wu dao xian ying

Chapter 29 Get involved in right and wrong

So this fire forced the stewed Hua tribe into a desperate situation. Now what is most concerned about this fire is the stewed Hua tribe. The people who set fire like this outside the fortress are the public enemy of the whole fortress, so generally, no matter how much hatred there is between the two tribes, they will not do such a thing as arson. ,

For the people outside Serbia, what they are most afraid of is two things. One is fire and the other is locust plague. Because only these two things can seriously damage the people outside Serbia, so they set fire strictly outside the Serbia. If they are known, they will be hunted down by all the foreign forces.

At that time, when the captain of the cavalry saw someone set fire, his face changed greatly, because the captain of the cavalry knew that if this matter was known, even his master could not protect himself, and he might be the first person to hand himself over.

That's why the captain of the cavalry team will be desperate. If you want to get the brocade box, only in this way can you make up for your achievements. Seeing this fire, some are sad and happy. The happiest thing is undoubtedly the enemy of the stewed Hua tribe, the Fenhua tribe. The hatred between the two tribes has spread for three years. In a hundred years, neither of them can do anything for such a long time, forming a situation of two-strong opposition.

At that time, the two major tribes of Stew Hua and Fenhua were originally one family, which were founded by two brothers. When the old patriarch died, because there was no designated heir, the two elder patriarchs recommended themselves to each other and no one was convinced.

In the end, the two broke up. Regardless of the feelings between their brothers, they divided a large Dahua tribe into two parts, forming the current stew Hua and Fenhua. The two tribes inherited a Chinese character of the Dahua tribe,

At that time, the Dahua tribe was the hegemon of this grassland and was an insubvertible object. However, since the division of the Dahua tribe, it could no longer control the remote areas of this grassland and some small tribes,

Half of the whole grassland is out of control, but even so, in this grassland, the stew Hua and Fenhua tribes are the most powerful in the past 300 years. The two tribes have waged more than a hundred wars with each other,

Each generation of tribal chiefs dream of restoring the place ruled by the Dahua tribe, so after the death of the two sons of the old patriarch, the relationship between the two tribes not only did not ease, but the hatred between them became more radical.

The war was also more tragic. It even attracted the intervention of the Holy Mountain several times, which made the two major tribes stop fighting. This time, the grassland was burned, and 80% of the cattle and sheep of the stewed Hua tribe grazed on this grassland. Now it has been burned all of a sudden. The stewed Hua tribe can't hold on this year. It's winter,

This incident made the patriarch of the Fenhua tribe particularly happy. At that time, after determining that the burning place was the largest grazing grassland of the stewed Hua tribe, the patriarch of the Fenhua tribe directly invited some important people of the Fenhua tribe to celebrate.

At the same time, the patriarch of the Fenhua tribe ordered to strengthen its vigilance and prepare for battle, because the patriarch of the Fenhua tribe knows that the way out for the stewing Hua tribe now is to launch a war to relieve the pressure of the tribe.

Only by launching a war to grab a batch of food that can survive the winter can the stewed Hua tribe get rid of this crisis. As long as it survives this winter, the stewed Hua tribe can be regarded as really irresistible.

So the patriarch of the Fenhua tribe celebrated, but did not forget to let the whole Fenhua tribe strengthen its vigilance and prepare for war. Because of the hatred between the Fenhua tribe and the stewed Hua tribe, if the stewed Hua tribe launches a war, the first choice must be the Fenhua tribe, which is no longer the second choice.

At this time, the stewed Chinese tribe and the head of the Fenhua tribe imagined. At this time, they were preparing for war. Seeing the first reaction of the fire, the patriarch of the stewed Chinese tribe called all the important people over and discussed for an entire hour. Finally, they had no choice but to find that only war can solve the current stewed Chinese tribe. The dilemma,

However, the movement of the stewed Hua tribe and the Fenhua tribe is not known by words, or it can't be managed here. After all, Su Wuyan is just a person, not a god, and everything can be managed.

After burying the guard leader who is kind to him today, Su Wuyan left. After all, it is just the guard leader who has no words and kindness. For other people, he has no relationship with Su Wuyan at all. Su Wuyan doesn't want to get involved in this right and wrong.

However, there are some things that can't be controlled by plain speechless. Su Wuyan is afraid of trouble and tries to avoid trouble as much as possible, but this is not the case. Although Su Wuyan tries to avoid it, Su Wuyan has been in trouble since she came out of the wilderness.

No matter where he goes, he will be in trouble. This time, it's the same. It's just that he doesn't know. He hasn't been walking for a long time. He saw an old man sneaking in front of him from afar.

If the old man is normal, he will not be interested, but the old man's movements make people know that he is not a good person at a glance. This suddenly brings up his silent curiosity. Su Wuyan did not rush up, but found a place to hide and slowly observe the old man.

Although the old man is sneaky, the old man's speed of escape is not slow. If it hadn't been for the silent eyes paying attention to the old man, he would have been run away by the old man at this time. The more the old man is, the more he raised his silent curiosity.

However, after a period of observation, I found that the old man did not have the slightest internal strength at all and was not a martial artist at all. This discovery made Su Wusper's curiosity about the old man half.

Just when he was speechless about to leave, the old man suddenly stopped moving. The old man's strange performance also made the old man who was about to leave stop. There must be a reason for the old man's action. Sure enough, after a while, a rough man with a beard appeared in front of the old man. After the man appeared, the old man When talking to this person, he was supposed to be able to hear what the two people said at such a short distance with his silent strength.

But now things are very strange. Su Wuyan can't hear any of the two people's words at all. This discovery did make Su Wuyan feel inexplicable, but in order to determine whether it is a matter of distance, Su Wuyan carefully walked forward for a long time, but he was speechless. I found that I still couldn't hear it,

There is only one explanation, that is, what the two said has been isolated, so Su Wuyan can't hear a word. Looking at the mysterious chatter between the two, it makes Su Wuyan even more itchy. You know, in his previous life, Su Wuyan liked to inquire about these star gossip. For pleasure, the problem of being speechless has not been corrected,

Now that there is such a thing, I have been speechless but will not let go of this time to inquire about privacy, but I have no idea that it is because of my curiosity that I have been involved in a right and wrong.

I was involved in the cracks of the struggle of major forces outside the fortress, but I didn't know anything about all this. When I thought of this incident afterwards, I also regretted it. Because of a moment of curiosity, I got myself involved in something wrong outside the fortress.

However, if Su Wuyan had not been involved in this incident at that time, the training between life and death would have made Su Wushang's strength progress rapidly, otherwise, there would have been no Su Wushang who later climbed to the peak of martial arts.

Although he had some regrets after the event, he knew the crisis and persisted, and the harvest was far greater than the loss.

At this time, the old man and the rough man separated and walked in different directions. At this time, Su Wuyan did not know who was better to follow. When he saw that the two were about to disappear into his vision, Su Wuyan suddenly continued to follow the old man cruelly, because Su Wuyan found that I can't see through the strength of the rough man, but the old man is an ordinary person, and he can still follow the old man more.