Undercover maid

Chapter 62 I saw my mother fall into the pool of blood..."

"Cut! You are really not cute at all! Not gentle at all! But I won't be as stingy as you!" Nanjin pouted and said, then she stretched out her right hand, put it in the little boy's ear, and slowly pulled out the handkerchief from the little boy's ear.

The little boy's eyes lit up and looked at Xiao Nanjin with an incredible expression.

"Here, I'll give you this handkerchief, wipe your nose and tears, snot!" Little Nanjin said with a smile.

"I... I'm not a snot! I don't want your girls' handkerchief! Take it away!" The little boy escaped.

"Then keep it on your body. A boy must have a handkerchief to wipe the girl's tears!" Little Nanjin threw the handkerchief on him and thought that the little boy was really worried. "That's right! My name is Nanjin! The south of the pumpkin, the jincus of the scus, how about you? What's your name?"

"Hiscus on the pumpkin?"

"It's Nanjin!" Little Nanjin repeated.

"Oh! The scus on the pumpkin!" The little boy nodded.

"I hate this name! My name is Nanjin!" Little Nanjin is close to crazy!

Although she still doesn't like the name "Henix on Pumpkin", it still becomes the exclusive nickname of Han Qingyu! Since then, the two have become good friends.

Little Han Qingyu is not as arrogant and rude as at the beginning, but gradually becomes gentle. The two often build blocks together, jigsaw puzzles together, swing together, tease other children together, perform stage plays together, and spend a happy year together...

"Nanjin! Nanjin!" Han Qingyu, who was sick**, shouted in pain and pulled Nanjin, who was immersed in memories, back to reality.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Nanjin grabbed Han Qingyu's hand. Han Qingyu grasped Nanjin's hand tightly as if he felt something and slowly stopped shouting.

Lu Haochen, who was beside him, took a look at Nanjin and Han Qingyu, who was sick**, and quietly left the ward.

Han Qingyu slowly opened his eyes and saw the face he wanted to see most, and a smiling face barely bloomed on his pale face.

"Are you awake?! Is there anything wrong?!" Nanjin was particularly excited to see Han Qingyu open his eyes! My heart finally settled down.

"I'm fine! Are you hurt too?" Han Qingyu's voice was very small, as if a gust of wind could blow away the tiny sound without leaving a trace.

"I'm tough. It's okay! Why did you block the bullets for me? If it hadn't been for Mr. Fang's hit Xiao Kui's wrist, causing him to hit in a crooked direction, you would have hung up now! Why are you so stupid?"

"You'll be fine! Don't forget... I'm your guardian angel... Of course I want to protect you." Han Qingyu looked into Nanjin's eyes and said.

"Han Qingyu... Thank you! But... Don't do this again. Fortunately, this time I injured my shoulder and didn't hurt the bone!" Nanjin said reproachfully, but his heart was still full of gratitude.

"I'm...very happy that you...finally remember me..."

Nanjin's eyes were moist, "I'm sorry... Because something happened when I was five years old, so I don't remember what happened before, but I don't want me to remember that your price is to hurt you!"

"I'm really fine... But... I don't think you are. Who are you..." Han Qingyu wants to ask. I saw her chasing a man at school, saw her go out late at night at the resort, followed her curiously, but saw the appearance of the police car and Mr. Fang. Who is she?

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you now. When you get better... I will tell you everything! The doctor said that the most important thing now is to rest. Don't be too tired!" Nanjin interrupted Han Qingyu's question.

After Han Qingyu fell asleep, Nanjin limped out of the ward, closed the door, and found that Lu Haochen was leaning against the wall. He felt so fragile that it seemed that as soon as the wall fell, he would sink.

"Have you rested?" Lu Haochen stood up straight and asked, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Ye�. By the way! Teacher Xu and Xiaoke..."

"They are all fine, but they have some skin injuries... I'll take you back to your room first!" Lu Haochen once again held Nanjin in his arms and gently put her in **, giving Nanjin the illusion for a moment. Is he Lu Haochen?

"Take a rest first!" After saying that, Lu Haochen left the room, leaving only a white world...

Namjin looked at Lu Haochen's departure and fell into meditation...

"Nanjin!" A familiar figure that he least wanted to see pushed the door in.

Nanjin, who had just fallen asleep, was awakened and slowly opened his eyes. He saw his father looking at him anxiously, and the wheel brother was also behind him.

"Dad... Why are you here?" Nanjin slowly sat up and leaned against the pillow.

"Humph~~ I don't know what you're going to become if you don't come again?" Nanyu Airlines said angrily, "Look at you! Where does it look like a girl?! They said they won't let you interfere, but you didn't listen!"

"I... didn't intervene... I was kidnapped for no reason! They don't want it either! Besides, he is also a victim!" Nanjin looked aggrieved and coquettish.

"You! There's nothing I can do about you! Is it serious?!" Nanyuhang was still very worried. He was supposed to come to pick her up after dealing with some things these two days, but as soon as he received the phone call from the wheel, he immediately lost the work at hand and rushed over. He was very distressed to see that his daughter's body was full of scars.

"Hehe... It's okay! I'm your daughter!" Nanjin said with a hippie smile, and it seemed that his father was not very angry.

"If you can still talk to me, it means that you are not seriously injured! Pack it up! I'll take you back in the afternoon!" Southern Aerospace said in a commanding tone.

"Go back?! Where to go back?"

Where to go back? Have you forgotten your home after coming out for so long? Of course, it's back to E City! Do you still want to take root here?!" Nanyu's face became serious again.

"Dad...but...I still have some things to deal with!" Nanjin is very embarrassed. Is he leaving now?

"There is basically only follow-up work left in the case, and you are not used at all?! What else can I do for you?"

Nanjin was silent for a while. What happened? Should she tell her parents about it? Dad, did he know what happened at that time? Mom's revenge hasn't been revenged yet!

"Dad... I want to ask you a question, on my birthday when I was five years old... Was I also there when my mother went out to deal with the case?" Nanjin finally spoke out. Although it's just some memories, she still wants to get a real answer.

"On your fifth birthday? Xiaojin, you..." Nanyu Airlines looked at Nanjin with some surprise.

"Dad... I remember some things, some bad things..."

Nanyu Airlines sat by Nanjin's bed, "Do you remember what happened when you were five years old?"

Nanjin nodded, "I remember that I secretly followed my mother out and hid in the car, but I accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up, I found that I was outside a waste field, and then I saw..." Nanjin's tears flowed unconsciously, and the scene of that night appeared in my mind again. She choked and couldn't speak.

"Did you come out with your mother that night?" Nan Yuhang held his daughter in his arms sadly and wondered if he remembered that someone had found Nanjin in his car that night?

Nanjin snuggled in his father's arms and burst into tears on his father's clothes. "Yes... I saw my mother fall into the pool of blood with my own eyes..."