Only me

Chapter 195 Get the golden staff

"Silly boy, in fact, it doesn't matter to me. Even if I don't integrate with the sea, I can't leave here.

Your arrival has brought me a lot of satisfaction.

Remember the mana operation route I just taught you. From the time I first came into contact with you, I found that the skills you practice are still one point away from breaking through Dacheng. I have lost all the chaotic king's force retained in my body to you.

Maybe you haven't felt it yet, but your self-proclaimed chaotic spirit of fire has reached its peak. I'm afraid that few people can compete with you in the six worlds.

Without the Force, I can't support it anymore. I can't talk to you anymore.

Don't be sad. Come to the sea to see me when you are free.

The whole waterless space trembled violently, and in an instant, the symbols around it completely disappeared.

Hailong only felt that his whole body was tight, and he could feel the pressure brought by the wilderness forest at the bottom of the sea.

The waterless space is still so quiet, but it is different here. The feeling that makes the sea dragon extremely familiar disappears, as if all the anger disappeared in an instant.

He has left, and Hailong is sure that he has left.

How important the Force of the Chaos King is to the predecessors in the depths of the sea! He actually gave himself, and the shock in Hailong's heart was beyond his heart.

Although he has already cultivated his righteousness.

But he still can't do it by giving up his own cultivation to become the whole thing of others.

Turned his back and faced the vast sea, the sea dragon knelt down.

He kowtowed three times respectfully.

"What's going on? Why do you feel the pressure of Manglin here?"

Ao Guang flew to the side of the sea dragon and asked in surprise.

Hailong stood up and sighed, "Because.

The predecessor who has been in charge of this place has disappeared.

Dragon King, you can get rid of the disability. I'm going to take back the golden staff now.

Hailong frowned slightly.

said, "Dragon King, you said before that you would not stop me from taking away the golden staff.

The fairyland is about to change. Without its help, it will be difficult for me to make a difference.

After seeing the powerful cultivation of Hailong, Ao Guang.

How dare you offend him? He smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be angry, Xingjun. I promised you before, but at that time I forgot one thing.

A very important thing.

Maybe you didn't notice just now that the wooden wood clothed by Guanyin Bodhisattva at the moment of the return of the Dinghai God Needle has been destroyed.

That is to say, the four seas are now completely deterred by the divine needle of the sea.

Once you take it away, I'm afraid that the Silver Sky Bookstore will dispour all over the world, and even affect the whole human world.

For the sake of thousands of creatures in the world, I beg you to give up the idea of taking it away.

Hailong smiled, with his hands behind his back, stared at the five big characters on the Dinghai God's needle, and smiled and said, "Dragon King, how do you think my cultivation compares with Guanyin Bodhisattva?" Ao Guang was stunned for a moment.

said, "Well, I don't know, Guanyin Bodhisattva is full of peaceful Buddha power.

And Xingjun, you are full of almost irresistible hegemony, which are two completely different feelings, and I can't compare them rashly.

Hailong nodded and said, "You are telling the truth.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is also one of my most respected people.

But after so many years.

I am confident that even if my cultivation cannot be compared with that of Bodhisattva, there is still no problem in replacing Bodhisattva's magic power to deter the world.

Moreover, there is something you may not know yet.

The ancient fairy array you mentioned earlier has disappeared.

Ao Guang said in surprise, "disappeared? Yes! It seems to feel different. Although this waterless space is still maintained, it can no longer eliminate the huge pressure brought by Manglin.

Hailong sighed, "In the ancient fairy array you mentioned, in fact, there has always been a senior.

With the Dinghai God Needle alone, it is impossible to fix the four seas at all, and the Dinghai God Needle was originally created by the predecessor.

Just now, after communicating with that senior, I know that he has decided to fully integrate his consciousness with the four seas.

From now on, even if the four seas do not have the meditation needle and the prohibition of Guanyin Bodhisattva, there will be no more crazy rampage.

To take a step back, even if there is no sacrifice of this predecessor, I can replace the prohibition of Guanyin Bodhisattva with my power.

