My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 34 Audio Transmission at the Entrance

After a slight pause, the dark human figure immediately glanced at the Snake King and Harris: "Sea King, Pluto? Yes, I underestimate you!" Immediately, he stared at Lin Peng again and smiled slightly, as if to say something very easy: "With those two old guys who can attack, I will be killed by them in the last period!" It's a pity... You don't have such ability now!" Lin Peng pouted, shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Not necessarily. If you fight with me now, you really don't necessarily know who wins and loses? Just look at the surrounding environment!" The shadow was stunned and didn't seem to expect Lin Peng to say so. What's more, I didn't expect that this guy's idea was really unique.

Don't you know the power represented by darkness? All the darkness in this world will be controlled by him. This is the strength he represents.

Therefore, even if Genesis and Lao Zu join hands together, it will never be his opponent. What's more, if he recovers completely, he can only be suppressed and beaten.

So, when Lin Peng heard this speech at this time, he looked very funny. However, I always can't laugh. This boy is really unique.

From the beginning, he was bewitched by this boy. Unfortunately, it made him return to no use. What's more, for such conditions, I directly told the creation and the ancestors.

attracted the joint seal of the two guys, so it's really counted. Really, I'm a little afraid of this boy. After all, this is the only guy who won't be affected by himself.

"Then I'm waiting for your arrival! Hahaha..." With a bright voice, the dark figure disappeared. What's more, it seems that it has never appeared.

Lin Peng shrugged his shoulders again, looked very bored, and said with a smile, "It seems that this guy is afraid!" Ha ha..." After a few dry laughs, I found that everyone's faces didn't seem to be very good.

The snake king shook his head and turned into a human figure. After taking a deep breath, he said, "It seems that the current creation and the ancestors are absolutely not good!" Of course, Lin Peng knew that this guy could appear here. Well, Genesis and Laozu must be more nervous. Maybe it's all about to be defeated!

shook his head helplessly and said, "Elizabeth, you should know the real entrance to that place, right? Now, take us there!" There is nothing we can do about it. From the beginning, Lin Peng really didn't want to face it so soon. Not only that, there is that darkness.

is even more than the gods of heaven. No matter how, it's not now. It's the best time to rush there directly. Unless the gods of war have come this way.

Snake King and Harris both nodded. Speaking of which, they can only race against time now. A lot, without the words of the two main forces, Genesis and the ancestor.

With these, my strength has not really recovered. You don't have to fight at all! Elizabeth may also have the same idea at this moment. After slightly biting her head, she flew directly in one direction. Behind him, Lin Peng and others smiled.

is a helpless look. I followed, and now, there is nothing I can do. What's more, it's not something they can decide.


The Temple of Light, the temple that represents the most power in heaven. What's more, it is a symbol of the strength of heaven. Originally, it was the most glorious time.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of angels and masters of the upper gods. However, it looks so depressed and uninhabited at this time. It's like a dead empty city.

Looking from afar, even the light seems to have become extremely cold. In the empty temple, there is not even a little heat.

It's just like a cold palace. Lin Peng stepped on the ladder to enter the temple and said funnyly, "Now, even if the whole heaven is occupied, no one will appear, right?" The blue devil was stunned, and it was really the same. Indeed, if such a warrior-level master appears in this heaven now, he can definitely dominate.

Because there is no god in this heaven now. Even if there is no doorman. Not to mention that there are other servants or something! After Harris felt it casually, he suddenly said, "Is this entrance actually in the temple? It seems that the God of Light has been in collusion for a long time!"

"Really, in this temple?" Lin Peng twitched his mouth slightly and said unexpectedly. He thought that Elizabeth had to pass through this temple that brought them here! Elizabeth nodded her head slightly and said seriously, "At that time, as soon as I returned to the temple, I felt strange. The dark atmosphere in this is really too powerful!" After a short pause, he said again, "At that time, there was a person in this temple. It's the goddess of nature, who seems to want to kill me directly. Unfortunately, after being cheated by me, I can escape! But there is always something strange in this temple!" What strange thing?" Lin Peng was stunned and said directly. He is still quite curious about novel things. Sometimes, they will take the initiative to take risks.

"There seems to be your own power in it!" After Elizabeth frowned, she finally said it directly. However, after hearing such words, even the Snake King was directly stunned...


In the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Sun at this time is the real Temple of the Sun. What's more, the real appearance of the glorious city. It's like a circular land that can float.

The real temple is golden. It seems to be like a small sun. What's more, piece by piece, like a floating section.

The temple has risen to the highest point. It seems that you want to go straight to break through the space of this floor. What's more, it seems to hit this temple.

"Now, shall we go straight there? What if it's not the time yet?" Moon God, this solemn goddess, is very worried at this time.

Just now, when it appeared on the mainland, I found the breath of the solar chariot. What's more, I found so many familiar breaths. Therefore, before the God of War stopped, he directly attacked the heaven.

Beside the God of War stands the three leaders of the City of Life. Macchir, who was among them, smiled slightly and said, "Now the Sun God King and others are definitely in heaven. We can make a guarantee. Moreover, I can communicate with Lord Genesis. I also understand that in the abyss of that space now, I'm definitely a little nervous!" The God of War nodded his head slightly and narrowed his eyes. After glancing at the sky, he shouted coldly, "Open it!"

The spear in his hand is like a spear that can cut open the sky. Suddenly, this space was directly broken. At this time, he said, "Since everything seems to have begun to advance. So, what else do we have to say? I can only rush there directly!" However, with the current strength, may it be a dark opponent? Moon God is still a little worried. After all, the dark strength, even if the creation and the ancestor, join hands, may not directly suppress him. What's more, the gods of heaven are also among them.

The God of War has driven the Temple of the Sun and has drilled into the cracks in space. He said lightly, "In those years, the master once said. When you reach the peak of your strength, then you will definitely not rely on your own strength. Moreover, you can control your own space by how much you can! For example, the master can control any fire element. In fact, it's about to reach that level!" Moon God nodded his head slightly and looked at the star-like stone in his hand. Suddenly, the stone lit up slightly.

Immediately, a figure appeared.

"Brother, they are already at the entrance. You can also come here quickly!" As soon as the figure of the Star God appeared, he said directly.

However, as soon as the voice fell, the figure also disappeared.

The moon god knows that this is the god of starlight, and it should already be holding back who it is. Therefore, there is no more power to convey more information.

After looking at the God of War, he nodded his head hard...