Undercover maid

Chapter 82 It's not right to look at them

Nanjin and Mr. Xu began to ** the wheel, and the three of them smiled happily.

"Nanjin?" There was a familiar voice behind him.

Nanjin suddenly turned around, and Lin Xiaoke appeared in his sight. His thin body was no longer fragile and grew a lot! The simple and tender face is also slowly retreating under the flow of time. This Lin Xiao is much more mature, and this is the real pavilion.

"Xiao Ke?"

"Little jin! It's really you!" Lin Xiaoke rushed over and hugged Nanjin without saying a word, and tears gently dripped on Nanjin**'s shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" Nanjin said funnyly.

"No! These are tears of joy! I haven't cried for years, and today is an exception!" Lin Xiao can wipe his tears.

Nanjin smiled faintly, "Really? You seem to be much stronger than before!"

"Thank you for giving me a lot of courage!"

Mr. Xu looked at the two with a smile, "Xiaoke, you're here! Huh? Haochen! What are you standing over there for? Come here quickly!"

Only then did Nanjin find Lu Haochen standing behind Lin Xiaoke.

"Teacher! Congratulations!" Lu Haochen passed by Nanjin with a faint smile.

"Yes! Congratulations, teacher! You are so beautiful!" Lin Xiao smiled and congratulated him.

"Thank you! Thanks to Haochen, such a good designer can design a dress for me!"

"It should!" Lu Haochen said again.

"Bear by the way, you and Xiaojin haven't seen each other for seven years!" Teacher Xu said.

"Yes, that's right! You are so cruel! Sneak away when you leave! Don't contact me when you come back!" Lin Xiao can complain.

"Ha ha, I'm sorry, I have something hard to say!" Nanjin explained.

"Haochen! Hurry up and talk about the past with Xiaojin..." Mr. Xu specially said to Lu Haochen that because she knew about Nanjin and Lu Haochen's relationship seven years ago, she was originally very happy for the two, but later Nanjin didn't say goodbye!

Nanjin and Lu Haochen looked at each other awkwardly, and then looked at other places with tacit eyes. At this time, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Why did you come with me? Are you bored?!"

"Where did I come with you? Mr. Xu is also my teacher!"

"You stinky girl, you are getting more and more presumptuous! Then I'll go!"

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong! Let's have a look when you come! I won't talk back to you anymore, okay?"

"Forgive my life! It has been noisy since just now! The most annoying person is me, okay?!"

Familiar voices, familiar noises, familiar figures, three people walked upstairs and stopped one after another, because they also saw familiar people.

"Nanjin?!" The three were equally surprised.

Wenxu first ran excitedly to hug Nanjin, and then An Qi pushed Wenxu and hugged Nanjin. Why does everyone like hugging so much?

Nan Jin and Han Qingyu smiled at each other and gave each other a gentle hug.

"Are you back?"


Mr. Xu came over and put his hand on Nanjin's shoulder: "How about it? The surprise arranged by the teacher, okay?"

"Hmm! Great!"

"It's a pity... Everyone has forgotten me as the protagonist!" Teacher Xu pulled down his face.

"Teacher! You are so beautiful." "Congratulations!"

"Teacher, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!"

"Teacher, your dress is so beautiful!"


"Ha ha... All right! Don't flatter me. Let's have dinner together tonight! No matter what important things are, get rid of them all!"

"OK!" Everyone agreed.

After several people chose the dress, it was dark, so they went to the hotel for dinner together as originally planned.

Along the way, Wen Xu pulled Nanjin and kept chatting. It turned out that they had been together with Brother Wheel. Lu Haochen specially designed their wedding dress, saying that it was a wedding gift for Mr. Xu.

Since the incident seven years ago, Wen Xu has concentrated on family affairs at home, gathered the people left behind by the Poison Scorpion Gang, slowly walked to the right path, opened a bodyguard company, taekwondo martial arts school, bodyguard training base, etc., to find a new world for them. Many people work as security guards in the hotel where Lu Haochen is located.

Han Qingyu is now the general manager of his company and has done a good job in the company. Wenxu also gave him a lot of security! Hey! This business has been done to its own people. Wenxu roared: This is called fat water that does not flow to outsiders!)

After graduating from university, Lin Xiaoke applied for the planning department at the Imperial Hotel. Through his own efforts, he is now the head of the planning department.

As for Lu Haochen, Wenxu said that after graduating from high school, he studied abroad and came back two years ago. He took over the position of general manager of the hotel and also dealt with other industries of Lu's Group. I'm busy with work every day. I'm a workaholic! Although they are very busy, they still maintain close contact.

In the hotel's luxury private room, several people sat down to eat.

"When did Xiaojin go back to China? And when you go back to F city, why didn't you inform me? So that we can pick you up." Han Qingyu asked Nanjin.

Wenxu looked at Nanjin puzzledly, "Have you gone abroad? Strange? How did Yu know? Have you two been in touch?

"I'm just traveling abroad!" Nanjin hurriedly explained.

Han Qingyu glanced at Lu Haochen and said, "Yes, we occasionally have contact."

"Little jin! You are so! Secretly contacted Yu and forgot me completely, didn't you?!" Wenxu looks a little jealous.

"Haha - where is it? I miss you every day! I have sent you emails before!" Nanjin answered.

Han - Han Qingyu really contacted occasionally, because she had promised him before, so she occasionally sent an email or something.

For example:

"I'm back in City B!"

"I'm going to the police academy!"

"I'm working!"

"Happy holidays!"

"I'm going abroad for vacation!"

These should be related! And she will occasionally have emails with Lin Xiaoke, who is gentle and gentle. Everyone cares about it, of course, except Lu Haochen.

"Hehe, that's right!" Smiling warmly.

Lu Haochen turned the wine glass in his hand, took a sip of red wine, and gently put down the wine glass. His face was still hidden without any flaws.

"Ouch! Don't talk about me this time! Congratulations to our bride and groom today!" Nanjin announced loudly.

Several people stood up and raised their glasses to celebrate Mr. Xu and the wheels.

"I wish Brother Wheel and Mr. Xu happiness forever!!"

Mr. Xu said with a smile, "I'm really happy to get together like this. Thank you!"

Several people are chatting at the dinner table, from the immature past to now. Everyone laughed happily. Except for him - Lu Haochen, the atmosphere in the private room was generally very pleasant, as if it had returned to seven years ago.

Nanjin also laughed until her stomachache. It turned out that Angie really turned to war and pestered Wenxu. Wenxu couldn't beat Angie, so the two had been dating for a long time. Nanjin is really happy for Wenxu. Although the two are always quarreling now, they are simply a pair of happy enemies, but they feel very happy.

The wheel received a phone call during the banquet, and then said something in Nanjin's ear. Nanjin's expression quickly became solemn.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I have something urgent to go back first. Let's talk slowly!" Nanjin said to everyone.

"It's so late, what else?" Lin Xiao can ask.

"I really have something to do! I'll contact you another day!" Nanjin frowned and said while holding the bag.

"Eat slowly, I'll go with Namjin!" The wheel also stood up and gave Mr. Xu a comforting look.

"Car key! The car key!" Teacher Xu shouted the wheel and Nanjin who hurried out.

The wheel took the key and quickly walked out of the private room.

"Teacher, what's the matter with them?" Lin Xiaoke asked worriedly, "I don't think their expression is right. Isn't there any danger?"

Mr. Xu also sighed, "I don't know, but it seems that they are really anxious."