Undercover maid

Chapter 83 I won't get married

Wenxu patted the table and said, "Mr. Xu, why did the future master go out with Xiaojin? Do they seem to know each other very well?

Mr. Xu smiled and said, "That... Nanjin is actually the god sister of the wheel."

"What? The god sister? Then I haven't seen them contact at school before... Why don't I know anything?

Lin Xiaoke shook his head, "Oh - don't you know you won't ask? Does everyone know, okay?!"

Wenxu looked at Lu Haochen and Han Qingyu. Lu Haochen had an indifferent expression, and Han Qingyu smiled and nodded in agreement.

"No way?! Why am I in the dark? He patted the table with regret.

Angie said with a smile, "No! I don't know either! So, are we a good match?"

"Go!" Wenxu ignored Angie and drank the wine.

Angie held her mouth and sulked, as if she were an angry little daughter-in-law.

Lu Haochen shook his glass. Is it brother and sister? Is that right? Brothers and sisters went to fight together as undercover agents to solve the case! What a family! Although he doesn't like the wheel or the car, Mr. Xu has fallen in love with it. Over the years, the wheel is also honest and reliable, and Mr. Xu should not suffer from following him.

The wheeled car was driving on the road, and Nanjin stared at the front tremblingly, urging the wheel brother to drive faster.

"Xiaojin, don't worry, the master will be fine!" The wheel comforted Nanjin while driving.

Nanjin held his trembling hand and nodded, but his eyes slowly moistened. He just received a phone call from his father's driver, Uncle Li, saying that his father had a car accident.

She suddenly panicked and wanted to fly to her father immediately. Only then did she realize that her father was an indispensable person in her life. She had rarely been with her father for so many years. She suddenly felt that she was very unfilial. She only pursued her ideals and did not care about her father. Why do you remember to cherish something when it is about to be lost? She doesn't want it! Don't let anything happen to Dad! She prayed in her heart that her father would be safe.

The car stopped at the gate of the hospital. Nanjin quickly got out of the car and ran to the emergency room. Uncle Li, the driver, was sitting in a chair.

"Uncle Li! How is my father? Nanjin asked worriedly.

"Well~~~~~~ Xiaojin..." Uncle Li stammered.

"Say it quickly! What's wrong with my father? Did you say that he crashed with someone else? Who is it! Who hit my father!" Nanjin is excited to teach the bad guy with no eyes who harms people!

Uncle Li said hesitantly, "Xiaojin, no... Listen to Uncle Li..."

A man with a bandage came over and looked at Uncle Li, "How's the southern chief?"

"Are you right?!" Nanjin glared at the gentle man with glasses in front of him, "Did you hit my father?"

"Is the southern chief your father?" The man asked politely without any anger.

"Is it you?!"

"This... It can also be said... We bumped into each other, but..."

"You son of a bitch!" Nanjin came up and punched the man, and then pushed the man.

"What are you doing? Calm down!" The man said while protecting his injured hand.

How could Nanjin listen to it and start to do it without saying a word to the man.

"Little jin! Calm down!" The wheel arrived to stop Nanjin.

"Ren me go! Let me tell you! If my father has anything, I want your whole family to be buried!" Nanjin cried and roared, really not like a woman.

Uncle Li stamped his feet anxiously. The wheel hugged Nanjin, who punched and kicked behind him.

"What are you doing?" A man's majestic voice came!" What's the style in the hospital?! Why don't you let the patients rest?!"

Nanjin, the wheel and Uncle Li instantly fixed. Looking back, they saw that Nanyu Airlines was coming energetically, wrapped in a little gauze on their forehead.

"Oh! Xiaojin, why didn't you listen to Uncle Li finish his words? Your father is fine! I just suffered a little skin injury. I made a fuss when I called just now!" Uncle Li finally finished his words.

"Alas?" Nanjin's face was completely pulled down.

