Pome Star

Chapter 226 Imperfect Genius

The man who led the way for the three people took Mo, Ziyue and Bai Wei to a quiet room and sat down, and then opened his mouth to describe the cause and effect of the matter.

"I think you all know the personality separator. Although it is now a tool used by the police to reform criminals, the emergence of this tool is not because the police lacks a way to reform criminals. Its appearance is related to Dr. Shirley.

"About a hundred years ago, human beings have made breakthrough in DNA research. We can change the physiological quality of the next generation by changing DNA. Decades later, some people have proposed that since it can change the body, why can't we change the brain? If a person has perfect DNA, will he become a genius?

"Based on this idea, we launched a new research plan, that is, the 'Absolute Genius Cultivation Program'. We try our best to make the DNA of the babies selected for the experiment perfect, and then educate them in a genius from the beginning of their dentary language, hoping to cultivate a real Genius comes out.

"In the years, we have failed countless times and encountered countless obstacles. After all, how is it easy to cultivate human beings as precisely as computers? During this period, countless people gave up and left the research, and then the newcomers joined again. Gradually, the government also lost confidence and gradually reduced the research funds allocated to us. 17 years ago, the last batch of experimental babies were born. We did not have any expectations, but just continued to try with a unwilling mentality.

"I think you have also guessed that Dr. Shirley was born in this last batch of babies. At first, she was not much different from others, but as time went by, her growth became more and more surprising, and even horrible. As long as you look at it, you will never forget it. For the picture Normal people can only reach 63%, but she can reach 100%. The biological clock in her body is even more accurate than the quartz clock. Not to mention that in cramming education, this child maintains more imagination and creativity than children. There are many such deeds. In general, In other words, she has become a leading researcher in the research institute at the age of 10, and she can always make things speechless and convincing.

Just when we thought we had succeeded and could apply for government funds to continue the study, Dr. Shirley suddenly began to make mistakes in the research.

"Maybe you think it's normal for human beings to make mistakes, not to mention in research with a high error rate, but you should know that her thinking is as precise as a computer, and she has hardly made mistakes since she was born. Although this abnormal phenomenon surprised us, she didn't care too much.

"But after that, Dr. Shirley made several mistakes in a row, and this time it finally attracted the attention of the director. After a period of investigation, we finally found the problem, and Dr. Shirley fell in love!

"She also fell in love with one of the last batch of experimental babies, but far from being as good as Dr. Shirley, but just an ordinary genius. Perhaps it was because the plot of childhood sweethearts who grew up together made them come together. In any case, they fell in love, but because they were still young. The two just appreciated each other and were not so hot.

"In order to avoid violating the law, the director naturally decided to leave a perfect genius and eliminate another imperfect genius. After all, for him, this imperfect genius is no longer of no value.

"In the year before this incident, the most puzzling plane channel in the history of science appeared. Its appearance can be said to have shocked the whole world. Then the government immediately began to allocate funds to start research on plane channels, and even considered using plane channels to do something, but soon they learned that there were still There are many parallel planes, and soon the earth set up an organization called the Space Border Bureau to prevent delusionists from using plane channels to satisfy their desires.

"The day when the director's experiment was successful, it happened to be the day when the director of the Space and Border Bureau visited our world. When he knew about this, he forcibly took the imperfect Dr. Shirley back. Although the director tried his best to stop it, it was useless. The director of the Space and Border Bureau was unexpectedly strong, especially It is that he has many other plane skills, which are something that these scientific researchers have never seen before and should be attributed to absurdity and delusion.

"Until today, you brought that man back. The imperfect Dr. Shirley should know what the situation is like here. The director did not destroy the artificial man he made and was exposed by his sworn eye, and the director became the first person to be sentenced to death for artificial man in a hundred years, but because He did not carry out the death penalty for his outstanding contribution to the government, but withdrew all his honors, which was unbearable for the old man who devoted his life to the country, and he has always held a grudge..."

"You mean the old man just took away the red leaves for...?" Don't look at the man and ask.

"Does that needless to say? Of course, it is to carry out the unfinished death penalty to wash away the shame you have suffered." The man shrugged his shoulders and said.