Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 21 Sister Erin's Gift

"Good boy, let's go back. I promised that I would bring you here after solving the matter here, okay?

"No, coward."

"Don't make a mistake. I also want to solve the problem here quickly, but we don't have weapons now and can't do that kind of thing at all. LITTLE LOLI, CAN YOU HELP ME GO BACK TO THE LAND OF THE YELLOW EMPALOGI TO GET WEAPONS. WHEN YOU COME BACK, WE WILL FIGHT AGAIN. HOW ABOUT WE DO IT?"

"No, coward."

"I'm wrong, aunt. You'd better go back quickly. Tomorrow, the traitors of the remnants of Satan will come. This place is really not a place for you to stay!"

"No, coward!"

"Damn it, don't be shameless, I'll tell you that you have to go back to the land of the Yellow Emperor's heritage, and you have to go back if you don't!"

"No, coward!"

"Hey, don't you have anything else to say but a coward?"

"... coward."

"You can't be a coward!"

"It's so annoying. Don't knock on my door anymore!" WITH THE IPLIENT SOUND OF SMALL LOLI, THE DOOR OF SMALL LOLI SUDDENLY OPENED!

And just as I was happy about it, a round thing rolled out from behind the door.

Well, if I'm not mistaken, this round thing full of lines is...


Damn it!

As soon as I thought about it, the star cluster on the sea of consciousness instantly separated a silver mask and quickly covered me into the mask.


The shield appeared on me, accompanied by violent vibration and black smoke, and a roar sounded in front of me.

When the smoke dissipated, I was stunned to find that the original mahogany carved wall was broken, and the hard floor that the waiter was proud of was also broken. Instead, it was a big hole with a diameter of one meter...


Bomb, bomb, real bomb, little LOLI really lost the bomb!

Looking at everything in front of me, my mind suddenly became blank.

Although the power of this bomb can't have a great impact on me, but...

You can throw a bomb in front of your door!

What a dangerous existence this guy is!

Forget it, this guy is ignorant. I'd better talk to Feng Xiaoling, and then let the little girl Feng Xiaoling persuade her.

After all, Feng Xiaoling is a little older than Little LOLI, and she is also the head of the Rose Detective Agency. She will definitely not be as rude as Little LOLI.

It's past 7 p.m. Now. Although little LOLI and Feng Xiaoling have said that they will never leave in the afternoon, I still refuse to give up and want to make a final attempt.

Obviously, my persuasion to little LOLI again is ineffective.

But I won't give up. I believe Feng Xiaoling will understand me and promise me to leave!



I looked at the big pit that appeared in front of me, and then looked at the people under the floor through the ceiling. I honestly said goodbye to Feng Xiaoling in the door, and then walked back to my room.

Damn it!

Feng Xiaoling is so unsightly that she lost* without giving me a chance to speak! This behavior is 10,000 times worse than that of little LOLI!

Don't these two children know what convergence is?

Forget it, since the two little girls decided not to go back, I had to stun them when I set off. Anyway, this secret base is very safe, and there should be no problem

Shaking my slightly painful head, I slowly walked towards my room.


"Senior sister?" I walked back to the room with a sad face, but saw someone I couldn't think of in the room. Why did you come here?"

I continued without waiting for Sister Irene to speak. By the way, there is one thing I have to tell you.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, Irene's face can no longer see the previous weakness. Instead, it is a kind of perseverance that I have never seen before.

After going through so many things, Senior Irene has also grown up!

"I've thought about it. I'd better stay with you." Seeing that Sister Irene wanted to speak, I shook my head quickly. You don't have to persuade me to leave you in this dangerous place and escape by yourself. I can never do this kind of thing.

"You should still know my person." Finally, I added another sentence.

"Yes, how can I not understand you." Sister Irene's eyes were full of tears, and her hands gently held my face. That's why I like you."


Feeling the touch of Sister Irene's soft hands, my face turned red. Subconsciously wanted to lower her head, but Sister Erin resolutely stabilized my head.

