Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 4 Broken

My own strength?

I didn't think about why Taoyi kindly reminded me and gave me 15 minutes. I said this carefully, slowly got up from the ground, and then sat down cross-legged.

What is my strength?

It's not the power given by small things to me to fly, not the power given by small things to copy other people's ability. What is my power? Can my strength really resist gluttony?

Do I really have power?

Sitting quietly on the ground, my mood has never been so chaotic at this moment. Countless ideas flowed out of my mind, and countless answers to countless questions surged in my mind.

Time flows slowly, gradually, slowly, the thoughts in my mind gradually disappear. It seemed that everything had disappeared, and I seemed to be sitting in a space of nothingness.

Here, I have seen the past and the present, and I have seen the world. I saw Yu, and I saw Zhou.

"Tao, very Tao, nameable, very name..."

"If a monk is separated from evil and is not good, he has a sense of view, and is happy..."

I don't know how long it took. The Buddhist and Taoist classics that I had seen before flashed in my mind. There seemed to be a loud voice, and he kept reading and shouting in my mind. Countless Buddhism and Taoism filled my mind.

However, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. As these sounds become louder and louder and louder, I feel more and more refreshing. At this time, the spiritual platform is clear, and it seems that all the annoying things in the past have dissipated.

People are the most expensive people in heaven and earth. This text is like the shape of an arm's tibial. - "Speaking"

The old man, the virtue of heaven and earth, the friendship of yin and yang, the meeting of ghosts and gods, and the beauty of the five elements. The old man, the heart of heaven and earth, the end of the five elements, the taste, the sound, the color of the quilt, and the living. - "Record of Rites · Li Yun"

Yes, since man is the spirit of all things, he must have overwhelming power!

I have power!

As soon as this idea rose to my mind, my consciousness suddenly came to an extremely dark space. This is a space where you can't see your fingers. There is no sound, no air, nothing in this space!

Yes, it's just boundless silence and boundless darkness.

Just when I was afraid of the space I was in, without any warning, the whole space suddenly trembled strongly. Suddenly, twice, I don't know how long the tremor lasted, and suddenly exploded.

Endless golden light, silver light, colorful glow, countless indescribable, countless strong lights filled my vision, and my space disappeared in an instant. Then, I appeared in the universe.

It is an indescribable universe. It is vast, mysterious, great and magical! It is ubiquitous, it is omnipotent!

In the universe, there are countless moving lights, the Milky Way that flows quietly and stretches to the boundless sky, stars shining with faint light, and black holes that shine dark light to absorb the light around...

Just as I was moved by the scene I saw in front of me, a force that I had never felt flowed out of my limbs. The force was like a gentle spring, gently taking away the discomfort in my body when I passed through my body, leaving only a refreshing feeling.

This is my strength!

It only belongs to me, and I only rely on the power I get!

"Oh, it seems that you have found your own strength."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in my ear. Then, my universe was broken in an instant. When I opened my eyes, I saw Taoyi holding a green leaf in his hand and looking at me with concern.

Quietly feeling the power flowing in my body, I suddenly said to Taoyi, "Thank you."

"Thank you?" Hearing my words, the gluttonous body quickly flew away from me. After standing back, he pointed at himself exaggeratedly and said with a strange smile, "I said ontology, aren't you stupid? Why do you want to thank me who wants to kill you?

"Thank you, thank you very much." Shaking my head with a smile, I bowed to the gluttony and said, "I know that the road ahead is still very difficult, but I will inherit everything from you and walk firmly until I find my own strength."

"It's really boring that it's going to end so soon." After listening to my words, Taoyi spit out the green leaves in his mouth boredly. I said ontology, you can't forget what you said. The road after that must go firmly.

As soon as the words fell, a light blue light came out of the gluttonous body, and the light became more and more brilliant. After the light completely covered the gluttonous, his figure became blurred. When the light disappeared, his body slammed and dissipated in the air.


With the disappearance of the gluttony, a flash of lightning suddenly lit up in the sky. The blue sky just now seemed to be broken, and one golden lightning after another fell from the nine heavens like a spiritual snake. Between breathing, the thick dark clouds have covered the sky just now.

And these are just the beginning!


With the sudden sound of compassion in the sky, the land under my feet suddenly shook violently. For a moment, the visible waves lifted from the ground, and countless trees and boulders were washed up into the sky, and then fell back to the ground.

"After the personality disappears, even the world will disappear...?" I was not scared by everything in front of me. After quietly looking at everything in front of me for a moment, I closed my eyes.

If you want to disappear, you might as well disappear directly!