Pome Star

Chapter 90 Psychotherapy

"Oh." Mo Greed and nodded: "Uh, ————————?"

"What's the problem?" Hongye held his glasses and asked calmly.

"Of course there is a problem, and there is a big problem," Mo said excitedly, "Why do I become a dependent? Er, although it is not unacceptable for me to be such a beautiful follower... but the problem is not here! The existence of a royal sister like Sister Ziyue is the best choice for dependents. You know how much I want to snuggle in the warm arms of Sister Ziyue 39D... Er--"

Before Mo Gree finished his words, he was wrapped around his neck by a whip, and then dragged to the feet of Ziyue like a dead dog.

"Go on, red leaf." Ziyue said with a smile.

"The most important and crucial part of the whole treatment process is the painful memory, and there are only two key figures in it, one is Olov, the father of Xingmeng, and the other is Xingmeng's mother Xingyue. If you think you can play the role of Xingyue well, I don't mind modifying the script slightly. However, the success rate will drop by about 20% to 30%. Hongye said calmly.

"Wait a minute!" Mo Cong suddenly jumped up from the ground and his eyes flashed with Venus: "You mean, I play the father, and Sister Ziyue plays the role of mother?"

"Well, what's the problem?" Hongye asked calmly.

"No problem at all! Well, in order to avoid problems at that time, let's practice first," Mo Greed and coughed, then turned his head and looked at Ziyue with a cheap smile: "Wife~~~~~"

A sharp sword with purple light was placed on Mo Gree's neck, and the blade was less than 0.01 cm from Mo Gree's aorta.

"Are you calling me?" Ziyue asked with a smile.

"No, I'm practicing self-conrealisation." Cold sweat instantly soaked Mo Greed's clothes.

"Good boy." Ziyue gently stroked Mo's greedy head and said.

"I think you can discuss these details later." Hongye said calmly, "As long as the painful memory of the first step can be perfectly achieved, it should be able to basically change the choice of the star dream for the dependents, and the next soul dialogue part should be able to completely untie the knot of the star dream. Finally, as long as Mo Gree a little shows a little deepening of the impact on the star dream, it can basically be completed. The whole course of treatment.

"Wait a minute, I played the image of Olof from beginning to end, in other words, transferring Xing Meng's attachment to her mother to her father?" Mo Greeden looked at the red leaf and asked.

"You seem to be a little disappointed." Hongye asked calmly.

"Well, a little bit, after all, she is a cosmic idol." Don't shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I think it's better for us to start treatment as soon as possible. After all, Olof is not a very patient person." Ziyue said lightly.

"I agree." Don't be greedy and immediately agree.

"I have sent the simulation scene to your spiritual ring, and the rest will be handed over to you." Hongye said calmly, and then cut off the contact.

"Then let's get started." Mo greedy said, and then put a VR glasses on Xing Meng, who was still sleeping. Then Mo Conan and Ziyue also lay down, put on VR glasses and closed their eyes.

——————Division Line——————

Star Dream felt that she had a dream, a long dream.

All kinds of things happened in the dream. Her mother Xingyue finally fulfilled her dream and became a cosmic singer, and she was also happy for her mother. At that time, an evil purr smashed this beautiful picture...

"Oh, no!" Xingmeng screamed and suddenly opened her eyes.

"What's wrong, Meng Meng?" A gentle man asked. Xingmeng looked up. A handsome man was looking at her with a loving and caring smile. Compared with the current Olof, he looked much younger and his expression was not so cold.

"Dad..." Xing Meng looked at the man at a loss. She didn't know if she had an illusion, because Olof should not be so young in her memory.

"Have you had a nightmare again? Mengmeng slept uneasily just now. Another soft and sweet female voice said.

Xing Meng felt that her body was frozen for a moment. She quickly looked in the direction of the female voice, but saw a beautiful and gentle woman sitting opposite her looking at her with a doting expression. She was very similar to Xingmeng.

"Mom, mom..." Xing Meng said with difficulty. She felt a little dizzy and quickly turned her eyes aside.

Next to Xingmeng is a window, and outside the window is a vast and beautiful universe. Obviously, at this moment she is on a sailing spaceship, but at this moment, what attracts the attention of Xingmeng is not the beautiful universe, but her own shadow on the window.

What is projected in the window is a cute little girl who is only about 5 or 6 years old. Although she looks young, her eyebrows are clear, just like a little beauty blank.

Xing Meng looked at her projection in a frenze and suddenly turned around as if she remembered something. In addition to Olof and Xingyue, some other passengers were also doing their own things.

This is exactly the scene 11 years ago in Xingmeng's memory, a scene deeply imprinted in her memory.

Looking at her parents with a gentle smile, Xing Meng suddenly felt very relieved and satisfied. Although she vaguely felt that the parents in front of her seemed to be different from her impression at this moment, she didn't want to think too much: "It turns out that all this is a dream... That's great... That's really great... ..."

With that, Xingmeng leaned against Olof and fell asleep sweetly.

"Dream? Dream?" Olof tried to call Xingmeng a few times, but there was no response.

"She fell asleep again." Olof suddenly sighed and looked at Xingyue and said, "Are we pretending to be like?"

Ziyue shook her head gently: "We have never seen Olof and Xingyue when we were young. It seems that there is no way to know."

"Really, but it seems that Xingmeng is not suspicious." Mo Greed and said with a sigh of relief.

"It's not that she is not suspicious. Maybe she is more willing to believe that we are real than doubt..." Ziyue said lightly.

"The spacecraft is about to arrive at the terminal, please prepare." A sweet female voice came from the radio.

"Next, that's the key point," Mo said seriously, "If you don't act well, I'm afraid it will really break the spirit of Xingmeng completely. You must be careful..."

——————Split line————

Just as some places on the earth will be designated as nature reserves and protected by the state and then opened to tourists as tourist attractions, there are such planets in the universe that maintain pure nature completely without human reclamation, and the country will also put animals on other planets on this planet. In order to enrich the biosphere, it is mainly used as a tourist site for tourists from other planets.

Motan and Ziyue took Xingmeng to a villa located halfway up the mountain. Although the deep mountains and old forests are sparsely populated, they are uniquely interesting.

"That's it." When she pushed the door and walked into the villa, Mo Greed deeply and said, and when she looked back on her childhood memories, Xingmeng seemed to have changed her mind and ran into every room of the villa like a child. Just like her 11 years ago, she was innocent and didn't know what would happen in the near future. What's the matter?

Mo Greed and Ziyue looked at each other and could feel the pressure in each other's hearts.

This is the most important step in treatment.