Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 20 The Inheritance and Communication of Blood

Why can Uncle Lucifer still live leisurely after being arrested? Why didn't the second elder kill Uncle Luciffa, so that he left Uncle Luciffa's last fantasy of resistance?

Is it because the two elders remember the old feelings?

Obviously not. The real reason is that Irene has one thing in her hand.

A thing that can make the two elders become kings - the inheritance of blood!

As a royal family, the ancient blood flowing on the body will make it difficult for ordinary civilians to have - but that's just for civilians.

Although there are not many royal families, there are also many.

In this world where strength is respected, how can we ensure the absolute unshakable power of being a king?

The answer is the inheritance of blood!

Except for the next king, no one knows what this blood inheritance is, and no one knows what blood inheritance is like and what its function it has.

Although I don't know what the inheritance of blood is, everyone of the Satan family knows that as long as you have the inheritance of blood, you are the king. With the inheritance of blood, you are the legitimate king of the Satanite family, and your order is the will of the whole family!

The reason why the two elders were unwilling to kill Uncle Lucifa and eradicate him was that he was afraid that his status would not be recognized and his throne would be unstable.

He needs the inheritance of blood!

And the inheritance of blood is in the hands of Sister Irene!

Now most of the armed forces of the remnants of Satan are controlled by the two elders, that is to say, Sister Irene has no power to fight against them at all.

The only remaining dependence of senior sister Irene is the inheritance of blood.

If even this last rely is used, then Sister Irene will really be more evil and less lucky.


Unexpectedly, the location of the transaction was selected here at the secret base, which proves that Sister Irene has broken down and intends to press everything on the inheritance of blood!

I shudder at the thought of what might happen after Sister Erin was caught by the second elder.

No, I absolutely don't allow such a thing to happen!

Sure enough, I still can't leave like this!

Well, although I can stay, I still have to send little LOLI and Feng Xiaoling back before that.

Thinking so, I casually pulled a waiter and asked him to take me to find the room of little LOLI.

Little LOLI took a car to the mountain one kilometer away to play this morning, and he may still be sleeping. Er, wouldn't it be good for me to call her now?

Although I thought so, I knocked on the door without hesitation before I came to the little LOLI room.

Now is not the time to be indecisive. I must send little LOLI and Feng Xiaoling out before Irene makes a deal with the second elder!

"Who is it?" To my surprise, the door opened immediately after hearing my knock on the door. WHAT'S MORE unexpected IS THAT Feng XIAOLING IS ALSO IN THE ROOM OF THE SMALL LOLI.

It's strange. Didn't Feng Xiaoling shout to rest and ask Sister Irene to find a quiet room for her to sleep?

"Big fool, what's the matter with you? We still have something to do and don't have time to chat with you here. THROUGH THE DOOR, THE SMALL LOLI LOOKED AT ME impatientLY AND SAID IN AN INA GOOD tone. I'm very busy now. If you have something to say, just say it quickly. Don't waste our time anymore.

Feng Xiaoling next to her didn't say anything, but her face showed an expression of 'you finish it quickly'.

When I saw the two little girls' careless appearance, I was in the mood to strangle them. Who do you think I came to you for?

Really, do little girls nowadays don't understand the mood of the body president so much?

"Go back and prepare. I will arrange someone to send you back to the place of the Yellow Emperor's heritage." Forget it, I'm an adult anyway, and it's stingy to argue with these children too much. So I tried to squeeze a smile out of my face and said to them kindly. Now it is very dangerous and may be attacked by the enemy at any time.

"We don't want to leave. We are going to solve the rebellion of the Western remnants." HEARN MY WORDS, LOLI SAID WITH A Pout AND A DISSATWED FACE.

"Yes, we can't go. We promised uncle to solve the rebellion of the Western remnants within three days." Feng Xiaoling, who was beside her, nodded and said so.

"That's just a joke, okay?" Hearing the two little girls' answers, my face instantly turned into an embarrassing shape. All right, stop it. I'll call someone over later, and then you must follow them back!"

Really, the fool uncle actually had such an unreliable agreement with the little girl when he set out. Look at now, both little girls are held by such an agreement!

"No, we don't want to go back. I had already told my uncle when I came that we must solve this rebellion within three days."

After Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI looked at each other, they shook their heads firmly at me.

"Hey, this is not the time to joke! Don't you really think you can save the Western survivors, do you? Seeing the perseverance on Feng Xiaoling and XiaoLOLI's faces, a bad idea rose in my heart.

Hey, these two little girls are not serious, are they?

Fee the determination in the tone of the two people, and I quickly persuaded them. You don't even think about it. What can you two do? Do you have any strong power? Do you have the strength to suppress everything? No! Although it sounds terrible, I must say that neither I nor you have that kind of strength!"

After a pause and looking at the silent two people, I continued. But don't worry, I won't give up solving the legacy of Satan. Tomorrow I will follow Sister Irene and the others to rescue Uncle Lucifa. With the leadership of the king, it's just a matter of time to suppress the rebels.

"No!" After listening to my long speech, little LOLI's reaction actually shook her head without hesitation. We will never go back! We still have to save the remnants of Satan!"

I said, at least listen to me!

What do you think I just said such a big call for?

"Well, let's stop joking, okay?" After rubbing the faintly painful eyebrows, I begged for mercy. Go back quickly."

"We're not kidding." LITTLE LOLI PUT HIS HANDS ON HIS WAIST AND HIS WHITE NECK LIFTED HIGH. Now that we have agreed to the uncle, we will definitely do it. We are wordful!"

"That's right, we are different from someone. When we came here, we obviously said that, but now we want to retreat." Feng Xiaoling looked at me with contemptuous face, as if it was a bed bug standing in front of her.

"Hey, that's when the two of you agreed." Facing the aggressive momentum of the two little girls, I had to touch my nose with a wry smile. I have never agreed to my uncle's request.

All over the world, I guess only little LOLi, you and Feng Xiaoling will promise uncle such a thing.

"Wow, it seems to be true." LOOKING AT ME IN distress, XIAOLI LOOKED AT FANG XIAOLING. Xiaoling, didn't this coward agree to the uncle's request before?

The coward...

Has my name changed from a big fool to a coward so quickly?

"I can't remember clearly either." Looking at me suspiciously, Feng Xiaoling said. However, judging from this guy's timid personality, it is very likely that he did not agree at that time.

Is it a coward first, and then a timid character?

Do you two really want to die?

"Ye right, I haven't promised my uncle any requirements at all." Although I was very dissatisfied with the little girl's rude attitude, there was still a kind expression on my face. It's almost time. Go back and get ready. Anyway, there are Uncle Lucifa's subordinates here, and the problem here should not be too big.

"Never mind, we won't go back anyway." After looking at each other, the two little girls suddenly shouted at me and quickly ran back to their room.


Looking at the figure of the two girls disappearing behind the door, I couldn't help looking up at the sky 45°, and a line of tears flowed out.

Is it so difficult for children to communicate nowadays?

Woo-woo, kindergarten teachers, thank you for your hard work!