"He Luo, this is my gift for you." After looking at me quietly for a moment, a charming red color suddenly appeared on Sister Irene's face.


Senior sister's soft lips are imprinted on my mouth!

This, this...

Now, what's the situation now?

I was suddenly kissed by Sister Irene, and my head became blank in an instant. Now my whole body seems to have been hit by electricity, and my whole body is full of numbness.

Although this feeling is crispy and numb.

However, it unexpectedly made me like it.

"Learn, senior sister!" It took me a while to react. After quickly breaking free from Sister Erin's hands, I looked at her with a red face. What are you doing?"

"Ge, is this blushing? Was that your first kiss just now? Hearing my words, a trace of cunning appeared on Sister Irene's face.


"Oh, that's not really your first kiss just now, is it?" Seeing my performance, a red glow flew on Sister Irene's face.

"General, anyway, feel what I gave you." After hurriedly leaving this sentence, Irene ran out of my room in a hurry.

What did you give me?

Looking at Sister Irene's hurried departure, I shook my head with a wry smile.

When did you give me something?


Just as I looked at the closed door in a daze, a voice woke me up from confusion.

It is a small animal with yellow and black fur and a lightning-like tail, which looks like a squirrel.

I am naturally familiar with this animal, but when I saw it, I couldn't help but be shocked.


The one who appeared in front of me was the little guy Pikachu!

Because Feng Xiaoling told me about the mutation of the guardian beast, after that, I put Pikachu into the guardian beast space and never summoned it out.

Although it seems cruel to keep it in the guardian beast space, I have persisted for the safety of Pikachu.

But now, I see Pikachu sitting quietly in front of me!

How can this be possible!

"Pickup!" Pikachu, who had just come out of the guardian beast space, looked a little confused, and his lovely head kept turning around. When it finally saw me, his face immediately showed a happy smile. With a gentle foot on **, Pikachu suddenly threw himself into my arms.

"Ha ha, I'm really sorry to keep you in there for so many days." Touching Pikachu's soft hair, I said apologetically.

"Pika!" Pikachu blinked his eyes, shook his head vigorously, and hugged me tightly again.

Pikachu has become so clingy... It seems that he must be stuffy in the days when he was locked in the space of guarding beasts!


Touching Pikachu, there was a strong curiosity in my heart.

Theoretically, the guardian beast space is completely controlled by me. Without my consent, it is absolutely impossible for the guardian beast to come out of the guardian beast space.

Of course, if the guardian beast has the powerful power to break through the barrier of the guardian beast space, that's another story.

Pikachu has powerful power. As long as it wants, it can naturally break through the space of guardian beasts and appear in the real world. However, if Pikachu forcibly left the guardian beast space, the energy fluctuation that broke through the guardian beast space could never be hidden from me.

Now Pikachu has not only come out, but also appears silently in front of me.

How can this not surprise me?

"Xiaopi, how did you get out of the guardian beast space?" Looking down at the Pikachu with a comfortable face rubbing my head, I asked strangely.

"Pika pickup~!" After tilting his head and thinking for a moment, Pikachu suddenly pointed his hand at his forehead.

Looking along Pikachu's fingers, I was surprised to find that a hexagonal crystal-like pattern was clearly engraved on Pikachu's forehead.

This pattern is completely bright red and looks very bloody.

Although this pattern looks horrible, when it is printed on Pikachu's head, it looks miraculously cute.

"Haha, Xiaopi, this pattern on your head looks very good." While laughing, I stretched my finger to the pattern on Pikachu's forehead.


Just as I pressed the pattern on Pikachu's forehead, there was a strong roar in my mind. Then, my forehead suddenly seemed to be burned, and there was a burst of heartache.

The pain comes and goes quickly.

In just a moment, the pain disappeared in an instant.

"Is it..." An idea came to my mind when I saw the crystal on Pikachu's forehead. I quickly walked to the dresser and couldn't wait to look in the mirror.

Sure enough!

Looking at the boy with crystals on his forehead in the mirror, I pulled a bitter smile on my face.

Senior Irene, you are so generous that you even gave me something like the inheritance of blood.