Ao Guang understood the meaning of Hailong. Although he was still a little nervous, he had already believed it a little.

Hailong handed him a firm look, "Don't worry, Dragon King. If taking away the Dinghai God Needle will really subvert the four seas, I will immediately insert it back to its original position."

After saying this, Hailong raised his right hand and slowly pressed it on the thick stick of Ruyi's golden staff.

Under Ao Guang's nervous gaze, Hailong said in a low voice, "Small, small, small..." The light flowed, and a dazzling golden light lit up on the golden hoop. With a buzzing sound, it seemed to be moaning excitedly. The huge body of the huge stick quickly shrank, and in an instant, it had

Hailong held the stick tightly with his right hand and shouted, "Old man, we are together again."

The golden staff broke out of the ground, and the whole undersea forest trembled violently.

Ao Guang's heart tightened, but he then found that the sea water did not rage because of the departure of the golden staff.

The pressure remains unchanged. Except for a trembling, the sea water has not changed.

Feeling the excitement from the golden staff, Hailong's heart was full of mixed feelings.

came back, and the golden staff finally returned to his hand.

Immortal Emperor, your calculations not only did not destroy me, but also helped me to promote the chaotic atmosphere of fire attributes to reach the highest level.

I'll come to you.

Soon, the position of the Immortal Emperor is no longer suitable for you, and you will repent for what you have done.

"Dragon King, now you can believe me.

The matter of the golden hoop has been solved. I think you can start teaching me the endless learning of the Dragon Palace now.

Ao Guang was angry and said, "I hope the four seas can always be as calm as they are now.

Xingjun, you are the most unfathomable fairy I have ever seen.

Without the sharpness of your master, it is a little more calm, but from the fact that you can get back the golden staff, it proves that your cultivation is still above your teacher.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the choice of history.

I am not only willing to teach you the Wuding storm, but I can also teach you the end of the storm. I hope it will be helpful to Xingjun.

said as he spoke.

His right hand shook, and there was a mass of black gas in his palm. Then, the black gas flowed and became longer in an instant, and a huge nine-stranded fork appeared in his hand.

The arm is shaken.

The nine-stranded sky fork suddenly transformed into countless fork shadows in the air, and the waterless space rippled.

Hailong smiled and said, "Dragon King, I have learned a lot of immortals myself, and the storm twelve forks have little effect on me, so.

The only thing I want to learn is the unceremonial style.

That's good. I only defend but don't attack. You attack me with a fixed storm. Let me see how powerful it is.

If the unpredicted disturbance does not have the expected effect, what's the use of learning? Ao Guang nodded, and the nine-strands of the sky fork in his hand pointed to the front finger. The light was flowing, and the nine-strands of the sky fork shook.

Nine lights and shadows were drawn at the same time, and Ao Guang crossed out with his arms.

A strange scene appeared. Every time his nine-stranded sky fork crossed a foot, nine auras would immediately appear. The auras were large and small, different.

There are clockwise rotation, counterclockwise rotation, and continuous flipping.

But their targets are very consistent, that is, the sea dragon. With the row of Ao Guang's left fork and right fork, hundreds of auras kept coming to the sea dragon.

It's like infinity.

Hailong did not offset its attack with its attack, but only summoned the dragon's sky god armor to protect itself.

He clearly found that those auras did not have any attack power, and even if they were trapped on him, they didn't feel much.

Most of the halos disappeared immediately on their own Longxiang Tianji divine armor, and only a small part stayed on the armor.

All the auras disappeared, and the sea dragon said disappointedly, "Dragon King, is this an epheatical disturbance? Did you do your best?" Ao Guang smiled and said, " How dare I keep my hand in front of Xingjun?

Xingjun, don't you feel anything?

That's because you are always in place.

Undetermined disturbances are not to attack immortals.

You don't move.

Naturally, you can't feel its power.

You can try to attack me now.

I have tried my best just now, and it should have a little effect.

Looking at Ao Guang's confident appearance, Hailong's mind moved and wanted to urge his body to move forward.

