Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 10 Brave Pen Holder 1

After guarding all night, the soldiers changed their defense. When they went down to the tower and were ready to go back to rest, they heard the rapid sound of the city - the thief soldiers began to attack the city.

I hurriedly ordered everyone to be called back. Although I didn't sleep all night like them. But after all, this is the first time for the thief to attack the city. In order to ensure that there is no safety, everyone must participate in the war. Even if you don't have to participate in the war, you must watch the battle. I require every soldier defending the city to know the attack methods of the thief soldiers and adapt to their attack.

In the shouts of the thief soldiers in the distance, I returned to the wall. I saw that the first thief soldiers had jumped into the moat and were crossing the river.

Zhangcheng is not high, and it can climb to the top of the city with simple ropes or ladders, so this group of thieves are not even prepared to attack the city.

The thieves who crossed the moat were divided into four teams and rushed to the four weak points of the city wall. It seems that the thief did study the defense of our army yesterday, otherwise I would not understand that these four places are what I am most worried about. However, it is also around here that I have deployed the most guards and defensive equipment.

The thieves rushed to the city wall, rolled up their sleeves calmly, and began to climb up the city.

I don't know how Zhangcheng was guarded before, but when I saw how the thief soldiers didn't pay attention to our guards, it was not difficult to imagine that Zhangcheng seemed not a barrier for officers and soldiers in the eyes of the thief soldiers, but their own barrier. They climbed the wall as if they were climbing the courtyard wall of their own house. Not to mention, they also had an unquestionable attitude. Looking at these is really annoying.

I took a peek at Master Wei, the former general. He clenched his fists and resisted the wall, staring at the thief soldiers climbing the wall like fire.

I thought this strong man who had established meritorious deeds was used to being ignored by the thieves. How could I guess wrong?

Because there was no order to attack, the guards in the city just leaned over and looked down at the city without any movement. The thieves thought that the weapons were in the way, and saw that the guards were very slow, so they simply boldly inserted the weapons into their waists and concentrated on climbing the city to avoid accidentally falling down. However, no matter how careful you are, the thieves who climbed in the front just pulled out their weapons and prepared to probe from the city, and fell to the city with a scream.

The thief soldiers who were climbing halfway seemed to wake up at this time: it turned out that the defenders in the city were not empty. They can also kill people!

The thief soldiers no longer focused on climbing the city, but stopped on the wall, pulled out the weapons at their waists one after another, and kept paying attention to the attacks from the city step by step. But after all, the city is condescending and occupies a high advantage. No matter how the thief soldiers fight, they can't change the fate of falling down the city with a scream.

This obviously futile offensive lasted for half an hour until the other party received his troops, and no one could set foot on the square bricks on the city.

I was much relieved to see the thief soldiers who had not yet reached the city wandered to the other side and fled back to the camp. Fortunately, the thief's first attack was only a tentative attack, and the good was that this attack was not fierce. Although it is not a big victory, it is also the first victory, which is very helpful to boost the morale of the defenders.

I looked at the soldiers who were exhausted but showed a relaxed and happy expression on their faces, pointed to the city and said loudly, "Generals and soldiers, take a good look at the escaped thief soldiers, take a look at the bodies under the city, and take a look at your achievements. Do you still think the enemy is terrible?

"It's not scary!" The soldiers answered excitedly.

"Good! Take a good look at the thieves outside the city and take a look at the unlawless attack. Do you have the confidence to defeat them and kill them all? I asked again.

"Yes!" The soldiers answered louder.

More than 100 enemies were annihilated in this battle, and no one was injured.

Back to the tower, I drank a bowl of water and sat in a chair to rest. Thinking about the appearance of those thief soldiers who went to the city without hesitation just now, it can be imagined that Zhangcheng must have been frequently broken by Sun En. The former garrison may indeed be useless in the face of thieves. Those thieves lazily crossed the river, rolled their sleeves and climbed the city, which was not like a war at all, but more like an outing. I was only annoyed at first, but now I think it's a silent insult.

I thought that the guards would be vulnerable and would fall into a hand-to-hand battle with the thieves because several defensive points were broken. Therefore, the moon knife stood behind the gate of the tower so that it could be used at any time. I didn't expect that the soldiers were much braver than I thought. Of course, they must be much braver than the thief soldiers imagined.

The first attack to repel the enemy was expected when I saw their offensive, but no casualties in our army were unexpected. Although these seemingly timid guards are small, they can indeed be used. This is very comforting to me.

Through this small offensive and defensive battle, I have added confidence in my defense strategy.

Although there are thousands of thieves under the city, the city wall can only accommodate hundreds of people to attack, and only dozens of people climb to the top of the city at a time. Therefore, every time the thief attack the city, the force used is 1% of the total strength, while our army used to defend the city is one-half. How can it be invincible to deal with dozens of people with 150 people and kill one person with several people?

In fact, in the "battle" outside Wujun City, I was not fighting with thousands of people at the same time, but only with several or dozens of people at the same time. As long as I can resist more than a dozen people around me and find opportunities to recover my strength, I can be invincible.

The reason why thousands of enemies failed to win against me was entirely due to the lack of tactics. The simplest and most effective tactic is "wheel battle". The party with a large number of people does not need to be serious at all, as long as ten people are transferred at a time, and another ten people will be transferred after several rounds to replace the previous ten people. In this way, as long as the person's physical strength is exhausted, no matter how heroic he is, he will eventually be captured because of his exhaustion.

Fortunately, I met a mob. They didn't consume my physical strength, but I took their morale.

The "potential" is man-made!

At present, I am also very clear that this time I won easily only because the thief soldiers did not do their best to attack the city. The reason may be that this sentence is too small. The city is small, but it will not care, so the thief soldiers have only sent 3,000 people in total, and they don't even carry the commonly used siege equipment. What thieves can use to attack the city is to climb the city with bare hands, at best, ropes, ladders, etc. If it is not good, they can build soil.

At the thought of the foundation of soil, my heart was suddenly shocked, and then waves of hidden worries came, turning into an insoluble cloud of sorrow, which tied my whole body and made me unable to move.