Only me

Chapter 194 The Seplion of the Chaos King

In case of Ao Guang's reaction, the sea dragon's eyes were red, and the celestial armor on his body turned red. A pair of huge wings appeared behind him. A delicate dark red helmet had appeared on the head of the sea dragon. The front end of the helmet was raised in five forks, covering the center of the sea dragon' The colored gems glowed, and then a dark red armor instantly spread all over the whole body of the sea dragon to replace the previous Tianji armor. The armor is fine, and each place is covered by diamond-shaped armor. Even the only unprotected face of the sea dragon, there is a gray halo protection. In the center of the chest armor on the chest The black gemstone, but the volume is much larger, covering it like a protective goggles.

The armor is completely close-fitting, outlining the great figure of the sea dragon. The light of the black gems in the three-fork helmet on the head is dim, but it exudes an extremely horrible breath. The armored a dark red light. The pair of dragon and heavenly gods is completely different from the previous armor. First of all, There is a black line in the center of the color feathers, and the dark red light on the feathers seems to be spinning. In the past, the sharp blades on Longxiang Tianji Shenkai were gone, but around the body of the sea dragon, there was a looming purple dragon.

Although the body of Jujing is not as huge as Ao Guang, it is also more than ten meters long. The body of the sea dragon seems to expand a little while the armor changes.

If the immortal emperor sees the changes on the sea dragon at this time, he will definitely recognize that this is the fourth highest transformation of Long Xiangyu - the externalized dragon.

Ao Guang suddenly realized the meaning of Hailong's words and exclaimed, "Xingjun, do you want to..." The purple magic dragon around Hailong's body brought him a great shock.

Ao Guang belongs to the Jing clan. Although he does not have the cultivation as high as the Qinglong Five, he is also a member of the dragon clan after all. The purple magic dragon released by the sea dragon brings him the feeling of the king of the dragon clan, which makes him feel worship.

Hailong smiled.

said, "Although my cultivation may not be comparable to that of a master, I can still try it.

Not long ago, I was plotted by the fairy emperor, and the golden staff was taken away by the full magic weapon King Kong circle. Today, I took this opportunity to take it back.

Don't worry about the Dragon King.

I will only use my power to attract the ancient fairy array here. Even if I don't succeed, I will never do any damage to this place.

Ao Guang's eyes showed a trace of surprise, and he thought to himself that if Hailong could really get back the Dinghai God Needle, with the current cooperative relationship, maybe he could ask him to keep the Ding Haishen Needle.

As soon as he thought of this, he heard Hailong say, "Dragon King.

Do you have a uncle? I want to make it clear first that whether it can succeed or not this time, it is impossible to keep the golden staff. Maybe when everything is over, I will ask the master to return the golden staff to you.

Ao Guang shook his head with some loss and sighed, "Actually.

I don't have much hope. Since Xingjun has said so, how can I force it?

Xingjun, please start.

I will protect the law for you.

Hailong nodded.

His eyes suddenly turned red again, and the huge fiery red wings behind him suddenly unfolded, and his hands were folded into fingerprints in front of the black gem on his chest, with a clear roar in his mouth.

The roar lingered in every corner of this waterless space.

After leaving the customs, Hailong is finally going to show all his strength.

Now he is absolutely sure that his cultivation should be above his master Sun Wukong without considering the body of King Kong. Otherwise, he will not have rashly chosen to do so.

The golden hoop is too important for him. Without the golden hoop, he can't exert the real power of six consecutive strikes. Even if he learns the indetermining disturbance, it will not play a decisive role.

