My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 35 In the Abyss

There is a dark light curtain in front of you. Next to the dark light curtain, there are two powerful colors. They are golden light and dark blue light.

It seems that these two colors are struggling with the dark light curtain. More like, this is originally used to suppress the dark light curtain!" Should this be our strength?" Lin Peng whispered when he touched the golden light. This light is very familiar.

The snake king also took a step forward. Gently, I touched the dark blue light. Instead, Harris squeezed his nose slightly and smiled, "It seems that there is no power for me!" Elizabeth nodded her head and said, "In those years, it was said that both of you had fought in this world. Especially you... The Sun God King, even in the current heaven, still has many ruins that you destroyed in those years! Of course, there is no such power in these ruins!"

Lin Peng nodded his head slightly when his hand touched the golden light. It seems that I feel the golden light, which is very annoying for this dark light curtain.

What's more, I want to directly destroy this dark light curtain. However, there is no such strength to destroy this dark light curtain.

looked up and looked at the Snake King. With just a look, you can know that the Snake King definitely has this feeling. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to stay there for so long!" Since you hate this dark light curtain, then come back!" Lin Peng grinned and said softly. And when I heard such words, those golden lights.

It seems that it began to rotate all of a sudden. It shines brilliantly. At this moment, Lin Peng and the Snake King sat down cross-legged.

The golden light and dark blue began to penetrate directly into their bodies. However, at this moment, the dark light curtain seemed to shine exceptionally.

It seems that the suppression of golden light and dark blue has not worked. In an instant, the power soared. Elizabeth frowned slightly and looked deeply into the dark curtain.


In the abyss, this is the real abyss. The abyss of space, the bottom of countless broken spaces. What's more, it may be the lowest level of the whole universe.

At this time, the god of stars, looking at the god of light opposite, shook his head helplessly. It was very relaxed and patted himself on the shoulder.

But at this time, blood was flowing on his shoulder.

"To be honest, I still admire you. As the most powerful bright force, I didn't expect you to be the fastest to surrender!" In his hand, the star-shaped scepter also seemed to suddenly emit light. The god of light opposite also smiled faintly at this time.

Looking up at the sky, the endless darkness. After ponding for a long time, he said, "Speaking of which, I used to feel unfair. However, after knowing that time, I found that there was nothing unfair! The world originally needs to be ruled by real darkness. In this way, all creatures can be truly controlled. Whether it's God, people or demons. It's good for the ancient ancestors! Anyway, everything seems to be... It has its dark side!"

In his hand, the faint sword faded a little. Behind him stood the three eight-winged golden battle angels. This is his most powerful subordinate.

Even those main gods may not be able to beat them. Of course, the so-called main gods at this time have also been sent out.

Very few, stay by my side. Instead, the god of space has been looking for something. What's more, it seems that he still wants to get out of his control.

Xingyao laughed and looked into the sky. There, the brightest point is the location of Genesis and the ancestor.

However, it is not only dragged by tens of thousands of angels, but also constantly output power to the seal. In the seal at this time, Xingyao went to see it.

It's just like a dilapidated cell. It is possible to let the dark appear at any time. What's more, it is possible at any time, perhaps directly, which can make Genesis and Laozu deeply trapped in it.

turned again, and the entrance in the distance also looked over. Does that seem to be the place where the real main force comes? I don't know when the eldest brother will really return to the peak state!

"I said that you can't become the real god king. It doesn't mean how bad your strength is. Or, the world is unfair to you!" After a moment of silence, Xingyao said again, "That's, you are really too narrow! I always think that the eldest brother has stolen your limelight! However, after careful calculation, I found out. It's because of your obsession. So, even now, it hasn't really reached its peak!" The god of light, originally, seems to be able to be crowned as the god king. However, he was willing to fall and fell into the abyss. What's more, he became a dark lackey.

Since thousands of years ago, he has been stealing the power of the Creator. So that he directly let the Creator fall asleep in it. Then, the so-called war between gods and demons began.

However, it is also because of his arrogance and confidence. Let him go directly, which also prompted the dark to sleep until now. Now, wake up again.

But with the return of the Sun God King and the other two god kings! This time, Xingyao doesn't know who will win and who will lose.

At least, one thing is certain. This time, we will definitely live and die together! The scepter in his hand and the star on his head began to shine more and more brightly.

Suddenly, he pointed to the darkness in the sky. Suddenly, a stream of creatures seemed to begin to roar irritably.

"You can also see how many masters have died in this place. What's more, there is an unyielding will. Similarly, this area is full of cemeteries, but it is the real core of the universe! Do you really think that you can kill the three god kings in such a place? The God of Light shook his head slightly. This place is indeed the darkest. What's more, it's so cold that even the body doesn't seem to be able to stand it.

However, this is also the place closest to the darkness. Give up all the light just to follow the darkness. Come and defeat the man who has always been the center of his heart.

he smiled and said, "However, this is also the place where you play the least strength! After I kill you first, I will wait for the three guys to come, and naturally I can kill them!" When the spirit of life suddenly breaks out. All the starlight seemed to begin to shrink at once. What's more, the figure of Xingyao disappeared in an instant.

The god of light snorted coldly, although he threw himself into the darkness. However, the speed is still not as fast as those guys. Adhering to the speed of the Sun God King, the current star shines.

It can be said that unless it is the sun god king chasing. Otherwise, even the dark can't catch up with him! The wound on his shoulder was when he escaped.

I was hurt by the darkness, but I don't have such strength. Behind him, the three battle angels shouted, "Give it to me, chase separately!" If you meet the souls and ghosts of those ancient ancestors, kill them directly!"

After the three battle angels answered, they acted separately. Looking into the distance, he glanced at the dark and deep continent and smiled, "That woman, I don't know what the hell is going on. Do you really want to steal the power of darkness? I always feel that this woman may become a new darkness!"

With a sigh, the whole body gradually disappeared in an unspeakable darkness...


The dark curtain is getting brighter and brighter. It seems that the whole room has become a dark world. Suddenly, the golden light and dark blue suddenly contracted.

At the most brilliant time, he turned into the figure of Lin Peng and the Snake King. Once again, when looking into the darkness, he smiled faintly and said, "I think we should be able to go in!" But..."

Said here, paused for a moment, and immediately looked at the Blue Devil and Elizabeth.

Harris also smiled faintly, as if he had decided something...