The wheel put down Nanjin, and Nanjin quickly walked to Nanyuhang and looked carefully, "Dad! Are you really all right?!"

"It's okay, I've been made by you!" Southern Aerospace said seriously, "Why are you so impulsive? Don't you know how you usually work?"

Nanjin wiped her tears, "Oh, people are worried about you!" Uncle Li, you are really, don't finish your words in one breath!"

Uncle Li lowered his head in shame, thinking that who was so anxious to listen to the advice?

"Hmm!" Nanjin pointed to the injured-eyed man, "Let me tell you, fortunately, my father is fine, otherwise I want you to look good!"

The injured man touched his injured face with a wry smile.

"Nanjin!" Nanyu Airlines came over to stop Nanjin, "How do you talk?"

"Who let him hit you! Is it polite to talk like this? Did you drive without eyes? Don't be ashamed!"

"Hit!" Nanyu Airlines interrupted Nanjin, "... I hit him!"

"What?" Nanjin and the wheel opened their eyes wide at the same time.

"I accidentally hit him. You blame the good man!" Nanyu Airlines said it amusedly.

"Are you sure and for sure?" Nanjin asked again, isn't Dad's driving skill very good? Southern Aerospace nodded helplessly.

At this moment, Nanjin just wants to find a gap to get in, even if it allows her to travel to an era not recorded in ancient books! She covered her face with her hands and lowered her head in shame. What a shame in her heart! I can't even see my buttocks.

Nan Yuhang walked to the man with an apologetic face, "I'm really sorry. It was my fault, and the little girl... I'm really sorry! I will be fully responsible for your medical expenses and the repair of the car!"

The man said with a wry smile, "It doesn't matter. It's easy to make the daughter... quick! She is worried about you, and I can understand.

"You are so magnanimous. Few young people nowadays are as generous as you!" Nan Yuhang smiled and said, "Nanjin, why don't you come to apologize to others?"

Nanjin came over with shame, "Hey... I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm a little impulsive! You won't mind, will you?"

The man smiled faintly, "It doesn't matter."

Nanjin happily punched the man in the chest, "That's interesting!" The man shouted in pain.

"I'm sorry! So happy! Did you forget that you were still hurt? Nanjin was embarrassed to say that he always joked with his male colleagues like this.

Men can only laugh bitterly.

"You girl, the bigger you are, the less measured you are!" Nan Yuhang said angrly that Nanjin could only laugh.

Nanyu Airlines looked at the man with glasses again, "Thank you for not pursuing my legal responsibility. This is my business card. If there is anything in the future, you can contact me."

The man took the business card and said, "I dare not be the southern chief!"

"Do you recognize me?" Southern Aerospace has doubts.

"I've heard your lecture before, and you are my idol!" The man smiled.

"Haha - no wonder! You deliberately didn't alarm the police just now, otherwise I would be in big trouble, but I still have to pay for the money. You can't.

"I listen to the southern chief!" The man smiled shyly and was sent away by Uncle Li. Nanjin hid behind the wheel for a long time.

"You!!" Nanyu Airlines shook his head, "Why is a shrewd person so impulsive today?"

"Master! Isn't Xiaojin worried about you? If I did, I would do the same!" The wheel speaks well for Nanjin.

"Yes! How did you say you were driving? Why did you hit someone? Isn't Uncle Li here?" Nanjin quickly changed the topic.

"Today, I let Lao Li get off work early. When I was driving, I saw a dog suddenly rushing to the road. When I made a sharp turn, I accidentally hit the young man just now. Lao Li may not have told you clearly on the phone, so he made such a big mistake! Ouch! I forgot to ask his name.

"So that's it! You'll be fine!" Nanjin breathed a sigh of relief and thought what was wrong with his father?

"You little girl! More and more presumptuous! I don't know who dares to marry you in the future!" Nan Yuhang touched Nanjin's head with a smile.

"I won't get married and stay with you all my life!"

"Haha...you will be poor!"