At the beginning, when Hailong was only a monk in the realm of Fuhu, the golden staff followed him, accompanied him through countless hardships, and helped him eliminate countless enemies. Hailong had already regarded the golden staff as a part of his body. He had already thought about it, and he learned the endless storm from the Dragon Palace. After that, he immediately went back to the fairyland to find a way to get a golden staff. Now this opportunity is obviously much better, at least there will be no danger. How can he give up? The surging fire attribute chaotic gas suddenly expanded. With the center of the sea dragon position, it quickly spread to within a radius of ten square meters, completely wrapping his body. The sea dragon's hands slowly unfolded out, and the helmet and the two black gems on the chest released a stream of black gas. It was not the evil gas, but a mixture of fire attributes The chaotic gas condensed after the increase of the strongest Longxiang Tianji Shenjia. Because it is too condensed, it produces a dark red color, so when you take a glance, it will feel black.

Ao Guang suddenly felt that in front of the sea dragon, he was not a dragon king at all. It seemed that he was just a small insect under his feet. Although the vast mana did not exert any pressure on him, he looked up at the peak at the foot of the mountain, and he had no other ideas in his heart except reverence.

Lowering his head, Ao Guang silently prayed for the sea dragon. As he said, even if he looked at the sea god needle again, he could satisfy a lot! Suddenly, he saw a good golden stone with the seal of Guanyin Bodhisattva on the ground. His whole body was shocked. He suddenly realized something, and his face suddenly turned pale. He shouted silently, "Xingjun, stop it. If you get the Dinghai god needle back, you can't take it away again!" Stop..." But now it's too late for him to say anything, and Hailong has begun to mobilize all his mana.

The golden symbols around the waterless space seemed to feel something, making a cheerful whisper. The sea moved, the giant wings behind it patted, the magic seal on the hand changed one after another, and countless red air streams shot out at the same time, and disappeared into those golden symbols in the blink of an eye.

He suddenly raised his head and felt his strength. Hailong's hands slowly raised his head, and the purple magic dragon that had been surrounding his body began to rotate, setting off Guan Hailong's great body floating in mid-air. The dragon head rose from the feet of Hailong and rotated around Hailong's body until Haiyou's Turn the direction with both hands.

Under the continuous transformation of the purple airflow, the color of the ultimate dragon sky god armor fused with the four-change dragon and jade began to change again. The purple and red colors are entangled and compressed, constantly transforming to the color of the gemstone.

Due to the excessive concentration of mana.

The small black lightning similar to the original fairy disaster has begun to appear around the body of the sea dragon. The long red hair did not move at all in this violent airflow, and it still quietly draped behind the sea dragon, which makes people have a strange feeling.

Hailong's hands fell slowly, stretching flat on his chest, and his eyes flashed like stars.

As his mouth stopped, a long dark red stick moved within ten square meters of chaos. In this range, his body brought countless phantoms.

Nearly dozens of sea dragons are constantly flashing.

With the enhancement of mana, the Longxiang Tianjihen armor on the sea dragon has finally turned black like a gem.

The dark red sticks in the hands of dozens of phantoms danced lightly.


"upside down-hang-old-jun-furnace-".

"Talk - laugh - retreat - sky - soldier -".

"Small - building - night - crying -".

"Chasing - Soul - Seizing - Soul -".


With his continuous singing, the whole waterless space has changed, and the domineering spirit covers every corner except the place where Aoguang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, is located.

Hailong did not launch six consecutive strikes, but used six consecutive hits in one type of spells, one after another.

The dark red stick shadow refers to the center of each golden symbol.

He sent the spirit of chaos into it because he was a strong immortal, in order to attract the immortal power of this ancient magic array.

Everything went quickly, but it seemed to be very slow, when the last type of fire was over.

All the illusory images have disappeared, but the absolute space formed by the sea dragon with the chaotic atmosphere of fire attribute has also spread to the whole waterless space.

As soon as his mind lit up, the sea dragon's eyes suddenly turned into a golden ocean.

It seemed that he had come to a world. He couldn't feel his mana. The surroundings were empty, and his heart suddenly became very quiet, which made him a little unable to adapt.

"No one has had the power to touch me for a long time.

My child, who are you? Hailong was stunned for a moment, and he was surprised to find it.

