Undercover maid

Chapter 17 won't let her leave again this time!

How time flies, and there will be a welcome party in the evening. However, Nanjin is really not in the mood, because someone has always come to trouble her these two days. Nanjin was mad yesterday and beat a very bad boy in public! That's cool! Later, no one dared to provoke her in public! Are they all scolding behind their backs?!) It was immediately rumored on the Internet that she was a lady of the underworld! Hey! Gossip······

I heard that since the establishment of the school, there has been a tradition of welcoming the new dance. The school has also built an indoor dance floor for this purpose, with a total of three floors, which is equipped with all the advanced equipment, which is more professional than the disco.

All teachers and students of our school will participate. Although it is only limited to our school, there are still many rich people from other schools to join in the fun, which has become a commercial place! There were a lot of people at the dance, which was also very chaotic. Nanjin should keep an eye on Lin Xiaoke.

Nanjin wore a pink princess skirt today, which made her skin crystal clear. She put on light makeup. Nanjin, who was already beautiful, dressed like this and became more charming, like a princess.

Nanjin is looking for Lin Xiaoke in the crowd.

All the people on the dance floor were twisting with the music. Nanjin searched the whole dance floor and couldn't find Lin Xiaoke. Instead, they were crowded around. Anyway, the wheels also mixed into the school, and Nanjin walked out of the dance floor to breathe fresh air.

"Woo..." Nanjin heard the sound of crying and sounded like a child. Nanjin heard the sound and left and saw a boy in a small suit squatting behind a rockery and crying sadly.

"Children? Why are you here? Who did you come with? Nanjin walked to the little boy and squatted down and asked, who was it? Unexpectedly, children are brought on this occasion. Sure enough, everything is caught from dolls.

"Wow... I can't find it... Sister! "Wow..." the little boy sobbed.

"Oh - so you came here with your sister? Don't cry, can I take you to find your sister? Namkin's sympathy exploded.

"Woo... I don't want it! You are a bad person! I don't want to go with you!"

"Children! Your leg is injured. Let me take you to the doctor, okay?"

"I don't want it! You are a bad person!" The little boy looked down at his bleeding knees and cried louder.

When Nanjin heard the little boy's crying, she was a little at a loss. She was afraid that when others saw it, they would say that she bullied the children, then she would really become a bad person! It's hard to be a good person these days!

Nanjin looked around to make sure that there was no one around, and then looked at the little boy. Suddenly, he saw a handkerchief in the pocket of the little boy's chest. Nanjin took down his handkerchief and shook it in front of the little boy.

"Nah! Bad people can't do magic! Now my sister is going to perform magic tricks!"

The little boy's crying became smaller and he stared at the handkerchief in Nanjin's hand.

Nanjin held a handkerchief in his right hand, clenched his fist with his left hand, stuffed it into his left fist little by little, and then blew gently into his left hand. He slowly opened his hands in front of the little boy, and the handkerchief magically disappeared.

At this time, the little boy had stopped crying and stared dryly.

The little boy touched Nanjin's hand curiously: "Where's my handkerchief? Why not?"

"Ha ha... The handkerchief said, because its owner is not brave, so it hides. When its owner becomes a little man, it will come back!" Nanjin said it in a good way.

"Then how can I become a little man?"

"First of all, a boy who doesn't cry can be a little man! What about you..."

The little boy wiped the tears on his face with his hand: "I won't cry! I'm a little man now! Change my handkerchief back!"

Nanjin smiled proudly: "That's right! Now please ask the brave little man to blow here!" Nanjin clenched his fist again and motioned him to blow. Then she slowly opened her right hand and pulled a grapefruit of the little boy with her right hand, and the handkerchief magically came out of her sleeve.

The little boy jumped up happily: "It's amazing! Sister! You are awesome! I will be as good as you when I grow up!"

"Good! Then don't cry anymore! Let me bandage the wound for you!" Nanjin smiled and bandaged the little boy's leg with a handkerchief. The little boy really didn't cry for pain.

Children are really easy to cheat. What kind of magic is this? In fact, she just threw the handkerchief behind her buttocks when the little boy was not paying attention, and then secretly brought it back and changed it out while he was not paying attention. In my memory, she often used this trick to deceive her friends when she was a child. Now that I think about this trick is quite low-level! Haha! Don't let Liu Qian die of anger when he sees it?! ( Liu Qian said: No comment!)

"Ye! I won't cry anymore, because I'm a little man!" The little boy patted his chest and said.

"Danfeng - where are you?" A girl's voice came from a distance.

"It seems to be my sister's voice. My sister came to me!" The little boy ran happily when he heard the sound and completely forgot that there was a wound on his leg.

"Be careful! Don't fall down!" Nanjin chased the little boy.

Dan Chun saw a small figure running over and hugged him head-on: "Didn't I tell you to follow me? What if I let you run around and meet bad people?

Xiao Danfeng smiled and pointed to Nanjin, who was chasing him, and said, "I was very scared and hurt my leg just now, but that sister saved me, and she also performed magic for me and taught me to become a little man!"

Dan Chun quickly squatted down to check Xiao Danfeng's wound. After finding that there was nothing serious, she sighed and looked in the direction pointed by Danfeng.

"So... he is your brother!" Nanjin said while panting.

"Cough... That's right, I'm his sister." Danchun said with a cold face, why is it Nanjin again?

"Ha ha... You must take good care of him in the future, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

"Don't worry about it!"

Xiao Danfeng walked to Nanjin and said, "Sister, my name is Danfeng. I'm five years old this year! What's your name?"

"Oh! My name is Nanjin! The south of the pumpkin, the jincus of the muscus. Seventeen years old this year!"

"Nanjin? Is it the jinx blooming on the pumpkin? Xiao Danfeng asked.

Nanjin smiled and said, "You can also remember that!" Why does this name sound so familiar? It seems that someone has called it before, but she can't remember it!

"Danfeng! Go..." Danchun urged Dan Feng.

"Sister Nanjin! Don't care about my sister. In fact, she is embarrassed to say thank you. She is very stubborn!" Xiao Danfeng looks like a little adult.

"Ha ha... I know!" Nanjin replied that Danchun just wanted to face, but after the last incident, Danchun did improve. Recently, he has been much more honest. If she hadn't seen her today, she would have thought Danchun had disappeared.

"Sister, lean over."

Nanjin bent down, and Xiao Danfeng said in her ear, "I like you!" Then he kissed Nanjin on the cheek and ran shyly to Dan Chun's side.

Dan Chun said angrily, "Bad boy! You didn't take the initiative to kiss me! Let's see how I can deal with you when I get back!" Danchun dragged Xiao Danfeng away. She looked back at Nanjin with some jealousy. Why did the people around her give in to her? Even I don't hate her as much as I did at the beginning.

Han Qingyu stood next to the rockery and looked excitedly at Nanjin's smaller and smaller figure.

"It's really her! So that's how the magic has become? Ha ha... But she... doesn't remember me? Did she forget me?" Han Qingyu smiled bitterly and was surprised and disappointed. He took out the old pale yellow handkerchief and held it tightly. He won't let her leave again this time!