I am the Holy Emperor

Chapter 33 Prince Shou

In late autumn, with the end of the autumn harvest, many carriages carrying grain shuttled inside and outside Shangliang City. Many farmers who enter the city to pay grain will take this opportunity to stay in Shangliang City for a while to reward their fatigue brought by a year's work.

"Brother, have you ever thought about what is satisfying?" Looking at the farmers sitting on the ox cart and smoking leisurely with a cigarette in their hands, their children took the sugar-coated haws in their hands and played casually on both sides of Empire Avenue. As for the women of the farmers, they stood in a pile and talked about something with other women with a happy face, although these people were all at the bottom of the empire. Min, but the satisfaction on their faces made Wu envious and couldn't help thinking about when he would be like them.

"I'm satisfied with my current life. Aren't you satisfied?" In response to Wu's question, Pu Shan shrugged his shoulders, picked up the wine jug at his waist and took two sips.

"Haha, I think too much!" At what level, what level of things are different, and what needs are different at different levels. Thinking of this, Wu can't help but feel that the question he just asked is so naive.

With the arrival of Pu Shan, the other courtyards are more lively. Ning Zeng's poetry, Pu Shan's erudence, and Ning Caier's cooking skills have nourished Wu's life in many aspects.

However, at this time, Dong Qinglian said that the first day of the first month of next year will be the day of the Zen throne. At that time, Wu Feng will reach the peak of power to control the society, and Wu Shengyuan will be promoted to the emperor. Although Wu Fu has already guessed the news, when this matter is confirmed, he is somewhat disappointed.

In such a state, even if you can calm down your boredom, it is really difficult to improve your cultivation. In the face of Wu Fu's situation, Pu Shan suggested that everyone go out and relax.

As a person who goes, drinks and eats, Pu Shan knows the delicious food in Shangliang City. As the best restaurant in Shangliang City, Babaolou is an important stop for Wu Wei and others on this trip.

The Eight Treasure Tower is located outside the imperial city, adjacent to the south gate of the imperial city. It was built in the early years of the Chenxing Empire. It was built by Yang Ting, the palace chef at that time. It has a history of nearly 400 years. The 400-year-old shop has lasted for a long time. It relies on the eight-treasure cuisine left by Yang Ting in those years, and at the same time, the rare eight-treasure wine of the Eight Treasures Tower are indispensable.

When Wu Wei and others arrived, the first floor of Babao Building was already full of guests. The seductive vegetable fragrance floated freely from the door of Babao Building. The plaque nominated by Gao Zu himself hung in front of the door, giving people a feeling of crossing history.

"Four guest officials, please!" The man of Babao Building was also a dexterous man. When he saw Wu Kui's clothes, he immediately ran out of the door.

"Is there any elegant room?" Seeing a full crowd, Pu Shan couldn't help frowning. Although he knew that the eight-treasure building was booming and gathered guests from all over the world, he didn't expect that there were so many people today.

"This gentleman, there is only one Tianzi room on the third floor and one room on the seventh floor. I don't know if the guest officer needs it?" Xiao Er said while leading the four people into the Eight Treasure Building.

The Babao Building is divided into eight floors, and the first and second floors are ordinary seats, but don't underestimate these seats. It also requires more than ten silver for a meal. As for the third to seventh floor, each floor is divided into eight elegant rooms. The eight elegant rooms are Tianyi, Tianyi, Diyi, Diyi, Xuanyi, Huangyi, Huangyi, Huangyi, Tianzihao is facing the imperial city, and the name of the imperial city gate, and Xuanhuang is for the other two directions. In addition to dinner and banquets, the more important thing is the view, so the price of this floor is different. As for the highest viewing platform on the eighth floor, it is not a problem that money can solve.

"Xiao Er, ask something!" After entering Shangliang, Wu Wei found that Shangliang City was different from the past.

There are more people, but there are more soldiers patrolling, especially several restaurants adjacent to the imperial city. At the same time, the traffic from the south gate of Shangliang City to the front of the palace is also restricted, all of which indicates that something unusual is going to happen.

"Excuse me, the little one should tell the prince." Xiao Er led the way in front of him while respectfully answering Wu's question. After all, none of them can come to Babaolou for dinner.

"What's going on in the imperial city recently?" Only the imperial city can make such a change in Shangliang City. After all, forces such as Baihualou, Qianzhitang and Longhutang are all hidden, and ordinary ordinary bureaucrats will not understand it in the future. Therefore, the cause of this matter is only the royal family, and Wu Feng immediately came to power. At this time, it is normal for the royal family to make some voices. After all, There have been cases of exhausting death during the change of positions in all dynasties.

