Undercover maid

Chapter 18 Follow in my footsteps······

After leaving the rockery, Nanjin came to the dance floor again to look for Lin Xiaoke and saw Lin Xiaoke walking out of the dance floor from another door. She passed through the crowd, followed Lin Xiaoke out of the dance floor and followed her to a quiet grass. Lin Xiaoke stood under a big tree and talked on the phone. Nanjin hid at the corner of a house. She could just hear Lin Xiaoke's speech and would not be found by her.

"Dad! Where the hell are you! I miss you so much!"

"Wait... Dad!"

Nanjin saw Lin Xiaoke hang up the phone disappointedly, but she clearly heard Lin Xiaoke shouting "Dad" on the other end of the phone. She was just talking to her father Lin Yongkang, but unfortunately only heard part of it.

Nanjin took a deep breath and pretended to be anxious and walked out from behind the house to Lin Xiaoke; "Xiaoke! I found you! What are you doing here?"

Lin Xiaoke turned around with a disappointed expression.

"Are you unhappy?"

"No, I just got a call from my father."

"Your father? Then you should be happy. Haven't you seen your father for a long time?

Lin Xiao sighed and said, "Dad just asked me if there were any strange people around me. He hung up before saying a few words. I didn't know how much I miss him! Hey..."

"Then you can go to see your father! You should know where he is, right? Nanjin's tentative question.

"I don't know either. He is always on business trips, saying that the company is busy..."

"Ha ha... My father often does the same! It doesn't matter! He will come to see you sooner or later! Be happy!" Nanjin patted Lin Xiaoke on the shoulder and said.

"Ye! Then let's go back to the dance floor." Lin Xiaoke said.

Nanjin smiled and walked into the dance floor with Lin Xiaoke.

Listening to Lin Xiaoke's tone, it doesn't seem to be a lie. It seems that she still doesn't know what her father did outside. If she knew, could she bear it with her temper? No matter how much!

Nanjin entered the dance floor and saw Mr. Xu dancing with a handsome man.

"Isn't that Mr. Xu? Who is the handsome man next to him? Nanjin is a little curious. Why has he become more and more obsessed recently?

"That's my cousin's uncle, our teacher Xu's boyfriend, handsome!" Lin Xiaoke answered.

"Well... it's very masculine!" Nanjin took a closer look. That man is somewhat similar to Lu Haochen. Genes really determine everything. Are the men of the Lu family so handsome? But it may be because of his age that he looks more mature and stable than Lu Haochen and manly!

Nanjin wanted to go and say hello to them, but Mr. Xu and her boyfriend have already walked out of the dance floor and probably went out to the two-person world. Nanjin accidentally saw a pair of eyes watching Mr. Xu leave, and looked a little sad... But as soon as he found that Nanjin was looking at him strangely, his eyes immediately became cold.

"Handsome men and beautiful women in Fengyun University - please be quiet!" The DJ on the stage picked up the microphone and said, "Now, we are going to reveal the prince and princess of our party. Will they be the people you want to support? What I have now is the result of voting on our school website!"

"Oh————" The people under the stage immediately rose up.

"Tonight our ball prince is..."

"Prince Chen! Prince Chen!"

"Prince Yu! Prince Yu!"

"Prince Xu! Prince Xu!"

The girls under the stage shouted crazily about the people they supported.

"In fact, there is no suspense. He is Lu Haochen, the most popular president of the student union of Fengyun University, Prince Chen! Please invite our Prince Chen to take the stage!" DJ shouted.

After hearing his name, Lu Haochen slowly walked on the stage without any surprise.

Lin Xiaoke said that this is the third time he has become the prince of the dance party. No wonder he doesn't have a cold, but he has never been on stage to receive an award.

"What's below! Our most suspenseful and eye-catching dance princess tonight is about to be revealed. After an anonymous vote, she is--" DJ sold the key, "She is the most popular South on our school website--"

The spotlight hit Nanjin's body, and Nanjin pointed to himself in surprise and said, "Me?" How is that possible? She just transferred to another school, and she can't even remember her classmates. Will her popularity be so high? Will you find people everywhere if you are popular?! Will she be tricked again? The tricks are really novel! No mistake! No doubt, it's you, Nanjin! Please come on stage!" DJ announced again.

Lin Xiaoke moved Nanjin, who was in a daze, and said, "Don't think about it. Didn't I say that you were very popular on our school's website? Many people have set up your fan group because of you and Dan Chun. Although there are people who oppose you, the mutual scolding between the two sides makes your popularity rise steadily! Hurry up!"

Nanjin slowly walked to the stage under the attention of everyone. Whether he was a prank or not, he went up first.

The principal put on a crown for the two and then walked off the stage without even a short symbolic speech! It seems that the headmaster really has no place here!

Dance! Dance! Dance!" The whole audience was shouting.

Nan Jin secretly glanced at Lu Haochen. Lu Haochen still looked cold, and the two stood on the stage without saying a word. Why do you still want to dance?

"hey! Classmates! It's already good for Prince Chen to come to the stage to wear a crown this year! You know, he has never been on stage before, not to mention dancing with the princess! Don't take an inch! Isn't this the cold prince everyone loves?!" The DJ said to everyone in a circle.

There was a boo from the stage.

Lu Haochen is indeed a freak. Nanjin slowly walked off the stage knowingly. If he really dances with him, he will be popular, but people's white eyes will definitely overshadow his popularity!

Someone suddenly took Nanjin's hand behind her. She bumped into a strong arms. This feeling was a little familiar. She suddenly looked up and saw that it was indeed Lu Haochen!

"What? Don't you dance with the prince of the ball?" Lu Haochen smiled gently at Nanjin.

"What do you want to do? I..." Nanjin was shocked by Lu Haochen's gentle appearance!

The spotlight quickly shone on the two protagonists.

Lu Haochen put Nanjin's hand on his shoulder, raised Nanjin's other hand, lowered his head, and whispered to Nanjin's ear, "Follow my footsteps..."

The soft music sounded, and Lu Haochen's eyes were so gentle and attractive. He gently held up Nanjin's hand to drive her, and Nanjin slowly rotated with Lu Haochen's dance steps like a demon. Two people danced on the dance floor, and everyone's eyes focused on the two people. At this moment, they were the perfect pair of princes and princesses.