Sure enough, at the moment when his body moved, the outside of Longxiang Tianji God's armor suddenly lit up.

All the auras that had previously disappeared suddenly appeared at the same time, completely wrapping his body, and his whole body was like a big zongzi, which was difficult to move at all.

Hailong intends to try out what the power of this indeterminable storm is.

The chaotic gas in the body suddenly merged, and the dark red airflow suddenly stained the circle of halo.

The sea dragon shouted loudly, all the auras broke at the same time, and the bondage disappeared.

Ao Guang looked at Hailong in a daze. He never thought that anyone could break the shackles so quickly by the indetermined storm without defense. He muttered, "If Xingjun defends all his strength at the beginning, I'm afraid that the instable storm will have no effect on you at all.

The strength of the fixed disturbance will vary according to the user's cultivation.

If it is used from your hand, I'm afraid the Buddha may not be able to escape from the bondage! The surprise brought to him by the sea dragon has made it a little difficult for him to accept.

Although he used the warmth of chaos to break free from the indetermined storm, Hailong is still very satisfied with the power of the inheretion. After all, his cultivation is much higher than that of the dragon king Aoguang. If the cultivation is similar, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to break free.

As long as you learn the method of this indefinite storm, you will no longer be afraid of the restriction of the blue bone knife.

Ao Guang handed the nine-strands of Tiancha to Hailong and said, "Xingjun, if you want to learn the Wuding storm, the foundation is the blue sea magic power of our Dragon Palace. Without the foundation of the blue sea magic power, it is impossible to exert the real power of the Wuding wind wave. I will first teach you the Bo's method."

Hailong nodded. With the chaotic spirit of his fire attribute, as long as he knows the cultivation method, it can be directly transformed into the form of blue sea god Nengbin. It is precisely because of these unique conditions that Hailong can master so many immortals.

At present, in Ao Guang's narration, Hailong imprinted the blue sea magic power in the depths of his consciousness, resisting the great pressure in the wilderness forest under the sea, while constantly learning.

As time goes by day, can the blue sea god be mysterious? It's not difficult, but the unindetermined turmoil is really magical. In order to master the subtleties, Hailong spent a lot of time.

...the underworld.

Huo Yu slowly woke up from the retreat.

Since Tianqin entered the retreat, she practiced alone in the underworld palace. Under the guidance of the Pluto, her Kirin sacred flame advanced by leaps and bounds.

Finally broke through the last bottleneck not long ago and reached the real peak of the fire unicorn.

Although she is not sure whether she can defeat the White Tiger King, she can't wait any longer.

Over the years, her body and mind have been soaked in hatred, and it is precisely driven by hatred that her cultivation can reach the current level.

"I'm leaving here. I'm going to avenge the bastard of the White Tiger King.

I must go back to my father's lost everything.

Jinqi clenched his fists tightly, and the power of the unicorn sacred flame burst out all over his body. The ground with a radius of dozens of meters around him completely dried up. In the loud noise, a large pit up to three meters deep formed.

"Good, it is worthy of being the heir of one of the four sacred beasts.

Your Kirin sacred flame is enough to frightened any enemy by its momentum alone.

A straight figure came out of the shadow and slowly came to the side of Huo.

The cold breath actually recovered some of the pressure of the fire from the fire.

"What are you doing here?" Huo asked coldly. He asked.

"I'm here because I feel that you want to leave here, don't you?" Against the burning flames around the body of the fire, the appearance of the shadow appeared, and it was the commander of the underworld.

Huo turned around fiercely and said to Ming Sheng, "What's wrong? Do you want to stop me? I have made up my mind that no one can change.

"No," Ming Sheng shook his head, "I don't mean to stop you. If I really want to stop you, you can never leave the underworld."

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the fire, and the surging power of fire burned up. A layer of dark red scales of a strong country and rich people condensed on her proud and delicate body, and her hands have turned into solid claws. "Since you don't want to stop me, I will leave immediately.

