Micro acid detective agency

Chapter 26 Su Yun's accident

"Waste!" Seeing that Nino was defeated like this, the two elders had a sinister expression on their calm and waveless faces. How can I have a son like you!"

"What did you eat for Nino!" Seeing the black blood spit out by Nino and thinking of Nino's vicious power in the battle, I couldn't help looking at the second elder in horror.

"Nothing. It's just a potion that can strengthen strength. With a sneer, the second elder looked at me and said. His Highness He Luo, although I have roughly understood your strength before, I didn't expect the gap to be so big. Sure enough, you can't stay!"

As soon as I finished speaking, when I didn't react, the second elder's body appeared in front of me.

"Go to hell!" With his right hand pinched in the air, he saw a black energy ball appearing in the hands of the second elders. Originally, this kind face became extremely ferocious. The second elder pinched the energy mass and fiercely pressed the energy mass to my chest!

"Do you want me to die? That's a pity." With a soft smile, my mind turned, and my body disappeared in front of the second elder in an instant. When I appeared again, I had already appeared behind the two elders.

"Second Elder, do you know what the inheritance of blood is?" I put my mouth to the ear of the second elder, and I said in a low voice. Now, let me show you!"

"Xiaopi!" Before the second elder had time to react, I quickly lifted the colonization state and took over the Pikachu falling from the air. Then, I bit my fingertips and touched the blood-flowing finger on the crystal on Pikachu's forehead.


With the scream of Pikachu, only a tiger-like guardian beast suddenly appeared beside the two elders.

"What are you going to do!" Seeing his guardian beast suddenly appear, the second elder couldn't help shouting out.

"What am I going to do?" Smiling proudly, I said word by word, "Of course it's depriving you of your blood!"

As soon as the words fell, Pikachu suddenly jumped in front of the guardian beast of the two elders.

Strangely, the guardian beast of the two elders looked much better than Pikachu, but when he saw Pikachu, he lowered his head intimidly and looked completely submit.

"Tiger, Tiger!" Seeing his guardian beast like this, the second elder's face showed a shocked look.

"Don't look. There will be no problem with Tiger. There will be problems. It's you." With a soft smile, I pressed my right finger on the crystal between my forehead.


I only saw a red light shooting out of my forehead and directly through the forehead of the second elder!

At the same time, a red light also shot out of Pikachu's forehead. After the red light appeared in the air, it was spiritual and passed through Tiger's head!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" The second elder, who was swept away by the red light, let out a sad howl and his whole body trembled involuntarily. After a moment, he seemed to be crazy. After falling to the ground, he couldn't help rolling on the ground.

"He Luo..."

Seeing the second elder like this, Irene looked at me worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just a routine." After I clicked on the forehead that was put on the headscarf again, I blinked and smiled at Sister Erin.

Why can people who have inherited the inheritance of blood become the masters of Satan's heritage?

No, because the inheritance of blood can cut off the blood of the survivors and cut off the contract between people and guardian beasts! The reason why the people of the survivors have strong power is that they have ancient blood and guardian beasts, and the inheritance of blood can cut off their powerful roots!

This is the reason why people with the inheritance of blood can become kings!

The inheritance of blood is not to continue to inherit, but to cut off the inheritance!

Why did Pikachu come out of the guardian beast space without my permission at that time? The reason is that the inheritance of blood has removed the barrier between me and him.

And the reason why Tiger was called out is naturally based on this theory.

"What the hell have you done to me?" At this time, the second elder reluctantly stood up from the ground, and his originally ruddy face became gray at this time, which looked horrible. What the hell have you done to me!"

I'm not surprised to see the crazy behavior of the second elder.

For a person with great power, the most terrible thing is never to die, but to lose the power he is proud of forever.

What's more, the second elder is still an ambitious person.

"Actually, you should have heard of that legend." Turn a blind eye to the second elder who wanted to kill, I shrugged my shoulders and said lightly. Isn't that why you refused to kill Uncle Lucifa before?

"You, you mean..." Hearing my words, the two elders took a few steps back by thunder, and their already old face became more old. You mean blood..."

"Well, there are some things that you just need to know, but it's not good to say it." Before the second elder wanted to finish speaking, I dodged and appeared in front of him. For the sake of your son, I don't mind letting you go, but if I hear anything about the inheritance of blood, don't blame me.

"You should also know another legend of blood inheritance, right?" Without giving the second elders time to react, I said word by word. The consequences of leaking the inheritance of blood, kill the nine clans!"

After saying that, I didn't look at the second elder and walked directly to Nino, who had stood up. Do you know what to do after that?"

