I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 10 Weird Book

The transformation of the body begins from the soles of the feet, and a pure vitality is mixed on the soles of the feet, and then condenses into a strange force injected into the skin and flesh.

The two, which had already been separated, are once again closely connected under the combination of this force.

Today's skin and flesh are different from before, the skin that has been repeatedly refined seems to have become a barrier, completely blocking the inside and outside of the body, and no longer leaking any vitality. The deepest feeling of this change is Wu Fu, who is immersed in the water. He has a sense of suffocation after strenuous exercise earlier, but with the combination of skin and flesh and blood, this feeling can't help but become lighter and slower.

Earlier, he fought with water recklessness in the water. Wu Fu was completely fighting with his amazing will, but you should know that the greater the amount of exercise, the more oxygen he consumed. At that time, even if he played with water recklessness, Wu Fu himself would be almost the same.

However, with the transformation of the body, the repeatedly refined skin is once again attached to the flesh and blood. At the same time, it also locks all the few oxygen in Wu's body, and begins to continuously absorb the oxygen in the water from outside the body surface, so as to make targeted supplements to the body, all of which is the body self The benefits of my transformation.

In addition to the worries, Wu Kui still has no choice but to take advantage of it.

Now Wu Kui has the strength to play, but this does not mean that Shui Mang can continue under such a toss. In the case of being scratched and the blood in the body being sucked as a tonic, even the real Tianlong could not stand this toss. After a few toss in the well, the silver horn water recklessness was a complete rest.

While the silver horn water has completely stopped, Wu Fu has been immersed in the self-transmission of the body. If the first metamorphosis is painful, then this transformation is absolutely not happiness.

At the moment when the skin and flesh are completely combined, there are bursts of convulsions in the internal organs, especially the heart, which is as uncomfortable as acupuncture.

Because of the violent convulsions, it was difficult for Wu Wei to make any idea about his body. In desperation, Wu Wei had to sink into the water with the body of water.

The bottom of the well calmed down again, and the huge movement before shocked the whole prison.

It coincided with the fall of Qiu Jue's visit to the prison by the Minister of Criminal Justice, so the whole matter immediately attracted great attention from the court.


Under the baptism of this dimension qi, the meridians of the whole body become extremely tough. The meridians of the whole body seem to have learned to breathe for a while. With the beating of the heart, they absorb the vitality of flesh and blood, and then flowed into the internal organs along the meridians. Under such a significant change, Wu Wei felt his own strength very intuitively. Enhancement.

"Generally speaking, skin practice will have 300 catties of strength. After entering the practice, the flesh and blood will be condensed immediately, and it is not difficult to have a thousand pounds of great power. However, I have advanced in this way that relies purely on flesh and blood self-evolution, so I am now at least 1,300 catties."

The transformation slowly ended. After regaining control of the body, Wu Fu would blow away the water that pressed on his body with just one punch, and his body slowly floated to the surface...

"Wow..." At the first time his head came out of the water, Wu opened his mouth and greedily absorbed the oxygen in the air until his lungs could no longer hold any oxygen.

Looking at the full moon rising at the mouth of the well, Wu Fu has unconsciously stayed at the bottom of the well for a day and a night. Maybe it will take a few days for someone to know his situation, but as long as he persists to live, everything will become hopeful.


Time passed little by, and Wu Wei, who had not eaten for a long time, made Wu Wei feel weak, but Wu Wei, who survived the strong winds and waves, would lose so much?

Just as Wu was drowsy and felt that he could no longer hold on, a pertinent cry came from the mouth of the well.

"Your Highness Prince Yuan, is it under here?"

Hearing the shouting of the people, Wu was stunned and even suspected that he had heard it wrong. You should know that the person who just shouted was not the simple word "Wu Fu".

You should know that it's okay for the prince to shout, but his Highness can't shout. Unless Wu's identity is no longer a prisoner, but a member of the royal family, because only members of the royal family are qualified to take on the word His Royal Highness.

