Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 10 Fighting Pen Holder 2

I thought about it for a long time, but there was still no way to crack it.

To build soil is to pile up a slope with soil and stone near the city wall. When the top of the slope is level with the wall, the attackers can attack the wall along the slope. This is a stupid and ineffective method, but this sentence is so small that it doesn't take much time and energy to complete it.

If the thief wants to attack the city in this way, then with hundreds of us guarding the city, they will inevitably fall into a disadvantage. It's like sitting and waiting for death.

I couldn't think about this for a moment, so I had to focus on studying the defense of the city just now.

The soldiers defending the city were divided into two teams by me, one in the front and one in the back. The front team defended the city and the back team rested. The team defending the city was divided into two columns. The front row used knives, swords and other close combat weapons, and the back row used guns, halberd and other long weapons. Every four people occupy a guard point. As long as the thief probes his head, the four people will take action at the same time. It is enough to kill one person with four people.

Every cup of tea, the official issues a number to let the front and back teams exchange. The back team changed to the front team to defend the city and kill the enemy, and the front team changed to the back team to rest. Although they didn't have much time to practice these days, it was really unexpected for the soldiers to cooperate so tacitly for the first time.

The unscathedness of our army in this battle is the result of the good performance of the defenders. How can the morale of the soldiers not be high to achieve such a result?

After the excitement of the battle subsided, many people showed fatigue. Of course, not everyone is tired, because the other part of the person is drunk. And the reason why I am drunk is naturally because I have drunk.

All the wine collected yesterday was carried to the city early in the morning. Before the enemy began to attack the city, the general who replaced me had followed my instructions and let everyone who guarded the city drink a large bowl of wine, regardless of the amount of alcohol. Soldiers, there is no one who can't drink. Drinking such a large bowl of wine will never bring drunkenness, but it can increase the courage to kill the enemy.

Wine, called immortal by the ancients, is the first wonder in the world. Throughout the ages, this wonderful thing has played an extraordinary role in political, military and secular life. Wine can often arouse people's courage, an extraordinary temperament, and even reach the point of lawlessness. Now Juzhang is facing the situation where soldiers want to suppress the city, and what is missing is this uncontrollable courage. This is very time and affectionate. Since there is wine, why not use it?

When I returned to the tower to rest, two people were brought in by their own soldiers. I laughed as soon as I saw them.

It turned out that these two people were not used to military uniforms and were covered by large military uniforms, and the two looked thin. As soon as the two entered the tower, they pushed each other forward, but they wanted to lean back, with incomparable expressions and posture. When they saw me sitting in the tower, they knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Little people know that they are guilty."

These two people were the one who sold alcohol and got drunk last night. They were taken to the house. After listening to the judge's judgment, they were scared and agreed to atone for their crimes. So today, the two of them were arranged to patrol the city.

"Have you two done the tour of the city?"

The drunken man said hurriedly yesterday, "General, although this is the first time we have done it, we are also very attentive. I dare not neglect at all.

"Oh? Is that so?"

The soldiers replied, "The two of them are still doing their best."

"That's good."

Although they made contributions to atone for their sins, I will never let them participate in the war. They are not soldiers, and their engagement with soldiers may affect morale; and if they are worried about their lives due to carelessness, they can't be told to their families and their parents in the city.

The two of them not only came up with the idea of strengthening my courage with wine, but also made me think that this kind of detail like city patrol is not something that people can't participate in. In the future, I will find more such people from the city to "atone for their sins". One can replace some soldiers so that they can have more rest in non-wartime, and they can also stand at the head of the city in military uniforms and gain military power in front of the enemy.

I said to the wine shir, "Your wine has gone into the army. But the wine money still needs to be paid.

The man said hurriedly, "I dare not. These wines are regarded as Xiaomin's filial respect to the generals and soldiers.

I smiled and said, "If you really want to be filial, you should have taken it out long ago. Why wait until this time?"

The man didn't know how to answer, only stunned on the ground.

I ordered my soldiers to pay for the wine and send them out. These two people have to serve ten days of military service.

Before we arrived at noon, our army ran out of lunch early. Because I expected a new attack from the enemy, I took people to inspect the deployment of the city again.

Although it was noon, the sky was very gloomy. These days, the lead-colored sky has been suppressing the earth, and the earth is silently bearing it. If it hadn't been for the occasional wind coming from the north, people would have thought that there was no vitality here at all. Although some trees are swaying green branches towards the south of winter, the green is also depressing, which makes people feel that it is better to simply give a bare branch.

Back in the tower, I leaned on the chair to take a nap. Before his eyes were closed, the sound of the bang outside sounded again. It seems that the thief doesn't want me to close my eyes at all.

The enemy came out of the camp in twos and gathered in the open space in front of the camp.

When the soldiers in the city heard the order, they had already held their weapons and stood guarding, waiting for the enemy's attack.

After touching a cup of tea, the thieves formed a group and began to move to the city wall. The number of people is twice as many as in the morning. However, I still didn't see any siege equipment. I smiled and said to the soldiers standing beside me, "Isn't it coming to die again?"

Because of the morning experience, it is becoming more and more easy to deal with the siege in the afternoon. Half an hour later, the enemy threw a pile of corpses under the city again and fled back.

The two attacks during the day ended in a hurry. However, I am not relieved, but faintly worried. The so-called fraud is also true. These two attacks of the thief may be the lack of attack power as we think, or maybe it is just a tentative tense before the big attack. Just like we are attacking Huiji City, a formal attack is likely to occur when the defenders are negligent, such as at night.

The siege of the city is the active side, where the city can't move away, and the target of the attack is very clear; the city is defended by the passive side, just waiting for an attack that will happen in an unknown time, and usually the most violent attack is often unexpected. Compared with the day, the concealment of night warfare will undoubtedly be much stronger.

Therefore, although the soldiers took turns to rest in two shifts, the main officers and I were on the city and did not dare to go down.

I didn't think there was anything this night. We froze all night in the city.