Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 25 War

In fact, I still appreciate Nino.

Be humble and low-key, and know how to be considerate when dealing with others. This guy not only has a good personality, but also has a good appearance. If placed on our earth, with his elegant demeanor and handsome face, he can still become a popular superstar of the emperor.

Although I have only been with Nino for a while, I have regarded him as a person who can make friends deeply.

Yes, a person who can sincerely bless his rival after being defeated by his rival, where can he get bad?

But it's a pity that God doesn't meet people's wishes, and I still have to fight with him in the end.

"He Luo, can you promise me a request?" After a brief hold, Nino suddenly spoke.

"Yes." Hearing Nino's words, I nodded without thinking.

"You haven't listened to my request yet, so you agreed?" Seeing that I agreed without saying a word, Nino's face showed a stunned expression.

"My friend needed me to agree to a request, so I agreed. Um... is there anything wrong with that?"

"Yes, that's right. Haha, He Luo, you are really an interesting person. After being slightly stunned, Nino laughed. If I can't die this time, we will definitely be good friends.

After a burst of heroic laughter, Nino put on a posture and said in a low voice. So, let's get started!"

"Good!" I nodded heavily and didn't ask what Nino's requirements were. I solemnly put on the ground!

The reason why I easily defeated Nino last time was mainly because I knew his power and used the same power to attack him.

In shock, Nino will fail.

But now, since Nino knows that I know his power, this battle will not be easy!

"In the name of my Nino, colonization!"

The right hand supported the sky with one hand, and with a clear sound, a red light suddenly appeared in the palm of Nino's right hand.

After the light rushed out into the sky, it quickly rushed towards Nino's spiritual cover!


After a dazzling red light lit up, he saw Nino, whose whole body was shrouded in flames, floating quietly in mid-air. At this time, Nino's handsome face had been blocked by a red cloth made of a flame, and he only saw a pair of eyes burning blue flames.

The short hair is only two inches long, and it has miraculously turned into long red hair up to one meter long!


After hanging quietly in the air for a moment, Nino's eyes flashed with orchid flames looked at me.


Just a glance, an unbearable pressure spread over me. At the same time, a strong sense of crisis rose to my mind.

Nino can also colonize, and this colonization seems to be more advanced than mine!

I couldn't help but feel nervous when I saw Nino's powerful image.

After all, Satan's relics are descendants handed down from ancient times. They have a deeper background than now. They know very well how to colonize and how to maximize colonization.

Compared with the survivors, I am still one level worse.

But what!

Seeing Nino's image at this time, instead of being discouraged, I had a strong fighting heart!

If you want to fight, I will fight!

My mind turned quickly, and I suddenly pulled away the scarf tied to my forehead. Then before everyone reacted, his right index finger pressed hard on the crystal pattern on his forehead.


With a light shout from Pikachu, Pikachu appeared in front of me. Without me talking more, Pikachu's body turned into a streamer and rushed into my forehead after a slight stagnation in the air.


The streamer of Pikachu's incarnation rushed into my forehead without hindrance, and then a powerful force instantly flowed through my limbs and bones, and the flame of Youlan burned on my body.

"Ha, I'm also beyond the level of armor." Looking happily at the jumping orchid flames on my body, I looked at Nino, who was quietly floating in mid-air with a smile on my face.

The colonization is divided into two levels, one is physicalization, that is, the transformation of armor and other physical objects on the body; the other is energyization. Energy, as the name implies, is attached to the body in the form of energy.

The reason why energy is stronger than solidification is that the energy of energy has mobility. While being attacked, the energy will be automatically transferred to the attacked place.

Now that we are on the same line, let's get started!

There is no nonsense. Just after I finished my colonization, Nino moved!

Without any warning, his figure disappeared in place. Then, a strong wind sounded behind me!

In the back!

Nino's movements were so fast that I didn't have time to turn around to defend, so I clenched my fists and gathered all my energy into my vest in an instant.


The fist mixed with the power of destruction hit my back heavily. Even if the back was full of all the energy, the power of destruction still rushed into my body from the side extremely sinisterly.


While my body was blown away, a poisonous energy penetrated into my body from my right elbow and destroyed it in my body.

"Break it for me!" Feeling the worse and worse in my body, I felt a fierce heart. I mobilized my strength to clean my body.

However, because of the sudden mobilization of power, I can't control the energy well. While removing the sinister energy, it also hurts my internal organs.

"Damn, you are really cruel!" He spit out a mouthful of blood fiercely and pointed to Nino, who flew quickly, and a long beam of light shot out from my fingers.

Fingers kept messing up in the air, and energy bars drew beautiful arcs in the air and quickly rushed towards Nino.

"Roar!" There was an unsounding howling in his throat, and the orchid flame on Nino's body became more intense. Around him, I could even see the space cracks that appeared because I couldn't stand the high temperature.

Without looking at the energy beam that rushed over, Nino burst into flames and rushed towards me!


Along the way, the energy beams in front of Nino were all destroyed by the power on Nino's body, leaving no trace.

Something is wrong!

Looking at Nino with a fierce light in his eyes, a trace of unnatural flashed in my heart.

"Go down!" Although I had some doubts in my heart, looking at Nino's fierce attack, I still quickly made a mark in the air.

Red, yellow, green, blue and purple, as my fingers flew deftly in the air, seven different colors of patterns appeared in front of me.


With a low shout, my right palm pressed on the red pattern floating in the air.


The red pattern suddenly emitted a red light. With a shocking low sound, a mass of red flame swept towards Nino in the air!

This fierce spark even illuminates half of the sky!

And this is just the beginning!


After the red pattern turned into a spark and swept towards Nino, the orange pattern automatically appeared in the original place of the red pattern.

The right palm also gently pressed on the orange pattern, and saw that the orange pattern was long in the wind. In the blink of an eye, an orange pattern of more than ten meters appeared in mid-air.


After a short pause, a long sword with orange light, with supreme power, cut through the space, cut through the air, and rushed towards Nino like a storm!

After orange, it's yellow!

After suddenly pressing the yellow pattern, the yellow pattern shook slightly in the air and fell to the ground.

And just as the yellow pattern fell on the ground, there was a strong vibration on the ground. The shock was so strong that the survivors below had to hold their partners around them so that they would not fall to the ground.

After the strong vibration, there was a roar of thunder.

As the thunder became louder and louder, cracks suddenly appeared on the land. In the blink of an eye, countless cracks appeared on the land.

At the same time as this crack appeared, high and hard stone pillars rose on the ground and hit Nino fiercely!


As the green pattern lit up, green vines suddenly appeared on the original grassless peaks. The long vine grew very fast and covered all the peaks in the blink of an eye. Just after the long vine was covered with the peaks, the long vine danced, swam and violently beat Nino!




With the last three sounds, the blue wind, the blue arrow rain, and purple energy rushed towards Nino!

This process looks very tedious. In fact, it took less than two seconds from my launch to attack. When I finished reading all the colors, I could see an energy wave that blended seven colors in mid-air, growing and constantly rushing towards Nino!


Seeing this powerful attack, a trace of panic flashed in Nino's eyes, but soon, the panic was replaced by tyranny.

I only saw him shouting, and his body became several times bigger in an instant, and then he collided with the colorful energy column impartially!


With a series of roars, Nino's body was thrown aside like a rag.

After hitting a big hole on the ground, Nino poofed and spit out a mouthful of black blood, and then tilted his head and fainted directly.