Pome Star

Chapter 225 Choice of Red Leaf

Team 9, lounge.

Mo Grean leaned lazily on the chair as usual, holding a steaming drink in his hand. Mo Grean looked at the drink and hesitated for a moment, and finally drank it all.

"The smell of engine oil is really... special..." Mo Greed down the cup and said.

"You should be glad to be right," Wen Feng, who was beside him, shook the white paper fan and said, "When you were sent to the infirmary, your heart had already stopped beating. You were almost brain death. There is no soul law on this plane. If you hang up, you will die completely."

"But..." Mo Greed his mechanical body and said, "I didn't expect that it would be okay to just leave the brain to replace all other parts. The progress of medical technology is really incredible."

"So how about keeping it like this?" Wen Feng asked casually.

"I refuse!" Two voices sounded at the same time.

"Hmm?" Mo was stunned for a moment and looked at a very pocket-sized robot like a toy on the table.

"What are you kidding! This guy is using my body now! Just borrowing it temporarily! When you find the escaped guy and take it back, you must return it to me!" PX-0 said loudly aggrievedly.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your body." Mo Greed the pocket robot and said.

"Why do you feel that this sentence is a little subtle..." The pocket robot said strangely.

At this time, the door of the lounge opened automatically, and Hongye came in from the outside. Although she seemed to be the same as usual, everyone familiar with her 9th team could feel that Hongye seemed to be a little abnormal.

"The director has approved my application," Hongye said calmly, "So we need to divide into two groups, one to find Lizhimo Greed, and the other group with me to go to the future world to solve the technical problem of how to reunite the two after finding Lizhimo Greed."

"Hongye, in fact, you don't have to be in such a hurry..." Mo Greed and whispered.

"This matter is urgent," Hongye interrupted Mo's words and said calmly, "So now let's decide on the grouping."

"I'll find another Don't be greedy." Liang Yu said calmly, "That guy is very dangerous."

"I'll go with Brother Liang Yu." Raj said quickly.

"I'll go too." Wen Feng immediately said, "After all, that's Mo Gree's only body. I must make sure to bring it back intact."

"Qingjing help them find it together," Qingjing said, "Because that bad little Mo doesn't know where he will go, Qingjing's divination should help."

"Lan Xin, Lan Xin..." When Lan Xin was hesitating, Wen Feng had already said, "Lan Xin, I hope you can come with us. From Mo Cong's current appearance, you can also see how dangerous Mo Cong is. We need your treatment."

"Hmm." Lan Xin nodded gently.

"Then Bai Wei and I will go and help Hongye." Ziyue said lightly.

"Uh..." Bai Wei seemed to want to say something, but hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything.

"That's it." Hongye said calmly, "Action starts now."

——————Division Line——————

Standing in front of the plane passage of the empty border, Mo Greed and stood beside Hongye and whispered, "Don't force yourself like this. It's okay to go back when you are ready..."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Hongye said calmly.

"Blessed by this mechanical body, the detector told me that there are obvious changes in some data such as blood pressure and heartbeat when you stand in front of the plane channel, indicating that your mood is unstable, which is really too little for you," Mo Greed said calmly: "In that world, what is there that you don't want to face, such as If so, we can be a little late..."

"No, you have to face it sooner or later." Hongye said calmly, "Then take this as an opportunity to face it."

Mo sighed greedily and said nothing more.

Through the plane passage, Mo Yan and four others came to a metal room like a bank vault. A door in front of them was tightly closed. After a moment, the door slowly opened and a man came in: "All the managers from the air border bureau, please follow me..." When the man's eyes swept red At the time of Ye, there was obviously a moment of distraction.

After leaving the metal room, the man asked, "I don't know what the four people came to our world for?"

"I want to see Dr. Shirley." Hongye said calmly.

The man showed a 'sure enough' expression and then made a gesture of invitation: "Please follow me."

"What is this place?" Don't be greedy and say around.

"In the future, the world's largest research institute, since the emergence of the plane channel, the people of this institute have been trying their best to overcome the secret of the plane channel." Hongye said calmly.

After walking through a series of complex passages with four people, the man finally stopped in front of a laboratory.

"Dr. Shirley is in there." The man said simply, and then took four people into the laboratory.

Unlike the laboratory full of busy researchers they passed before, this laboratory is very huge but also very empty, because there seems to be no one in it. After walking into the laboratory for a while, Mo Grean and others saw a slim and slender back.

"Dr. Shirley, your visitor." The man said with great respect, as if he were worshipping his king.

The woman called Dr. Shirley slowly turned around, calmly held her glasses and looked at the four people: "What's the matter?"

Except for the red leaves, Mo Greed the three people widened their eyes in an instant. If they hadn't seen their own shadow, they really thought they were looking in the mirror.

Because Dr. Shirley in front of him looks exactly like Hongye.

Red Leaf calmly walked to Dr. Shirley and said, "I need your help."

"It's not a wise choice for you to come back." Dr. Shirley said calmly.

"But this is my choice." Hongye also said calmly.

Shirley did not say anything, but motioned Hongye to say the entrusted content.

Hongye handed a micro storage device like a USB flash drive to Dr. Shirley and said, "I don't have enough time to explain the situation. You will understand after reading this."

As soon as Hongye's voice fell, he suddenly broke into a large number of heavily armed soldiers from the outside. At the front was a bearded old man who was also dressed as a researcher.

The old man walked to the crowd aggressively, and the soldiers behind him quickly surrounded the crowd and pointed all their weapons at the red leaves.

"What's the situation?" Mo Greed up and whispered to himself when he looked at the sword-drawn soldiers around him.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come back. That's great." The old man with white beard stared at the red leaf and said, "Will the rogue surnamed Ren take you away this time? Ah?"

A soldier approached the red leaf with tools such as handcuffs, while the red leaf calmly raised his hands and made the soldier handcuff himself very cooperatively.

"Take her away!" The old man with white beard said loudly.

"Wait a minute!" Mo Greed in front of the old man with a white beard and said, "Why did you take our companion away casually?"

"Your companions?" The old man with white beard blew his beard and said, "This is our business! And she shouldn't exist in this world in the first place!"

"What did you say..."

"Mo Greed," Hong Ye suddenly called Mo Grean calmly. She shook her head gently and said, "This is my choice." After saying that, he followed the soldier and left the laboratory.

"Hey..." Mo wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, because he didn't know what had happened and could only watch all this happen.

"What's going on..." Bai Wei said to herself with a puzzled expression.

Ziyue stood quietly, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Dr. Shirley, who looks exactly like the red leaf, has begun to study what the red leaf gave her, and the man who came here with Mo Gree before looked like he knew what would happen.

Mo greedy suddenly turned his head and looked at the man, quickly walked to him and grabbed his collar and picked him up.

"Can you explain to me what's going on?"