Undercover maid

Chapter 61 It's so noisy! Don't cry!

"Mom, where are you?" Five-year-old Nanjin didn't wait for her parents to celebrate her birthday. When she saw her mother's car parked in front of her house, she hid behind the car and wanted to play hide-and-seek with her mother! When she was young, she only remembered that the car drove later and then stopped several times on the way.

I don't know how long the car has been driving. Nanjin accidentally fell asleep on the car. When she woke up, she found herself in a desolate area. I don't know when the sky changed her clothes and turned black! She was so scared that she got out of the car and called her mother, looking for her mother's figure everywhere, and saw a very broken factory in front of her. She slowly walked into the factory...

The door of the factory was half closed, and Nanjin's little head slowly put in, and suddenly there was a deafening gunfire! Nanjin's eyes widened! Her favorite mother slowly fell to the ground, surrounded by a bright red **···

She also seemed to see a young face with the same surprised and afraid expression as herself, staring at her mother who fell into the pool of blood! A man's back stood in front of the little boy, holding a pistol in his right hand!

The past is like a movie, scene by scene in Nanjin's mind! That painful memory returned to her mind!

Nanjin covered her painful head. She felt someone holding her. She turned her head and saw Han Qingyu fall beside her. His face was pale and there was no trace of blood on his face.

Nanjin's tears flowed down. She got up from behind Lin Xiaoke and hugged Han Qingyu: "Why are you so stupid?! Why do you want to help me stop the bullets?!"

Han Qingyu smiled, slowly took out the pale yellow handkerchief from his trousers pocket, and gently wiped the tears on Nanjin's face. He smiled faintly: "Ha ha... Someone said that boys should bring a handkerchief to help girls wipe their tears... Today... My handkerchief finally... It's useful..."

Nanjin took the blood-stained handkerchief and looked at the familiar handkerchief in a stunned way. There seemed to be two tender voices in his mind:

"Here, I'll give you this handkerchief, wipe your nose and tears, snot!"

"I... I'm not a snot! I don't want your girls' handkerchief! Take it away!"

"Then keep it on your body. A boy must have a handkerchief to wipe the girl's tears!"

Nanjin's tears flowed down and she looked at Han Qingyu and said, "Snot! I... remember! I remember you! You are a slugger, Han Qingyu!" At this moment, the memory of Nanjin's dust for many years was finally released.

Han Qingyu stroked Nanjin's face with a smile and said, "You... finally remember me!" It seems that he is talking with only the remaining strength. His eyes slowly closed and his hands slowly fell...

"snot! Sriff!! Wake up! I won't allow you to sleep!" Nanjin cried and shook Han Qingyu in his arms.

Lin Xiaoke, who was beside him, had already cried into tears.

Lu Haochen frowned and sat on the ground. At the moment when the gunshots sounded, he seemed to return to that 12 years.

It seemed that he saw the police aunt who fell in front of him to save himself. He didn't dare to face it and didn't want to think about it. When he came to his senses, he found that Han Qingyu had fallen into Nanjin's arms.

Two shots sounded at the same time, one bullet hit Xiao Kui's wrist, and one bullet hit Han Qingyu's back! Just now, Xiao Kui pointed a gun at Lin Xiaoke, and Nanjin beside him protected Lin Xiaoke under him. Seeing that Nanjin was about to be injured, he couldn't move as if he was fixed. Han Qingyu did not hesitate to block the bullet for Nanjin! And he is just immersed in painful memories...

"Brother Wheel! Call an ambulance!" Nanjin shouted hysterically.

"Han Qingyu! Han Qingyu!" Nanjin's eyebrows frowned. She woke up from her dream, opened her eyes and saw the white world everywhere. She sat up from ** and found a man lying by her bed.

After hearing the movement, Lu Haochen got up from ** and saw Nanjin looking at himself doubtfully. His heart settled down, "Are you awake? Is there anything wrong?"

After seeing Lu Haochen, Nanjin was stunned, and then excitedly grabbed Lu Haochen's arm and asked, "Where is Han Qingyu? Where is he?"

Lu Haochen's eyes were dim. After a few seconds of pause, he said, "Yu... He is fine. The doctor said that his life was not in danger, but he just hurt his back."

Nanjin sighed, "That's good. Can you take me to see him!"

"You are also a patient now!" Lu Haochen's face was serious.

Nanjin looked down at herself and found that she was bruised all over her body and bandages were tied in many places. It was okay not to mention it. When she mentioned it, she felt that her whole body was extremely sore. She frowned and said, "But... I'm still worried! I must see it with my own eyes to feel at ease! Just take me to see him! Please!"

After a pause, Lu Haochen lifted the quilt on Nanjin's body and held her in his arms.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Nanjin screamed.

Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin and said, "Aren't you going to see Yu?"

Lu Haochen's face is so close to Nanjin that they can clearly feel each other's breathing.

"I... will go by myself!"

Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin's leg with contemptuous eyes, "Are you sure you can?"

Nanjin looked at his injured leg and lifted it gently. It was really painful. "Then... I'm sorry to trouble you!" Nanjin hugged Lu Haochen's neck with both hands and blushed slightly.

Lu Haochen's face also blushed slightly. He smiled with satisfaction and walked out of the ward with Nanjin in his arms.

Nanjin came to Han Qingyu's ward, sat by Han Qingyu's bed, and looked at the sleeping Han Qingyu. His face was pale and his eyebrows frowned. Nan Jin gently pressed his eyebrows with his fingers and slowly evacuated this time.

"Isn't it painful?" Nanjin muttered.

There was the pale yellow handkerchief that had been washed away from blood. Nanjin picked up the handkerchief and put it on her hand. The corners of her mouth rose gently, and the scene of the first meeting between the two appeared in front of her...

"Woo..." A little boy cried in the corner of the kindergarten, the teacher was organizing the children to play games, and the children were playing happily. No one cared about the new child.

Four-year-old little Nanjin walked to the little boy and squatted down: "It's so noisy! Don't cry!"

"Wow... I want you to take care of it!" The little boy cried even more!

"xiao jin! Don't bully the new children!" The teacher said while watching the children playing.

"Haha...Teacher! I don't have it! We are playing games!" Xiao Nanjin stared at the little boy and said that it was he who caused her to be misunderstood by the teacher, but she is the monitor, so she can't let him go, can she? She took out a pale yellow handkerchief from her bag.

"No! I'll give you a magic trick. You can't cry!" With that, she stuffed the handkerchief into her left hand little by little, clenched her fist, then gently blew it into her hand and slowly opened her hands!

"Huh? Where's the handkerchief? The little boy stopped crying and looked at the empty-handed little jin.

Little Nanjin smiled proudly: "If you don't cry, I will turn it out!"

"Hmm!" The little boy put his hands on his chest and turned his head, looking careless, but he still looked at little Nanjin coldly.