Pome Star

Chapter 89 Treatment Plan

After leaving Shelley's hotel and returning to the floating car, Mo Gree suddenly fell on the back seat of the car, his face full of fatigue, as if he had exhausted every trace of strength in his body.

"Sister Ziyue, it's troublesome for you to drive..." Mo said feebly, as if tonight's action cost him a lot.

Where is the next stop? Visit Prince Charens?" Ziyue sat in the main driver's seat and started the floating car.

"No, let's go straight back..." Mo Greed and whispered, "That guy is the only one who didn't take action, so the only way to deal with him is to ignore him."

"Why do you choose this way of replying to each other?" Ziyue asked calmly.

"How to say, it should be a personal habit," Mo greed shrugged his shoulders and said, "The other party hit my right face, so I must let him stretch out his right face and let me hit him!"

"So, are you relieved?"

"It's not too relieved. Those guys are acting," Mo sighed greedily and said, "These guys have guessed that I and Olof and I have reached some agreements since I appeared in front of them intact, so they are unwilling to really deal with me, otherwise Sister Ziyue, you really have to I have to carry it back - of course, the prince named Shelley is really unwilling to do it with me out of Xingmeng. Just now, I really hoped that he could lie on Sister Ziyue's warm and reliable back..."

Ziyue gently pressed the 'emergency avoidance' button, and the top of the floating car quickly opened, and then the whole rear seat was bounced out.

"Now I understand Bai Wei a little." Ziyue said lightly.

In the presidential suite of the Sky Hotel, Charens Cran sat in his room and waited all night. When William Tiger jumped out of the window to escape, he had received a report of the incident, and when Lulans's floating car was destroyed, he had determined that the troubleshooter was Mo Gre, and guessed that Mo Gre was He planned to return to everyone, and after hearing that Mo Cong visited Shelley, Charens can be said to be ready as a big enemy, but the time passed by minute, but he did not see Mo Gree at all. When the sky had turned white, he heard from his men that Mo Cong had already returned to the arsenal. At this time, he was Sleep soundly.

When he received the news, Charens really had an impulse to rush to the arsenal to unload Mo's greed.

——————Split line————

Don't lie on ** and sleep with a pillow in his arms. It seems that he sleeps very sweetly.

"Bum! Bang! Bang!"

"Get up, son of a bitch!" After the sound of metal tapping, Olof's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Huh? What, there's an earthquake?" Don't get up in a hurry and look around sleepily.

"Kid, you slept soundly." Olof stood by the bed with a cold face, holding a large sapphire-inlaid walking stick in his hand. Obviously, he just knocked on the wall with this.

Huh? Good morning, what's the matter so early?" Don't rub your eyes and ask.

"You had a lot of fun in my coat last night, didn't you, boy?" Olof asked with a sneer.

"In fact, I only wore one dress when I went out yesterday." Mo Greed and looked at Olof with a confused face and said, as if he didn't understand what Olof was talking about.

"Pretpret to be stupid? Well, since I have fulfilled what I should do, should you also do what you should do? Olof continued to ask.

"So the breakfast is ready?" Mo stroked his belly and said, "Ah, I'm really a little hungry. Thank you, uncle..."

"Don't challenge my limited patience with your infinite face, boy." Olof spit out a few words coldly.

"Ha ha, it's just a joke to ease the atmosphere. A straight face early in the morning will affect the mood of the day." Mo waved his hand and said with a smile, "By the way, can I add a clause to our agreement?"

"Are you kidding me, boy?" Olof asked coldly.

"At least listen to me first and get angry," Mo sighed helplessly and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. After healing your daughter, I'm going to duel with Shelley Long, the seventh prince of the Tianlong Dynasty. I want to ask your handsome figure to be a notary. This little I'm sure you won't refuse."

After listening to this passage, Olof looked a little better. He thought for a moment before calmly said, "Okay, I promise you, but if you dare to mention it again..."

"Don't worry, there won't be any." Don said with a grin.

"So, what are you going to do to cure my daughter?" Olof's expression is much more serious than before.

"I have no intention to announce my treatment plan at all, because I'm afraid that you will directly sacrifice my blood, so I need you to promise that I will treat your daughter. I will not interfere at all or try to monitor during the treatment. No matter what happens, I will give you a complete one. The healthy daughter will no longer have any problems. Of course, the part of her mother's personality in her body will completely disappear, how about that? Mo Greed also looked at Olof seriously and asked.

"Ky, I said my patience..."

"It won't be too long. I know that some unlucky people will not end well when treating your daughter because the course of treatment is too long, but I don't think I will be one of them." Mo Greed up his hands and said.

"You'd better not play tricks on me, boy, or you know the consequences." Olof said coldly and turned around and left the room.

"Of course I know, *1000 times..." Mo said helplessly.

——————Split line————

Arms Warehouse Medical Room.

The sleeping Xingmeng lay quietly in the middle of the medical room**, while Mo Gree and Ziyue stood next to them.

There are only three of them in the whole medical room, and the medical room has been locked from the outside.

As Olof said, he will never try to understand or interfere with the treatment process, and Mo Grean has no choice. Obviously, if they can't return a healthy daughter to Olof when the door of the medical room opens again, then Mo Grean will never want to walk out of the medical room again.

"Now, can you talk about your treatment plan?" Ziyue asked faintly.

"Well, it's just my whimm. I've given the specific plan to Hongye. Let's hear what she says." Mo Cong raised his right hand, and suddenly a light was projected from the spiritual ring to form a light screen on the wall, and then the calm face of the red leaves appeared in the light screen.

"Time is limited, so I'll make a long story short," Hongye held his glasses and said calmly: "The treatment plan proposed by Mo Cong is very simple. From personality analysis, since Xingmeng will be so hit by his mother's death, it is obviously a dependent personality. Once such a person identifies someone, he will be unreservedly respected. Worship and listen to this person's words, and once the pillar falls, we will fall into extreme panic, so our plan is to completely destroy Xingmeng's recognition of the pillars of the past and find a new pillar for him..."

"Eh?" This time, Mo Greed up with an unexpected expression: "Is this what it looks like?"

"Didn't you propose the method..." Ziyue asked speechlessly.

"But what I proposed is to stand up later. Through hypnosis or other means, let Xingmeng experience the memory of losing her mother again, make her realize that her mother has passed away and completely wipe out her current chaotic spirit, and then carry out spiritual rehabilitation..." Mo Greed his head and said.

"Unfortunately, the success rate of the original plan is less than 29%. If you are willing to take this risk with your life..." Hongye calmly helped the glasses.

"Forget it!" Mo Greed immediately replied after hearing this cruel data.

"And the success rate of my improved scheme is about 55%. Although the probability of failure is still high, it is enough to take a risk." Hongye said calmly, "Relive the painful experience you just mentioned is also a step in the treatment plan, and a more important step is to identify new dependents."

"And that person is you, don't be greedy."