I'm in a bad mood now, and I can't guarantee whether I will attack you.

Ming Sheng looked at Huo Yu calmly and said, "If I say that I want to help you get out of here, will you still drive me away?" Although you have reached the cultivation of the holy beast, in your case, I'm afraid it's still difficult to travel from the underworld to the fairyland. If one is not good, you will be lost in the six worlds.

At that time, not to mention revenge, I'm afraid whether I can live or not will become a big problem.

The flame dimmed a little, and Huo Qian frowned and said, "Do you want to help me? As far as I know, you will not do anything superfluous in the underworld except to obey the orders of the underworld.

Ming Sheng said coldly, "Yes, my soul has already been given to the emperor, and I will only obey the emperor's orders.

The reason why I want to help you return to the fairyland is naturally the emperor's instructions.

Emperor Tianqin has inherited the position of the old emperor, I think you should know this.

The old emperor has already entered the retreat.

And Emperor Tianqin also entered a state of cultivation 500 years ago.

According to my judgment, it won't take long for Emperor Tianqin to break through the barrier, and at that time, it was the moment when my underworld army killed the fairyland.

Fire, I understand your mind, hatred has long been in your blood.

No one will stop you from taking revenge.

Emperor Tianqin has always regarded you as his own sister, and she naturally doesn't want you to have an accident.

When the couple of Luanfeng and Luwu entered the demon world to practice, Emperor Tianqin once told me that once you have the intention to leave, I must help you return to the fairyland.

With the power of you and me, it should be very easy to send me back to the fairyland.

Now, do you still have any doubts? Listening to Mingsheng mention the Tianqin, Huo Qi's expression suddenly eased all the time.

She has always been practicing. When she woke up from practice, Tianqin was already closed.

Hearing that Tianqin still cared about herself before closing, her cold heart because of hatred suddenly warmed up a lot.

Since the killing in the demon world, she has never been able to get rid of the feeling of killing, considering that she is a little sober at this moment.

"Since it was Tianqin who ordered you to help me.

Then you can take me to the corridor from the underworld to the fairyland now.

When Tianqin comes out of the customs, you tell her that no matter whether I can succeed in revenge or not, she will always be my good sister. Even if she leads the underworld army to attack the fairyland, I will not be against her.

Maybe we will still stand in the same trench. After all, I have long been cold to the fairyland.

A rare smile appeared on Mingsheng's indifferent face, "Now we can go.

However, before leaving, Emperor Tianqin has one more thing to tell you.

She hopes that when you go to the fairyland, you can find the whereabouts of a man named Hailong. At the beginning, when Emperor Tianqin said the name Hailong, his complex fluctuated greatly, and that person should be very important to her.


This familiar name evokes the memory of fire. What happened to the only man who can make his heart fluctuate? Emperor Tianqin said that the man was likely to have died at the hands of the Immortal Emperor, just hoping that you could find his divine consciousness, or the residual breath.

That's it.

There was a trace of cold light in Ming Sheng's eyes.

Huo Zhen's whole body shook, and he lost his voice and said, "What, the sea dragon is dead? How is this possible, with his cultivation.

Although there are many people who can defeat him in the fairyland, it is not so easy to kill him.

Ming Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't know about this. Maybe the emperor doesn't want me to know too much.

She just said something to herself.

Why do you have to make a scene in the fairy palace? Ming Sheng didn't understand, how could Huo Yu not understand? There is only one reason for the sea dragon to make a scene in the fairy palace, that is because of the ethereal.

An unspeakable grief and indignation filled her chest.

Huo said with hatred, "Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor.

I have another enemy.

Mingsheng, please tell Tianqin that I will do my best to find the whereabouts of the sea dragon.

However, Hailong has always had good luck, and I don't believe he will die so easily.

When Tianqin leads the underworld army into the fairyland, I will definitely rush to meet her.

What is the title of the holy beast? I don't regard myself as a person in the fairyland for a long time.

Since the immortals in the fairyland are so despicable, it's better to let the underworld be unified. At least, at that time, Tianqin can manipulate everything as an emperor.

