I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 1 Millennium Blood Essence

On the banks of green mountains and green water, a classical quiet and elegant courtyard sits among them.

Facing the rising sun, there are several sounds from the courtyard from time to time, and the sound of boxing and practicing acceptance.

"In terms of geographical location, this place is regarded as the jurisdiction of the upper beam, but who doesn't know that this place is a hundred miles away from the upper beam!" Hit a bucket of water, wash away the sweat all over your body, and directly drenched your body.

"But it's okay. It's better to stay in prison than to stay in prison. At least my freedom is guaranteed. Now I still have a little money on hand. When I buy some medicinal materials in the advanced city, I can't always count on Pu Shan's pure taste and picking elixir!"

Just after practicing, Qingshui rushed to his body and couldn't feel anything. Wearing his clothes and leading a bag of broken silver, Wu Fu walked out of the courtyard.

Since Wu Ao was released from prison, it has been more than half a month. For the past half a month, Wu Ao has been staying in the courtyard. To the public, he said that he was actually hiding the things brought out of the prison.

After all, things at the level of pure elixir are quite a lot of wealth for secular people. Not to mention the political events that may be caused by this matter, the value of two things alone is enough to disrupt Wu's seemingly peaceful life.

Although the treasure is good, it will always be useful for a day. After more than half a year of consumption, whether it is pure or elixir, it has entered a relatively urgent state.

If you can't replenish your vitality from other aspects, Wu Wei's current fast cultivation mode will also come to an end. Obviously, this is not what Wu Wei is willing to see. Under such a *, Wu Wei focuses on medicinal materials.

As a natural nourishment, the effect of direct use may not be as good as one-tenth of the patent medicine. But it can solve Wu's anguish for a while. With the increasing improvement of his cultivation, he needed to take one elixir in seven days in the past, but now he needs to take one in less than three days. Otherwise, Wu Ao will always be awakened by hunger every night when he is quiet.

At least there are notes left by Pu Shan to check, otherwise Wu Wei is worried to death. However, according to the description in Pu Fan's notes, this situation is easy to do. Is it difficult to do? The key is the intake of vitality.

You should know that no matter which skill it is, its strength is basically the vitality between heaven and earth, and with the improvement of cultivation, the consumption of vitality in the cultivation process will also increase greatly. If you want to change this situation, you can only use food tonic and medicine tonic. That's why the dream of long life is usually done by the rich. The reason is that too much money is consumed in the process.

Red bone wine, three adult red snakes, three pairs of adult tiger ribs, one hundred-year-old grass ginseng, three catties of wolfberries, one catty of dragon wrapped grass, and a jar of first-class white bone wine.

As a medicinal wine formula, red bone wine is recorded in Pu Fan's notes. Of course, such a formula is scattered and recorded seven or eight pages in Pu Shan's notes, from which it is not difficult to see Pu Shan's respect for wine. After repeated comparisons by Wu Wei, this red bone wine has the lowest cost, the simplest configuration method, and the best effect for Wu Wei at this stage.

Thinking about it many times, Wu Wei finally decided to configure this red bone wine.


After eight months, Wu Wei came to the gate of Shangliang City again, but this time Wu Wei arrived with his body, and today Wu Wei walked into Shangliang City openly to feel the noise and prosperity that he had not heard of Shangliang City for many years.

With a money bag, Wu Wei walked on the bluestone street where four carriages could run together at the same time, feeling the endless traffic of the city. Wu Ao integrated into it little by little, and finally dissipated in the boiling crowd.

After walking through more than 3,000 steps, Wu Wei finally came to Nancheng Renhe Road, the largest distribution center of medicinal materials in Shangliangcheng District.

Speaking of Nancheng Renhe Road, I have to talk about "Songzhilin" and "Baiyangtang" on Renhe Road. These two major pharmacies are one of the largest pharmacies in Chenxing. Their extensive operation has wrapped 80% of the medicinal materials business in the mainland. It can be said that there are only medicinal herbs that you can't imagine here, and there are no medicinal herbs you can't find. Of course, the key is money.

"This is Songzhilin, which is worthy of being an old shop for thousands of years." Looking up at the golden signboard placed on the street, the painting shows everyone's demeanor, which makes people have the idea of stopping and walking into the store at a glance.

Although Songzhilin and Baiyangtang are both shops that buy medicinal materials, those who know the mystery will find that Songzhilin operates all raw materials, while Baiyangtang has more * some adult drugs. As for which of the two is better, it is difficult to judge.

After all, Baiyangtang's "Lu Lizard Wine" has the reputation of "three stars of happiness and longevity in the earth" in Pu Shan's notes. Among them, the blessing is worthy of Caizhizhai's blessing wine. The turtle refers to the turtle god wine of the turtle fairy flow. As for Lu, it is naturally Baiyangtang's Lu Lizard wine.

Although it was noon when entering the store, the store was still bustling, most of them were merchants in satin, and a few were martial arts students in samurai robes.

"Don't look at these Wusheng, they are all burly and thick, but there are only a few people who really have kung fu." Looking at the floating footsteps of these people, Wu couldn't help whispering in his heart.

You should know that if an imperial dynasty wants to rule for a long time, it must constantly weaken the force of the people and strengthen its own force to form a check and balance.