"Son, it turns out that you don't know that this afternoon, the royal prince and the royal clan will go outside the South City Gate to give advice to the order for the emperor to take back the Zen throne. At the same time, many ministers will go there, and this matter has been dispersed in the city last night. So many people came here to watch. After all, this is a sensational event for the empire. As the closest restaurant to the imperial city, Babaolou naturally has the function of conveying information. Some irrelevant and important news generally comes from Babaolou, so Xiao Er knows these things.

"Prince Shou... seven-storey land brand!" Wu couldn't help thinking about the name of Prince Shou. You should know that although Prince Shou is not a royal family, he is the seventh grandson of Emperor Ziwei.

Who is Ziwei Emperor? That is the most outstanding disciple of the royal family in the 400 years since the founding of the founding of the country. At that time, the holy ancestor presided over the government and the Ziwei Emperor expanded to the outside world. Since then, the Chenxing Empire has had today's situation. However, the Ziwei Emperor did not like power. After success, he withdrew from the center of power and left ancestral teachings in his vein. Before the time of the crisis of the empire, he did not He intervened in the government. In the 200 years after that, the Ziwei Emperor's lineage was exactly as his ancestors said. Even the change of Yasukuni in those years did not show the trace of Ziwei's lineage. However, today's Prince Shou made such a big move. No wonder it attracted so many people to watch.

"Okay!" Hearing Wu's words about the seven-story land size, Xiao Er's eyebrows don't want to stilt. You know, there is a commission in the restaurant. Even if you don't eat or drink in these seven-storey land size, the private room fee alone is enough for the clerk to get five-pattern silver. Besides, several people in the Eight Treasure Building are watching the scenery alone. Thinking of this, the little two is even happier. The feet have also become sharper.

Along the way upstairs, Wu and his entourage did not say anything and considered the news. Even the lively Ning Caier bowed her head and followed her brother. It was not until Pu Shan sat down in the private room that Pu Shan ordered wine and dishes before there was a trace of movement.

"Young master, this Prince Shou can be said to be a royal elder. Although he does not participate in the government, his power is not weak. With the back cover given by the Holy Ancestor in those years, this Prince Shou can compete with the ordinary emperor. What's the reason why he did not take action today? This is the key point." In order to survive in the government and the opposition in the future and lay a more solid foundation for Wu Wei, Ning Zeng's research on Jinye is definitely no less than Wu Fu.

"Stop, wait, who is this Prince Shou?" The reason why Pu Shan was silent before was because of the death, not the leader. There is no point in doing this kind of thing in Pu Shan's consciousness except to play himself to death, so Pu Shan will not be interested in a dead person, but after listening to what Ning once said, Prince Shou seems to be an extremely important existence.

"Prince Shou is the seventh descendant of Emperor Ziwei, and Emperor Ziwei is the best son of our dynasty, except for Gaozu and Shengzu. If his achievements are written on paper, he can write several volumes." Wu Wei knew that Pu Shan was the master of eating, drinking and playing, and began to understand the political situation of the Chenxing Empire to help himself. It was normal for Pu Shan not to know about some secrets.

"Ziwei Emperor, is it Wu Qing?" Ziwei Emperor, when he heard this name, Pu Shan couldn't help connecting the rest of his mind.

"How do you know?" The name of Ziwei Emperor has long been forgotten, and even the records in history books only use the title of Ziwei Emperor. Now no one else knows the name of Ziwei Emperor except for a few people except the royal family. It seems that Pu Shan belongs to this category of people, and why did Pu Shan know the name Wu Qing? Wu couldn't help but feel surprised.

"What you say, Wu Wei is Ziwei Emperor, and Ziwei Emperor is Wu Qing. This kind of thing should not be a coincidence. If my reasoning is correct, then the Ziwei Emperor I know is your ancestor of the Star Empire." After getting Wu's affirmative answer, Pu Shan couldn't help flicking his forehead.

"Brother Shan, do you know anything?" If it is as Pu Shan said, the identity of this Ziwei Emperor is not ordinary.

"Ziwei Emperor is a master of Tianzong. He was born 300 years ago and can be regarded as a generation of wizards. In just 100 years, he has gone through five thunder disasters and won the title of Ziwei Venerable. After that, he hid in the fairyland of Tianzong. Since then, he has never appeared again. If this person is the ancestor of the Wu family, this matter will not happen. It's that simple!" In the end, Pu Shan said his answer in a uncertain tone.

Because all this seems too amazing, you should know that Emperor Ziwei is the elder of Tianzong. If he knew how to go back to interfere with the change of Yasukuni, if not, how could Prince Shou stand up now? Is he afraid of Sakyamuni? It doesn't seem like this. It seems that there are still a lot of things that Wu Fu didn't know in Yasukuni.

After hearing this answer, the four people fell silent again...