"Exact, I don't know who it is?" Wu was in prison for many years, but he knew that there were many ministers who supported him in this court. Otherwise, under the absolute strength of Prince Peak, Wu Ao definitely can't live today, and at present, only these ministers will call themselves "Prince Yuan" in the court. Wu Ao can be quite optimistic about these ministers who always support his protection.

"I am the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dong Qinglian. I hope Your Highness will wait patiently for a moment, and the rope will be ready immediately?"

"Dong Shangshu, I wonder if you can help me prepare a dress?" The clothes had already been damaged when fighting with the water, so it was somewhat indecent to go out.

"Your Highness, don't worry. Today, the Holy Emperor has pardoned everything with His Highness in the early morning today. Because of the crime of the demon queen, His Highness has not only restored his royal identity, but also been awarded the title of Prince of Annoy Yuan by His Majesty. I don't know what some villains have done to make Your Highness suffer!"

When Dong Qinglian heard Wu's question below, he suddenly found that he was too excited today. So far, he was still happy and failed to tell the master below the news of the pardon of Prince Anyuan. When the conclusion of today's early morning was passed on by message.

"Thank you, Dong Shangshu's kindness, and I will be rewarded for his annoy. As for the hard work of other adults accompanying the adults up to now, I dare not forget it. At this juncture, Wu will naturally not forget to gather people's hearts.

If Wu wants to prove his mother's name on the day, there are only two ways. First, he ascended the throne, and it is difficult for Wu Ai to have the blood of his royal relatives; second, he is the opportunity to be crowned and exchange great achievements for his testimony. However, if today, the road is occupied by Prince Feng, this road is no less difficult than the first one.

But no matter what? Wu should still be tying over these ministers who are loyal to him.

"Your Highness, your words are heavy! These are all what the old minister should do!" Although Dong Qinglian has never met the people in the well, he has a good impression.

As the national minister who came to the political stage during the period of Wu Shengyuan's new policy, Dong Qinglian is under the rule of Prince Feng, but this does not mean that Dong Qinglian wants to bow his head to Prince Feng. After all, Dong Qinglian is a feudal official who controls the punishment of this country. However, for Wu Ao, the eldest son of the current emperor, even if there is no interest between the two, for the sake of an acquaintance and a loyal character as a minister, Dong Qing went to Wu Fu's side without hesitation. You should know that once this political team stands wrong, it is often the business of destroying the family.

"Your Highness, the rope will take some time. The old minister will send someone to deliver some food first."

I found that it will take some time for the rope to be ready, and it is understood that Wu Wei has been trapped in the well for more than seven days. Both physically and mentally, he has fallen into a state of fatigue, and it is inevitable to supplement food.

"It's so good, so there is Lord Dong."


After changing into refreshing clothes and drinking two mouthfuls of hot tea, Wu Fufang came out of Dong Qinglian's sedan chair.

"Wu Wei, take the order!" Seeing that Wu Wei was ready, Dong Qinglian was not careless and read the imperial edict in public.

"Sinner Wu An, bow to welcome the Holy Grace!" Although Wu Anger is a little dissatisfied with how he has ignored his own affairs for many years, how can Wu Anger do anything that destroys his good deeds on the day he turns over?

"According to heaven's transportation, the emperor's edict said: the cholera queen of the demons in the past has shaken the dynasty and damaged our country's foundation, and his heart can be killed. Although I am the king of a country, I adhere to the punishment of the artifacts. I am worthy of my ancestors and the people of Li. I can't do it arbitrarily. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts. Today, when the new emperor will stand and amnesty the world, I miss the ups and downs of your life and my royal family, so I hereby forgive you all your sins and talk about the rest of your life as a comfortable wife outside. I hope you will cherish it!"

The whole imperial edict seems easy to understand, not as full of royal majesty as the imperial edict, and I don't want it to be as exciting as the family letter, but no matter what it expresses, there is a real Wu's embarrassing charge that has been exempted!

"I, take the order! Shane!" After receiving the imperial edict from Dong Qinglian's hand, Wu Wei immediately knelt down to thank him. The whole process seemed so simple, but for Wu Wei, this step was different.