After hundreds of years of rule, if you want to learn martial arts in Chenxing, you must go to the martial arts hall to obtain the qualification of martial arts students. Otherwise, private martial arts practice will be regarded as a kind of treason. Of course, the official eunuch family is no longer in this category. It is not difficult to see how much the Chenxing Empire has restricted the folk force.

In the past year, Wu Wei has practiced martial arts day and night without wasting a day. At the same time, he has learned a lot of common sense from Pu Fan's notes. Careful observation can more or less see something, like the martial arts students standing here now, most of whom are loose and don't want to practice martial arts at all.

"The guest officer is wearing a brocade robe and must buy some medicinal herbs for soaking wine. Our store has a new batch of Angelica, dragon beard grass, honeysuckle, as well as turtle back, jellyfish, and seven-step snake. I don't know what the prince wants? Of course, if you want the finished product, it will be a little more expensive.

Seeing Wu Wei wandering in the store, an exciting clerk immediately greeted him.

"I want some living things, but I don't know if your store may provide them." You should know that the most important thing about living things is the word "living". The effects of living things and dead things are completely different. The medicinal materials mentioned before are good, but they are not practical. At most, they are just brewing some beating wine. If you want to make medicinal wine that can promote blood circulation and health preservation, there is too much difference.

"If you want to buy living things, please, I don't know what kind of living things you want to buy. There are thousands of kinds of living things in our store, among which there are hundreds of snakes, such as seven-step snakes, five viper, fire snakes, red snakes, eye snakes and so on. There are also different varieties according to the place of origin. I don't know what the prince wants. The most commonly used living materials or snakes in pharmaceutical wine. Of course, some people use other poisons, but no matter which poison is, the more poisonous it is, the better.

"Huanggangpo, do you have any red snakes?" For these exquisiteness, Wu Wei has naturally seen from Pu Fan's notes that Pu Fan deliberately left a sentence under the recipe.

"Son, it seems that you are also an apnocator in this industry. I hope you have made many works before. This Huanggangpo red snake is also known as the royal family of the red snake clan. Its toxicity can kill people within three steps, and the adult snake emperor can kill people a hundred steps away with snake smoke. Hearing Wu's talk about red practice, the man immediately turned his words and briefly introduced Huanggangpo's red practice snake.

"Money is not a problem. I want three. The more toxic, the better!" After stretching out three fingers, Wu couldn't help shaking his head. This guy was really clever.

"Gun, what else do you want? I'll bring it to you." You should know that the customers who buy living things in Songzhitang are basically the owners of making their own wine. Songzhitang is most willing and good at this comprehensive business.

"Three pairs of tiger bones, one hundred-year-old grass ginseng, three catties of wolfberries, and one catty of dragon winding grass." I have told all the remaining medicinal materials. You should know that the formula of each medicinal wine has been summarized after countless attempts by predecessors. If people have medicinal materials that can produce a jar of red bone wine, do they still need to live? Therefore, Wu was not worried about the leakage of the formula.

"Okay, I wrote it down. There are white tiger bones, black tiger bones and ordinary tiger bones in our store. I don't know which one the prince wants." He wrote down what Wu was awd to report, and the man immediately asked about his choice for the tiger bone.

"Don't say, give me the best." Wu was so arrogant that he couldn't help but get a big head. You should know that the formula written down by Pu Fan has all the medicinal materials and configuration process, but the selection of medicinal materials is very general. For example, the origin of the red snake may also be written by Pu Fan at will. If asked by the clerk one by one, he really doesn't know when it will be. All crisps are used well.

Who got a hundred taels of gold and a thousand taels of silver from the palace before Wu Kui was released from prison. This money is enough for Wu Kui to squander for a while, not to mention that now this money is used for martial arts practice, and Wu Kui has no reason to save.

"Please go upstairs. It may take some time to complete these medicinal herbs. You can have tea upstairs first, and the little one will do it for you immediately."

Send Wu Abi to the elegant room upstairs and hand over a cup of ginseng tea. The clerk immediately wanted Wu Ao to take a leave and went downstairs.

With the ginseng tea in his hand, Wu Ao couldn't help shaking his head. Seven or eight tables in the whole elegant room had already sat some guests waiting for medicine. Among these guests, there were some real warriors. Looking at these talkative warriors, Wu Ao closed his eyes and refreshed the teacup.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps came from the stairs, and a young man in a second-grade official uniform came up with a folding fan, followed by three armed attendants.

"Lord Li, I don't know what brought you here this time." Seeing the young man walking on the second floor, the shopkeeper sitting next to him immediately ran out.

"What kind of wind can there be? It's not what Prince Feng did! He really thinks he is this material!" He patted the folding fan in his hand, and the young man fiercely found an empty seat and sat down.

"Lord Li, you can't say this. Now that the prince's peak is so powerful, can't you get along with yourself?" Looking at Lord Li in anger, the store owner really can't stand still.

"He went up and down in the court, but how can he help me, Li Jingyi? You have to make it look like this." After taking two sips of the ginseng tea, Li Jingyi took a long breath before he spoke.

"Well, it's not a ghost for the thousand-year-old blood of the Zhao family." The atmosphere shook his official robe, and Li Jingyi sat upright.

"Millennium blood essence is a good thing. I don't know what the hell is in it!" First, I heard something about Prince Feng, and then I heard that it was about thousands of years of blood essence. Wu's brain, who sat aside, couldn't help but come to life.