very plain and didn't seem to agree.

"I think you may not understand what this means for the time being, so I want to know that although the Hunters Association accepts the commission of assassination, if the target is the managers or guardians of the other two major organizations, their fees will be raised to a very amazing price, because the commission is completed. There is no doubt that it is a direct provocation to the other two organizations, which may attract fierce retaliation, and the losses may not be worth the income, but if Olof knows that your daughter has become like this, he can entrust the Hunters Association to kill you more than 1,000 times. The tone of Hongye has no feelings.

"Please summarize the way to cure the star dream and brainwash her this memory in three sentences!" Mo Gre sweated coldly and said loudly.

Hongye ignored Mo Gree, but continued to tell: "The mother of Xingmeng is the daughter of a declining aristocratic. Unlike her father Olov, her mother, Xingyue, is a kind and naive girl with her own star dream. When Olov's career was just beginning, they met. , and walked together, and soon had Xingmeng, but Xingmeng seemed to inherit her father's personality more. She was strong and competitive. She was a very sunny and outgoing girl.

"After marriage, Xingyue took care of her husband and children at home, and Olov, who has a family, also has more enthusiasm in his own business, but Xingyue has never given up her dream of becoming a star. She hopes that one day she can stand on the stage of the universe so that people everywhere in the universe can hear her singing for her. Cheers, and Olof, who knew the unspoken rules of the literary circle, knew that Xingyue could not achieve her dream by ordinary means, and he did not have enough strength to fulfill her wife's dream, so he assured Xingyue that he would meet her as an emperor superstar after his business succeeded.

"Unfortunately, because of Olov's competitive and not too good temper, he offended many opponents in the business, and his practice of never leaving room for his opponents also left a lot of resentment. As a result, when his family went out on vacation, his enemies came to revenge, although Olov and Xing The dream escaped, but Xingyue unfortunately died tragically.

"As a result, this incident became an opportunity for Olof's success. While his heart was full of grief and despair, his career was also advancing rapidly. He not only eliminated his enemies to avenge his dead wife, but also became the largest arms dealer in the universe.

"As for Xingmeng, she loved her mother very much. For a period of time after her mother's death, she was in a trance and almost on the verge of collapse. Olof was worried that his daughter would also die, so he hired a professional psychologist to treat her daughter. The first few doctors used traditional treatments. See The slow effect angered the impatient Olof, and the end was very miserable. In the end, a psychologist used hypnotherapy to save his life, repeatedly suggesting that Xingmeng's mother was not dead. Miraculously, Xingmeng quickly recovered. Not only did his personality change greatly, but he became as gentle and sensical as her mother, but also to Olo My husband made a request to become an idol singer.

"Wow, what a miserable childhood," Mo said greedily, "But can you tell me what's going on with Xingmeng now?"

Red leaf: "..."

"Well, Hongye, are you there?" Don't ask greedily.

"Xingmeng is a very special personality disorder. She firmly believes that her mother has not died, so she slowly formed her mother Xingyue's personality in her spirit, and Xingyue's greatest wish before her death is to become an idol singer, so Xing Meng stubbornly believes that fulfilling this dream is her mother's dear cousin. Da, but unfortunately, with her continuous success on the way to becoming a singer, the personality of Xingyue in her spirit gradually occupies the main body, and when she completes the goal of the idol, Xingyue's personality will completely devour the personality of the star dream, and the real star dream will completely disappear.

"Isn't it very bad?" Mo Gree asked with some worries.

"That's right, so I don't know whether your appearance is a blessing or a curse," Hongye held his glasses and continued, "Your appearance has created some obstacles to Xingmeng's road to fame. What she needs most is respect and recognition, but you don't have either. The result makes Xingmeng's original personality think that she is not very good. Fulfill the dream, the panic made her mentally unstable, and also disrupted the speed of the new personality and the original personality, but the deep self-reproach also made her spirit completely collapse, and even hypnotherapy would not work.

"The only solution is to let her recognize the reality, get rid of the shadow of her mother's death, remove the new personality, and let the original personality regain control of the body, otherwise she will become a vegetable because of mental breakdown!"