My mind power has completely sunk into the divine consciousness. This is a sea of mind power! The same thing has happened before, suppressing the surprise in my heart and collecting my thoughts.

asked tentatively, "Who are you, and why am I your child?" The soft and old voice said, "As long as you are a creature in the six worlds, you must be my child.

I like the breath from you very much. It's very close to my Force! My child, can you tell me his name? The sea dragon was shocked. He suddenly remembered the words of the Qinglong King and the Xuanwu King, and lost his voice and said, "Are you the King of Chaos?" The soft voice said in surprise, "You know me? Oh, no, I'm not the king of chaos.

I'm just one of his external incarnations, responsible for guarding the human world.

However, after all, I am composed of his breath. Fundamentally, I can also be regarded as a part of the Chaos King.

So, it's not wrong for me to call your child.

"External incarnation?" This strange statement made Hailong curious, "Hello, senior, my name is Hailong.

What is an external incarnation, can you tell me? The soft voice said, "Of course, you can attract the Force of the Chaos King, feel my existence, and you already have the power to know everything.

Sea dragon, the so-called external incarnation, is actually just a kind of split.

That is to say, my body is still the Chaos King, and I am his split.

Although I can only have a very small part of his strength, as time goes by, I gradually have my own feelings and consciousness.

You are talking to my consciousness now.

Hailong's heart moved and said, "I once heard the predecessor of the Holy Beast Qinglong King and the Elder Xuanwu King say that His Majesty the Chaos King once left his consciousness in the six worlds. Are you the residual consciousness? Why are you in this ancient fairy array? The soft voice said, "Actually, this is not an ancient fairy array at all, but there is a little force of the Chaos King here.

I feel that, in fact, what you have cultivated is also a manifestation of the Force of the Chaos King. Although it is far less pure, it still has the breath of the Chaos King.

The reason why I stayed here was that the Chaos King came to deter the human world.

Countless years ago, the Chaos King shaped the six worlds with his almost infinite chaotic spirit. When the six worlds appeared, he realized how difficult it was to maintain the balanced operation of such a huge system. He exhausted all his efforts and finally kept the balance of the other five worlds one by one.

However, there are problems in the human world.

Maybe you don't know that in the human world, the sea occupies almost seven-tenths of the area, and all kinds of breaths in the human world are extremely unstable. Tsunami often occur, and the sea has become the source of destruction, so that the creatures living on land can't continue to survive.

When the Chaos King had this problem, he did not have much power left. After all, balancing the other five worlds consumed too much of his power. At that time, he was not enough to change the situation of the human world.

However, he was not discouraged by this.

In order to help the human world achieve balance, he divided half of his remaining Force and created my split.

And my task is to completely seal the sea in the human world so that the ravages of the sea will not affect the world.

Hailong was shocked. He didn't expect that the waterless space in the undersea forest had such a magical side. He couldn't help saying, "Do you know the sea god needle? Will the loss of the sea god needle affect your control of the whole sea? The soft voice said, "I created the Dinghai needle. Of course I know. I also gave it a nice name, called the Ruyi golden staff. Unfortunately, it was taken away by a monkey.

Although the monkey is not as powerful as you and can't talk to me, I can't keep the sea needle in order to suppress the whole sea.

Later, fortunately, there was a great master from the Buddhist world. Even if he helped me seal the damaged place, he could be safe.

Haoding Haishen Needle is created by me with all the hardest things in the human world. It has been with me for countless years. I have long regarded it as a friend. It really hurts me to lose it, and without it, it is much more difficult for me to control the sea.

However, in recent days, I have come up with other ways, and there will be no crisis in the sea in the future, so I decided to integrate my consciousness with the whole sea, so that the sea is my body and can move according to my thoughts. Just when I decided to do so, you came. Kid, you are the first person I have consciously talked to! Moreover, it must be the last one. I'm really glad to meet you. It turns out that the feeling of conversation is so beautiful.

Later, fortunately, there was a great master from the Buddhist world. Even if he helped me seal the damaged place, he could be safe.

