wu dao xian ying

Chapter 28 The Box Disappears

So the old man slipped away, and no one found it at all. Even if he found that he could not care about the old man at this time, so for the disappearance of the old man, all people did not do anything, that is, the escort leader wanted to do something, but at this time he was also powerless.

Not long after the old man disappeared, the guard leader fell to the ground by the captain of the cavalry. At this time, the other two quickly pressed the guard leader on the ground to prevent the guard leader from moving at all. Although the guard leader was pressed to the ground, he still struggled constantly, but the guard leader How can a person's strength compare with that of two people, so there is no doubt that although the guard leader is pressed to the ground and struggles, all resistance is futile.

At this time, the captain of the cavalry also put one hand into the arms of the guard leader and took out the brocade box, but after taking it out, the captain of the cavalry felt wrong, because in the understanding of the captain of the cavalry, the brocade box should be purple, wrapped around the bottom of the box with nine golden dragons, and the brocade box was embroidered with green dragons separately. , white tiger, rosefinch, Xuanwu, four sacred beasts,

But although the one in the hands of the captain of the cavalry is also purple, there is nothing on the brocade box. Seeing such a situation, the captain of the cavalry already knew that it was fake, but in order to confirm that the cavalry captain still opened the brocade box and looked at it.

Sure enough, as I guessed, there was nothing in the brocade box. Seeing this effect, the captain knew that he had been fooled. The angry cavalry captain stepped on the chest of the guard leader and roared; "Hurry up and say it, where is the real brocade box? Hurry up?"

The captain of the cavalry roared and began to step on the chest of the guard leader. At this time, although the guard leader fell to the ground by the captain of the cavalry, he was not very serious. Now when asked by the captain of the cavalry, the captain of the guard knew that he had been abandoned.

At that time, the guard leader felt strange. With the character of the old man, it was impossible to give such an important thing to himself. At that time, he thought that the old man trusted him very much. After so many years of loyalty, he finally let the old man see it.

But what happened now makes the guard leader clearly know that he was already the pawn of the old man who escaped the target and was abandoned. At that time, the old man did not know what he said and could be heard by the three people in front of him.

But it is obvious that these three people can hear at all, and what they say is simply for the three people in front of them. Otherwise, how can they let the three people target themselves and let themselves escape?

It's really good for the old man to take the golden cicada out of its shell. Not only did he deceive himself, but also the three people in front of him were deceived. At this time, it is impossible for the guard leader to say the result even if he knew the result, because the guard leader knew that he was dead, and he was dead if he didn't say it.

If there is no scruples, the guard leader may say, but the guard leader has own sons and daughters in the hands of the old man, so at this time, the guard leader would rather die than dare to say it.

So when he heard the cavalry captain's question, the guard leader did not say a word and would rather die. When the cavalry captain saw the expression of the guard leader, he was angry and did not think that the long gun in his hand pierced the front chest of the guard leader.

Although the captain of the cavalry was happy, the two people who held the guard leader were dumbfounded at this time. The two let go of the guard leader, and one of them said to the captain of the cavalry for a long time: "Captain, now that you have killed this person, what should you do with the brocade box? ?"

Hearing this man's words, the captain of the cavalry reacted from anger and said, "Although this man is dead, there is no clue. The old man just now is the only clue of the brocade box. Now only by finding the old man just now can you find the brocade box."

"That's what the captain said. I'm more suspicious now. At that time, the old man simply used the golden cicada's shelling trick. Basically, he gave this person a fake brocade box and deliberately said something to let the three of us be fooled."

At this time, the other one suddenly broke away from his meditation and said lightly,

"Yes, it is clear that this is possible. In ordinary times, such a plan is not a clever plan, but at this time, we are all more anxious to get the brocade box. At this time, such a plan shows some subtlety."

Captain Du's words were obviously self-comfort. Besides, at this time, Su Wuyan did not dare to hide in the place he had just now. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, so that Su Wuyan had to leave here and find another place to hide elsewhere, but Su Wuyan had planned to leave. After all, Su Wuyan only saw here. Although Su Wuyan can't stand the one-sided massacre, there are still some self-knowledgeable ones. Among them, Su Wuyan not only saw a second-order person,

Even the second-order silent has also seen several people. With the power of silent today, it is absolutely looking for death. If you want to save people, you have to build on the supremacy of your own strength. At least the silent is not on the TV series you saw in your previous life. Those so-called protagonists are all stupid and don't look at each other every time. Is there much difference between his strength and his own strength? He rushed to blindly intend to eliminate harm for the people.

Every time I hit my head and broke my blood, but I was the protagonist. Every time I was blessed by misfortune, my strength has greatly advanced. Now I have no words to think that I am the protagonist, the protagonist! The protagonist, that is, the whole world is centered on you. The protagonist simply opens the invincible mode and can't die if he wants to die.

All kinds of adventures continue. Although Su Wuyan is also traveling through time now, Su Wuyan doesn't think he is the protagonist. Su Wuyan doesn't want to die too fast, so now he can't help these people who are speechless.

Su Wuyan retreated quietly at this time. Just when Su Wuyan planned to leave, Su Wuyan suddenly found that the head of the guard who gave himself food during the day today had been dead for a long time. Su Wuyan looked carefully and found that it was the person who gave himself food today. < /P>

I saw traces of fighting here. During the day, I can feel that this person's strength is at least in the middle of the second order. Now looking at the scene of the fight, there are not many traces of fighting at all, which proves that this person has not been killed for a long time at all.

From this, it can be seen that the strength of the caravan came to rob and kill the caravan, but Su Wuyan buried the body of the guard leader. After all, the guard leader was kind to Su Wuyan. At that time, Su Wuyan had no food at all. It was the food given by the guard leader Su Wuyan.

For Su Wu's words now, it is very easy to dig a pit on the ground. Su Wuyan's fierce blow to the ground with a hot sun knife has already bombarded a pit, and buried the body of the guard leader in it.

Then after stepping on the ground, Su Wuyan left. After all, the movement caused by Su Wuyan was not small, which had already shocked many people. Hearing the sound of Su Wuyan blasting the pit, many cavalry came towards here, but at this time, Su Wuyan had left, and these people came in vain.

At this time, the major forces within a radius of thousands of miles have different expressions when they see the fire. Among them, the one who is most concerned about the fire is the stewed Chinese tribe. After all, this grassland is a place where the stewed Chinese tribe grazes.

All grasslands outside the fortress are under the control of various tribes. Now that this grassland is on fire, the biggest loss of the stewed Chinese tribe is the survival moment of the tribe. This fire burned, at least the stewed Chinese tribe has no place to graze. In this way, there is no place to graze the cattle and sheep in the stewed Hua tribe.

At this time, there will only be a war, otherwise the stewed Chinese tribe will only slowly exterminate the clan. If there is nothing for cattle and sheep to eat, the cattle and sheep will slowly starve to death, and finally the stewed Chinese tribe will disappear in the long river of history.