"Thank you very much, He Luo." Without saying anything, after saying this, Nino began to collect the soldiers brought by the two elders, and then took his already haggard father to him. Princess Irene, let's confess our guilt!"


The two elders have lost their strength, while Nino, the son of the two elders, chose to bow his head, and the rest of the rebels could not turn over.

A rebellion ended dramatically.

In the afternoon of the same day, we picked up Uncle Lucifa.

And when I found Uncle Lucifa, I finally understood why Sister Irene was so angry with Uncle Lucifa before.

Uncle Lucifa, damn it!

Well, if I knew that Uncle Lucifer was like this before, would I still work hard for him? Well, it's hard to say!

Guess how Uncle Lucifa was treated in rebellion?

Beauty, wine, food!

Damn it, does this two elders still have any consciousness of being a bad person? By doing so, he has lost the face of the bad guys in the world!

Although I know that the second elder is to get the inheritance of blood, he will be good for Lucifa. But, it can't be like this!

When I saw a whole room surrounded by a beautiful woman around my uncle, I really had the heart to kill Uncle Lucifa.

Damn, you can't be too Lucifa!

Because of the previous beheading plan, the rebels have been in a state of chaos. After we greeted our uncle, the scattered resistance disappeared.

Three days later, three days after I came here, the rebellion of the remnants of Satan was really subsided!

In fact, seriously, except for the time to walk, eat and sleep, we have used less than a day!

This is really an incredible result!

And all this mainly depends on these two little girls!

Looking at the smiling Feng Xiaoling and Little LOLI in front of me, I couldn't help sighing from the bottom of my heart.

Now I finally know why the uncle asked me to bring two girls here. That's the reason.

The problem of Satan's family has been solved, but the problem of the heavenly realm has not been solved.

According to reliable information, because the saint of the heavenly vein returned, the resistance of the heavenly vein has been raised again, but because the power of rebellion is too strong, and the royalist strength of the heavenly vein is most of the influence of potions and cannot be exerted at all, so the rebellion of the heavenly vein is obtained. The final victory is only a matter of time.

After hearing the news of the heavenly veins, Sister Irene's face was again covered with haze. But soon, the haze on her face was blown away - Uncle Lucifa decided to send troops to heaven!

"Hey, in fact, I have long wanted to fix the relationship between Satan's remnants and the heavenly world. At this time, we will help the bastards over there, and our relationship will naturally get better." After hearing our doubts, Uncle Lucifa laughed and explained to us.

" Besides, do you think I will watch my daughter be sad, but do nothing?" After saying that, Uncle Lucifa blinked at Sister Irene.

Well, it seems that Uncle Lucifa still has something to do with it.

After a rich dinner, we decided to leave.

Since the Western affairs have been solved, we have no reason to stay. In addition, there is Su Yun that I am worried about on the side of the Yellow Emperor's family, so it is even more impossible to stay.

"He Luo, can't you stay for a few more days?" Sister Erin looked at me with tears in her eyes, with a reluctant face. I haven't had time to introduce those uncles to you in detail.

"Uh...Forget it, there will be more opportunities in the future." If you don't say it, I may stay. Since you have mentioned those horrible uncles, I'm sorry that I have to leave.

"Irene, don't persuade He Luo. He still has something to do." Seeing that Sister Irene wanted to stop talking, Uncle Lucifa smiled. And I believe that He Luo will come back soon.

At this point, Uncle Lucifa looked at me. I'm not wrong, He Luo.

Yes, you are right!

Seeing the uncle's meaningful eyes, I really can't wait to slap him.

After solving Su Yun's matter, I really have to come back again. The reason is the thing that Sister Irene gave me, the inheritance of blood.

Since Uncle Lucifa has been saved, I have no obligation to master the inheritance of blood. So after the uncle came out, I wanted to return the blood to the uncle.

However, when returning it to Uncle Lucifah, there was a problem.

is a serious problem.

I can't take down the inheritance of blood!

Theoretically, as long as the host wishes, he can immediately be separated from the blood inheritance. But this theory has not been realized in me - no matter what I think, I can't take down the inheritance of blood!

Uncle Lucifer is also curious about my situation. And in order to get rid of my blood inheritance, Uncle Lucifa came up with a lot of bad ideas for me.

This includes the double practice with senior sister Irene. Maybe the inheritance of blood will automatically fall down during the double practice.

What does it mean? It's absolutely impossible to fall down!


Bing beep beep! ~

At this time, the pager in my arms suddenly sounded. The sharp sound was particularly harsh in the empty hall.

It's strange why someone sent me a message at this time.

They should know what I'm doing now.

"He Luo, come back quickly, something happened to Su Yun!"

As soon as the uncle's communication was connected, the uncle's hurried voice came out of the pager.