The Dinghai God Needle is created by me with all the hardest things in the human world. It has accompanied me for countless years. I have already regarded it as a friend. It is really sad to lose it, and without it, it is much more difficult for me to control all kinds of ravages of the sea.

However, in recent days, I have come up with other ways that there will be no crisis in the sea in the future.

Because I decided to integrate my consciousness with the whole sea, so that the sea is my body and can move with my thoughts.

When I decided to do this, you came, son, you were the first person I had to talk to! Moreover, it must be the last one. I'm really glad to meet you. It turns out that the feeling of conversation is so beautiful.

Hailong said awkwardly, "Senior, I'm also very happy to talk to you, but the monkey you mentioned who took the Dinghai magic needle is my master.

The so-called master has something to do, and I am willing to take all the blame on behalf of the master.

The soft will let out a kind laugh and said, "No need for the child, your honesty has solved everything. In fact, I don't have the feeling of hatred at all, but I was disappointed at the beginning.

Now that everything is over, you don't have to say anything more. You can appear when I am about to control the sea with my consciousness, which shows that we are also predestined. Can you tell me what you want to do to start the Force of the Chaos King? Maybe I can help you a little."

Hailong is full of respect for this soft voice.

Of course, he understands that consciousness is fully integrated with the whole sea, and how much energy it takes to successfully control it.

Although controlling the sea can manipulate everything in the sea, after all, it has lost its freedom and can only be limited to the sea. It is only the great sentiment of giving up the sea.

is enough to make Hailong admire.

"Senior, the master gave me the magic needle of the silver sky bookstore, but not long ago, it was taken away by one of my enemies.

I heard from Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, that if the ancient fairy array here can be launched, the Dinghai God Needle can be taken back.

That's why I used the fire attribute Chaos to disturb you. Please forgive me.

Help is needed, and I will definitely find a way to get the Haishen needle back.

I just want to ask you a question. Where will the remaining consciousness of His Majesty the Chaos King be? The King of Qinglong, the King of Rosefinch and the King of Xuanwu once gave me the Dingfeng beads, the Dinghuo beads and the Dingtu beads respectively. According to my guess, it should be the key to the remaining consciousness of His Majesty the Chaos King.

With a flash of light, a golden light and shadow appeared in front of the sea dragon.

The figure of the light and shadow is very similar to that of the sea dragon, and it also has a pair of wings that are the same as his dragon's sky armor.

"Yes, you're right, which proves that you are full of wisdom, but I only know that the beads of the Four Holy Beasts are the key to open the residual consciousness.

As for where it is, you have to find it yourself.

In your current situation, if you can get the guidance of the Chaos King's residual consciousness, your cultivation will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

Son, your appearance can also be regarded as handsome in the six worlds.

I finally have an object that I can imitate.

Since you want to find the Dinghai God Needle, I can help you, because my power is completely used to deter the sea.

So, you can only rely on yourself.

Come on, give me your hand and let me lead you to get it back.

I can also feel at ease when I see my old friends before I leave.

In the future, if you have a chance, you are welcome to see me in the sea. I will be in every corner of the sea.

With the sound, the golden figure stretched out his hand to the sea dragon.

Hailong held the big hand that seemed to be condensed with thought without hesitation, and said sadly, "Senior, thank you. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come to see you."

With a flash of golden light, Hailong clearly felt that his body was wrapped in an unusually warm and peaceful magic power. His mind swelled in an instant and lost himself, but he saw a scene.

It's an extremely familiar feeling, which seems to be the call of the golden staff.

With no reservation, the sea dragon has mobilized all the chaotic atmosphere, including its own yuan god, the next moment.

Ao Guang saw a strange scene. The golden symbol in the whole waterless space suddenly rotated in an instant. The red light emitted from the sea dragon connected himself with those golden symbols like a bridge. Then, both those and the sea dragon itself were dyed gold under the rotation of the symbol, and the golden light suddenly swelled. The swelling, with the diameter of the waterless space, formed a huge golden beam of light, which penetrated the prohibition of the forest at the bottom of the sea and rushed upwards.