Ming Sheng said faintly, "I will tell Emperor Tianqin word for everything you said today.

Let's go.

I will open the channel with the power of my own underworld. You have to use that moment to open and return to the fairyland.

We will definitely meet again soon.

The two colors of black and red light rose at the same time, and the underworld and the fire disappeared in the pit blown up by the Kirin sacred flame.

In the wilderness forest at the bottom of the sea, a circle of red aperture lit up, and the aperture almost covered the whole waterless space. Ao Guang had no time to react at all. Countless stick shadows split in front of Ao Guang, but when the stick shadow was about to approach, it abruptly stopped in the air and did not cause

But it's just the huge atmosphere brought out by the stick, and Ao Guang, who has been oppressed, can't breathe.

All the light disappeared. Hailong appeared in front of Ao Guang with a golden staff in his hand, and waved the thick nine-strands in his left hand to unbind Ao Guang's body.

"Dragon King, what do you think of my Undetermined Storm? With the attack of the golden staff, there should be no gap.

Ao Guang gasped and said with harmony, "The star king's understanding is so high that I didn't expect it.

At the beginning, when you asked me to learn about the Undetermined turmoil, the reason why I agreed was actually selfish, because I think it is impossible for you to learn the Dragon Palace Bihai magic power at all. After all, each fairy method has different characteristics, and it is easy to produce the effect of mutual restraint.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, you have mastered the operation of Bihai Shentong.

It only took a year, and the fixed disturbance was used in your hands. The power is no longer what I can imagine.

After a year of getting along with each other, the relationship between Hailong and Aoguang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, is no longer just a relationship of interest at the beginning.

We are much closer to each other.

Hailong smiled and said, "This is the wonderful use of Chaos.

Chaos Qi can be converted into any mana, but I was also very nervous when I learned the operation method of Bihai Shentong from you, because after all, your Bihai Shentong belongs to water, which is compatible with my fire attribute Chaos Qi.

But after getting started.

I found that as long as the fire attribute Chaosqi is operated by the operation method of Bihai Shentong, it can also be used to make a fixed storm.

So, my eponymous turmoil is completely different from yours.

It contains the power of fire rather than the power of water.

I think I should be able to start a teacher now.

Hailong practiced hard for a year under the guidance of Ao Guang before fully understood the tricks in the infable turmoil.

Get such a fairy.

He has already felt like a tiger adding wings.

Even if he faces the siege of the four immortal emperors again, he is sure to retreat completely.

What's more, the current Longxiang Tianji Shenjia is not comparable to before, and his fire attribute chaotic spirit has been cultivated to the peak.

The magic power generated between hands and feet is enough to make Ao tremble.

Although the sea dragon does not know how it compares with the Buddha, the lord of the Buddha world.

But he is sure that except for the Buddha, the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas may no longer have their own opponents.

To such a degree of mana cultivation, he knew that he had completed the mission delivered by Zhenyuan Daxian.

It's time to go back and see the wives.

Ao Guang smiled and said, "Actually, the unindetermined storm used by Xingjun's chaotic atmosphere with fire attributes can be even higher in power!" Hailong nodded, looked down at the nine-stranded Tiancha that already had countless cracks in his hand, and said, "Although your nine-stranded Tiancha is much stronger than the five-stranded Tiancha in hell.

But the texture itself is still not good.

I can't stand too much chaos at all.

It's strange to say that this indeterent disturbance can only be used with a fork as a magic weapon, otherwise, it will be better if it is used with a golden hoop.

Ao Guang, is there nothing we can do? Except for this limitation? Ao Guang shook his head and said, "Is this limitation impossible? In addition, because the adeterminable storm itself is created on the basis of the storm twelve forks, and the mana it exerts is completely in line with the characteristics of the fork.

With the strength of Xingjun, it is not impossible to exercise it with a golden staff.

But you have also tried, in that case.

The power will be reduced by at least more than half.