... Sun Wukong has been very depressed for hundreds of years.

Since he was suppressed by Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years before following his master Xuanzang to the west to get the scriptures, he was still the first to be so depressed.

Under the joint constraints of Zhenyuan's immortals, lamp-burning Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva and other great powers, he was imprisoned in a strongest absolute space that could not be enlightened from it at all.

There are no restrictions on him in this space, just restricting him from going out.

Sun Wukong wanted to break through this absolute space more than once, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never do it.

After all, with his own cultivation, he can't compete with so many great masters.

He often thinks of his precious golden staff. If he has it in his hand, with its indestructible characteristics, he is more than 70% sure that he can escape from this cage.

In fact, being locked up does not make Sun Wukong feel uncomfortable, but his heart has always been heavy. His most proud disciple has not recovered yet, and Zhenyuan Daxian and others do not tell themselves the recent situation of Hailong.

The feeling of worry is the most annoying thing for this person to defeat the Buddha.

However, if it hadn't been for his impatience, he wouldn't have been locked up here.

"Wukong, what good things have you brought you?"

The only thing that has comforted Sun Wukong for hundreds of years is that Zixia has always been by his side. With her company, Sun Wukong can feel that #18903; is not so lonely.

With a flash of purple light, Zixia came to the Monkey King with a wine gourd. It was strange that this absolute space was only effective for the Monkey King.

Other people can come and go freely.

Seeing the gourd, Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly lit up. How could he not understand what was in it? An arrow stepped forward, hugged the wine gourd in his arms, excitedly opened the cover of the gourd, and there was a burst of slamming.

Zixia said with some dissatisfaction, "Slow down.

Seeing wine is more intimate than seeing me.


Sun Wukong stopped, smiled and said, "How can it be? I see that you are the closest! My good wife, this must have been obtained from the old bald man who burns the lamp.

I didn't expect that the old guy is still in stock now.

Zixia smiled.

said, "I also found it by accident. Now you are so proud of it."

Sun Wukong looked at the wine gourd, and his body suddenly fell into a stiff state.

The golden light in the golden eyes of the fire, and his body trembled slightly and said, "Sea dragon, it's a sea dragon."

Zixia was stunned and said, "What did you say?" Sun Wukong said solemnly, "It's Hailong. I can feel his breath.

Ah! He must have been in the fairy array where I took the sea god needle at the beginning.

Good boy, he actually started the fairy array that I can't even launch.

OK, OK, OK, he must have recovered his memory.

Sun Wukong no longer had time to drink. He used all his mind to feel the existence of the sea dragon. Two lines of tears slid down his face, and he had been worried that his disciple finally had news.

Zixia said, "Are you sure it's a sea dragon? What is he doing? It will attract your attention."

Sun Wukong wiped the tears off his face and said excitedly, "Good boy, he is trying to get the golden staff back from the immortal emperor! Unexpectedly, he not only recovered his memory, but also surpassed me in terms of cultivation.

Blue is better than blue.

Okay, okay, okay," Sun Wukong looked up and laughed.

Zixia said with relief, "The sea dragon finally broke through the dark clouds and saw the bright moon.

It's really nice that he's okay.

Sun Wukong's laughter suddenly stopped, and he bowed his head and said, "Baby wife, go to the old guy who burns the lamp, since Hailong is all right.

They have no reason to lock me up.

Don't worry, I just want to see my magical disciple. Let's see how he did it, but I'm not in the mood to go to the Fairy Palace to make trouble.

......Fairy Palace.

The Tianhe River poured down from the sky.

No one knows where its end is. This is one of the most gorgeous scenery of the Heavenly Palace.

The waterfall spring splashes countless drops of water like fine pearls. Against the background of the spirit of the surrounding fairy spirit, there is often a colorful rainbow crossing over the Tianhe River, which is very touching.