Hailong smiled bitterly and said, "Yes! But your nine-strand sky fork is about to be broken. Its own texture is not good. Even if I condense it with the fire attribute chaos, it is not much better.

I have been in the fairyland for some years.

I haven't heard of any fairy who has a powerful fork-shaped fairy weapon. I really can't find it, so I have to re-condensate these nine-shaped forks and reluctantly use it.

Ao Guang smiled mysteriously and said, "No, there are still powerful fork-shaped fairies.

And it is very suitable for Xingjun. Although the fairy weapon itself does not have too strong attack power, its texture is very good. If more restrictive arrays can be applied to it with the method of nine gods, it will inevitably become a trick of Xingjun.

Hailong's eyes lit up and said, "Is there such a good magic weapon? Why didn't you say it earlier? Tell me where it is?" Ao Guang smiled and said, "Xingjun has been practicing the turmoil. I dare not disturb it, and it's not too late now! In fact, there has always been a secret.

Using the fork-shaped tool when using this fork method does not exert the maximum power.

Only the halberd is the best.

And it must be a half-moon halberd.

As far as I know, there is a place in the fairyland, called Bibotan. Because of the improvement of the overall strength and the help of the beast White Tiger King, it came to the fairyland and became a single faction.

Bibotan also has its own dragon king. Because their faction is too weak in the fairyland, they have been hidden in the lower fairyland and only deal with other immortals, so they are not famous.

The Bibotan Dragon King has a daughter. The Dragon King and his daughter are not very profound. The reason why the White Tiger King was willing to help them was because he fell in love with the cultivation of the son-in-law of the Dragon King Bibotan.

As far as I know, the nine-headed son-in-law of the Bibotan Dragon King is still above me.

The magic weapon he is good at using is what I call the crescent halberd. As long as Xingjun can get this launch, he will definitely be able to exert the indefinite storm to the limit.

Hailong smiled and said, "Okay, old Aoguang, why do I feel that you have a little public revenge? Presumably, this Bibotan Dragon King has a little hatred for you."

Ao Guang said with some embarrassment, "There is no hatred with me, but the nine-headed son-in-law has a lot of hatred with my nephew, the little white dragon. In those years, before my pride was spotted by Guanyin Bodhisattva, I once had a marriage contract with the daughter of the Dragon King of Taking love, with the strength of the White Tiger King in the fairyland, we four seas dragon kings did not dare to do anything, so we had to suffer a dumb loss.

Speaking of which, my nephew fought with your master to defeat the Buddha and the Monkey King and brotherly.

You go to get the crescent halberd and avenge my nephew by the way, which can also help your master.

As he spoke, he took out a pearl from his arms and handed it to the sea dragon, and then said, "There is a map to Botan in this pearl.

As long as you explore with divine knowledge, you can feel it.

Hailong took the pearl and said with a smile, "It seems that you are ready! However, I want this crescent halberd, and I will avenge your nephew's revenge.

What I hate most is the person who robs other people's wives.

At the beginning, the immortal emperor wanted to rob him, but Hailong was still angry when he thought of it. After listening to Ao Guang's words, he suddenly felt the same hatred for the enemy.

Ao Guang sighed and said, "The feast of the world will not be over. It seems that Xingjun is leaving."

Hailong smiled and said, "What's the matter? Don't you want me to leave? I remember that when I first came here, your bitter face seemed to be eager to drive me away.

Ao Guang said awkwardly, "At that time, how did I know for what purpose you offered me the exchange terms! In fact, even if the old turtle doesn't help you, I can't refuse.

After all, your strength is so strong that even if you tear down my Dragon Palace, what can I do? No matter where in the six worlds, strength can always represent one.

Fortunately, my choice is not wrong. You not only have profound cultivation, but also really want to help us in the Dragon Palace.

That's why I taught you without reservation.

Otherwise, if I hide something private, you won't be able to find it.

We have been in this wilderness forest at the bottom of the sea for a year. Whether it is people or immortals, we have feelings.

I'm not afraid that you will be angry. In fact, in my heart, I have already treated you like a nephew.