When the primitive Tianzun saw this scene, he once praised: the waterfall shocked the rainbow.

Although everyone in the fairy palace knows that there is a waterfall and a rainbow scene in the fairy palace, not many people really see it, because this has always been a forbidden place in the fairyland. The reason why it is called a forbidden place is that this is the place where the fairy emperor closed.

No one knows this secret except the Immortal Emperor himself. In those years, he kept closing here until his cultivation was raised to a considerable level.

Over the past few hundred years, the fairy palace and the famous host of the fairyland have had a tacit understanding that there has been no more conflict.

But they also have a wide range of people in the lower fairyland, and try to teach ordinary immortals and immortals as much as possible.

More than 400 years have passed. Although it is no different from the past in terms of strength comparison, the overall strength of the fairyland has improved a lot.

The immortal emperor in the secret cave behind the Tianhe suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold lights came out. At his face, a circle of golden light lit up. Without any mana injection into the ground, the diamond circle floated out.

The immortal emperor did not panic. He formed a magic seal with his hands, drew a half arc in the air, and hit the diamond circle. In the tinkling sound, the golden light suddenly spread to the whole secret cave. The immortal emperor only felt that his whole body was hot, and the diamond circle trembled violently.

Suddenly, a golden dragon broke out of the diamond circle, and the immortal emperor hurriedly bound it with his absolute space, but the golden light was like a wandering dragon, abruptly penetrating all the barriers, breaking through the Heavenly River, and empties away in an instant.

The Immortal Emperor was shocked. He knew very well to what extent his cultivation had reached. In the case of trying his best to push the diamond circle, he even let the golden staff float away. He couldn't figure out what was going on with this sudden phenomenon.

He didn't chase. Looking at the speed of the golden staff breaking through the Tianhe River just now, it was impossible to catch up even if he chased.

The Immortal Emperor is convinced that in the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas, except for the Buddha who has been hidden, almost no one can surpass himself in cultivation. Could it be that the Buddha took away the golden staff?

The anxious complex filled his mind. Although the power of the fairy palace has greatly increased in just a few hundred years, it can never compete with the Buddha world represented by the Buddha.

When the heart turned, the immortal emperor's heart gradually calmed down. Even if the Buddha supported the Zhenyuan immortal side, it was impossible to move the fairy palace at least in the current situation. After all, the 100,000-year-old agreement was about to expire soon.

In the case of the common enemy of the underworld, after the destruction of the soul-suppressing needle, they have long sought revenge for themselves.

I can't use the golden staff anyway.

It doesn't matter if it's gone. It seems that it's time for the final preparation.

After retreating from the underworld, it is the moment for me to have a real decisive battle with Zhenyuan Daxian.

... The golden light flashed, and suddenly there was a point of condensation in the whole waterless space. The gold stone in the center attached to the forbidden by Guanyin Bodhisattva was suddenly broken and replaced by the golden light. In the halo flow, the golden light suddenly burst, and the huge stick body rose to the sky in an instant Standing in this waterless space like Optimus Prime.

Ao Guang's heart trembled, and the golden light of the huge stick clearly reflected the five big characters - the Ruyi golden staff.

is back, Ding Haishen Needle is back, and it is finally back after 100,000 years of separation.

Ao Guang's eyes were full of feelings, and he subconsciously reached out to touch the solid stick. At this time, he had forgotten all his scruples and was completely immersed in the moment when he was with the Dinghai God Needle.

The golden symbols around him were completely dimmed. The body of the sea dragon floated to the side of the golden staff, and the Longxiang Tianji divine armor on his body completely disappeared. Like Ao Guang, his heart was also full of excitement at this time.

"Son, it's finally back.

I don't have any regrets to see it again before I leave here.

"The soft voice sounded in the mind of the sea dragon again.

Hailong replied with intention, "Senior, is there really no other way? Otherwise, I will leave the golden staff here to help you control the sea, so that you don't have to choose to merge.
